Halo 4 - What is on that second LE disk? Semi confirmed response.

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#1 Fri, 09/28/2012 - 07:43
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Halo 4 - What is on that second LE disk? Semi confirmed response.

Have you come to terms with the fact you need 8GB free for Halo 4 Multiplayer? It's not news but maybe you were not thinking about it. You have to come up with the space by deleting content from your hard drive or getting a 8GB to 16GB USB memory stick.

The space issue has been driving speculation about what exactly is on the second disk coming with Halo 4 LE.

It's not really confirmed but the writing on the wall just hasn't been signed.


Frankie 9.28.12

You will not be surprised. There is no particular mystery here. Game is going through certification so your guess is not unreasonable, it just isn't "official" yet.


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