Halo 4 - Walmart Gamecenter interviews Frankie
Wed, 05/16/2012 - 13:22
Halo 4 - Walmart Gamecenter interviews Frankie
Very sharp graphics in the video.
Don't get all bent out of shape over things like text on screen or sound. Looks liked re-used older footage.
YAY! A couple more seconds of H4 for us to pick apart frame-by-frame...lol
Yeah, the BR sounds lame, but I'm sure that is just a place holder.
Overall, the graphics look sick.
Movement speed looks much better than Reach's turtle-mode. Aim assist appears to be more like it was in H1 multiplayer, almost non-existent.
Honestly I like the BR sound even if it's just place holder. Shouldn't there be SOME sound supression tech 500 years in the future?
Cortana won't mind.