Halo 4 'War Games' DLC season pass to cost $25
Wed, 08/15/2012 - 16:36
Halo 4 'War Games' DLC season pass to cost $25
Found on HBO who found it on neoGAF.
I don't know whose dollars this is.
I'm confused it this just normal DLC (MP map packs) or the weekly content stuff they've mentioned Spartan Ops?
The DLC map pack is the same as that which comes with the LE version. LE has a few other trinkets like an extended Forward Unto Dawn movie online experience and a choice from all eight Specializations.
This is all about War Games or regular multiplayer.
Basically they are valuing the expected 9 MP maps at $30. I expect them to come in 3 waves, 3 maps each time 1200ms points or $10, similar to Halo 2 and Halo 3. By purchasing the War Games (multiplayer) Map Pass you are saving 15% or $4.50, were you to buy all 3 map packs as they come out. It's basically what Gears 3 did. Or you can go with the LE, (cod elit3 like) and roll the cost of the 3 map packs into the $100 there.
Thanks for the clarification! I haven't been following H4 very closely and am still sorting out 343's new terminology. I have the LE edition already pre-ordered so I'm GTG.
So the MP map packs are priced. Have they put a price on the episodic content for Spartan Ops yet? IIRC a season was supposed to be 8-12 weeks (some podcast Deep posted possibly back on V2) so about 4 seasons a year....I'm thinking $12-$20 per season(first season is free)? Maybe not as high as $20, but I don't see M$ letting Halo content out without a premium pricetag. What do ya'll think?
My total guess is that Season 2 is all but fleshed out and is partially made but waiting on stats before resources are committed for completion. 343i has even said they do not know if Season 2 will be part of Halo 4 or Halo 5.
Pretty smart idea. This way people will probably be more likely to buy this stuff while their initial interest is still high in the game. If they slowly move on to other games or decide that H4 isnt for them then 343 would have already gotten that $$$.
So if I buy the LE I don't have to buy anything else ever again? I've always bought all hte map packs, so I may as well pay for them up front and get the bonus content too. Right?
That is how I am reading it. Might make sense to get the LE
Deep, I was not aware of that. Thanks for the great info as always ye all knowing Halo savant..gif)
Bunsen, FYI.
343 has confirmed that Season One is 10 weeks with 5 new episodes per week, so that is a total of 50 missions.