Halo 4: Next TU will be discussed at PAX. (New Forge Island coming - FREE)
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 20:33
Halo 4: Next TU will be discussed at PAX. (New Forge Island coming - FREE)
You'll all be knee deep in TU info by the end of this weekend. Perhaps a couple of you will even offer their own impressions...
Depends. Are they going to poll the same focus group that got us these awesome, huge maps?
I'm hearing hints of something big in Forge being mentioned on Friday. The rest is a mystery to me. Narrowing of the skill gap maybe? No hints about film rendering though.
Well, then we might as well just trade the game in if the already small skill gap is even that much more compressed.
Did you perhaps mean "expanding" the skill gap? I think H4's skill gap is sufficiently narrow (yes, there's a mom joke here) - loadouts, armor abilities and personal ordinance have seen to that in H4.
Granted, to have a well-rounded skill gap, you need people to play the game - lots and lots of people.
A little more fleshing out of details/speculation:
Where's my speed flag...
Some tweet tidbits from nsuduncan.
Looks like I might get to rebuild Stonehenge in a better spot.
FREE! I'm yanking already!
Hey Dixon. I do believe 343i and CA are the greatest bunch of people and developers ever. EVAR! ;)
Whoa, watch those wrists. Don't go breaking them, thanking them for stuff that should have been included months aro.
You should probably wraap it, and then apply liberal amounts of Halo 3 to it to help with any swelling.
I think they can shove their BTB and actually make smaller maps. Basically we are going to be forged to death in the end of ANOTHER halo game. More grey is not success.
Halo Council recap of Halo 4 PAX Panel.
Below is the copied info from their breakdown:
Competitive Skill Ranking
Forge & Forge Island
Title Update
rest of the weapon sandbox goes untouched – these changes can be applied universally or singularly
Matchmaking Updates & Changes
I'm glad multiteam is coming back. I think Halo3 had 2 players and 6 teams. The new forge will be exciting and to be free is great. I hope this mean they have a workable forge map that will work in MM with little screen lag. Its nice to see 343 sticking with the game.
Why do you guys even bother with Halo anymore or these forums. It is what it is. I would love to see people talking about map strategies or how to use weapons, but ever time someone posts something the trolls come out and just shit on them. Halo4 isn't perfect, but none of the Halos were.
I don't have a problem with people complain or pointing out flaws I like to debate on how to make the game better, but make your point and be done. I get upset at things too and would like to see some changes that we will not see, but this community needs more postive posts because not everyone hates this game some of us really like it. I know a fair amount of people on this site who stay away from public forums because of the complaining and I'm sure it has scared away new members as well.