I'm super excited about Regicide, I really missed VIP from Halo 3. One of my favorite Halo 3 moments was on Sand Trap I was VIP and I was in the long trench between the big stone slabs. I had the RL and the Spartan Laser. The other team drove the warthog through the trench at me and the other team pour it at me behind them. It's good to be the king, because I just mowed them down. It was pretty awesome. I'm super psyched because I love objective games and it's so much better now that I have so many awesome people to play with. Thank you 2old2play!
Lots of good questioned answered in the Bulletin. Some people will be happy and others will be upset by the answers.
Clans (Community Constructs), a work in progress.
Campaign Theatre, potential upgrade.
Spartan Ops Season 2, a possibility depending on many obvious factors.
Pre-order retailer bonus Armour and Weapon skins do indeed open access to the associated Armour and Weapon. Regarding the weapons, it's all the easy to earn list.
No UNSC flying vehicles in Multiplayer. Meh, sort of.
Skill ranking, a work in progress. I'm pretty sure they are still not planning for it to be in game.
That's cool that Slayer Pro will have its own playlist. I can see myself playing quite a bit of that especially at the beginning when I don't have much unlocked.
I can understand having an Oddball-only playlist for people who want to try out the new ball-throwing ability. However, I'm surprised they would have a separate playlist for King of the Hill when the new Dominion gametype is also available. Is anyone really gonna want to play KotH game after game? Oh boy, you can sit in the hill and get blown up by a hailstorm of grenades over and over. No thanks.
I'm also really surprised that Sprint cannot be disabled for all those people who want to play 'classic' Halo.
I skipped through most of the "BS" she posted in the first part of the bulletin. The Q&A section was helpful.
I found it curious when asked about the criteria for matchmaking, the answer involved "simplification of hoppers" to help with "population density". However I count 9 different playlists for people to try on day one - seems like a lot to me.
I'm curious about the clan feature. I never played Halo 2 (aside from a few games before the servers were turned off) online, so I'm curious what this was all about. Was it bascially a playlist for full teams to battle other full teams?
They still keep tip-toeing around the "skill-based" ranks. While this finally the closest to "no" we've seen posted, I'm not sure what to make of their ideas to give us access to this info. What, do they think show us some rank on Waypoint will make people happy?
Anyway, Halo 4 is finally just days (instead of months and weeks) away - can't wait!
I skipped through most of the "BS" she posted in the first part of the bulletin. The Q&A section was helpful.
I found it curious when asked about the criteria for matchmaking, the answer involved "simplification of hoppers" to help with "population density". However I count 9 different playlists for people to try on day one - seems like a lot to me.
I'm curious about the clan feature. I never played Halo 2 (aside from a few games before the servers were turned off) online, so I'm curious what this was all about. Was it bascially a playlist for full teams to battle other full teams?
They still keep tip-toeing around the "skill-based" ranks. While this finally the closest to "no" we've seen posted, I'm not sure what to make of their ideas to give us access to this info. What, do they think show us some rank on Waypoint will make people happy?
Anyway, Halo 4 is finally just days (instead of months and weeks) away - can't wait!
REACH had ~25 playlists. It was maxed out programmatically. That and the Anniversary DLC disaster splintered the population horribly. 343i claims that is why so many matches had wide ranging skill levels. 9 playlists is very good in retrospect. More people to choose from in each hopper to get better skill and connection matches.
Community Constructs (I'd bet money they will never be called Clans again) had their own playlists in Halo 2. We used it so rarely I can't remember any details. According to Bungie, the Clan playlist was under utilized. I'd bet money Clan-like playlists will never happen again. Community Constructs could prove useful for people who want to be tied to a certain identity. I don't think there will be any action on that outside of a website before Halo 5.
My opinion, 343i knows what to do about visible skill. Just keep putting it off ad infinitum. They've been quite masterful about it so far. They might make some kind web based skill level available or maybe they will just condone the results of some other external website similar to Halocharts, for example.
I'm curious about the clan feature. I never played Halo 2 (aside from a few games before the servers were turned off) online, so I'm curious what this was all about. Was it bascially a playlist for full teams to battle other full teams?
Community Constructs (I'd bet money they will never be called Clans again) had their own playlists in Halo 2. We used it so rarely I can't remember any details. According to Bungie, the Clan playlist was under utilized. I'd bet money Clan-like playlists will never happen again. Community Constructs could prove useful for people who want to be tied to a certain identity. I don't think there will be any action on that outside of a website before Halo 5.
The Clan feature in Halo 2 was beautiful because of two main reasons I can think of. First, it allowed for a second list of 100 friends to play (Halo 2) games with. So, you could keep your base friends list unchanged for the most part and fill up the 'clan list' with players you only played halo with. Secondly, it was all available in the game's UI. No searching the incredibly slow system we have in place now for sending out invites. You could push (Y), scroll down and push (X) to invite. So incredibly easy. Now you have to go into the 'player card' basically...it just isn't as elegant a system for getting people into games/parties.
I'm curious about the clan feature. I never played Halo 2 (aside from a few games before the servers were turned off) online, so I'm curious what this was all about. Was it bascially a playlist for full teams to battle other full teams?
Community Constructs (I'd bet money they will never be called Clans again) had their own playlists in Halo 2. We used it so rarely I can't remember any details. According to Bungie, the Clan playlist was under utilized. I'd bet money Clan-like playlists will never happen again. Community Constructs could prove useful for people who want to be tied to a certain identity. I don't think there will be any action on that outside of a website before Halo 5.
The Clan feature in Halo 2 was beautiful because of two main reasons I can think of. First, it allowed for a second list of 100 friends to play (Halo 2) games with. So, you could keep your base friends list unchanged for the most part and fill up the 'clan list' with players you only played halo with. Secondly, it was all available in the game's UI. No searching the incredibly slow system we have in place now for sending out invites. You could push (Y), scroll down and push (X) to invite. So incredibly easy. Now you have to go into the 'player card' basically...it just isn't as elegant a system for getting people into games/parties.
In the live stream they showed that was back. At the bottom of the screen it showed just the list of people playing Halo and you could scroll down and invite them quickly.
I don't think a visible skill icon is necessary at all. As long as it actually works behind the scenes and you get matched up with people around your skill level then it should be fine. All a number does is encourage people to boost so they can display the highest number even though their skills don't reflect it, or cause people to not play with certain friends because it might hurt their number.
I'm super excited about Regicide, I really missed VIP from Halo 3. One of my favorite Halo 3 moments was on Sand Trap I was VIP and I was in the long trench between the big stone slabs. I had the RL and the Spartan Laser. The other team drove the warthog through the trench at me and the other team pour it at me behind them. It's good to be the king, because I just mowed them down. It was pretty awesome. I'm super psyched because I love objective games and it's so much better now that I have so many awesome people to play with. Thank you 2old2play!
Oh yeah and Singlewing is a whore...you to B!
Lots of good questioned answered in the Bulletin. Some people will be happy and others will be upset by the answers.
Clans (Community Constructs), a work in progress.
Campaign Theatre, potential upgrade.
Spartan Ops Season 2, a possibility depending on many obvious factors.
Pre-order retailer bonus Armour and Weapon skins do indeed open access to the associated Armour and Weapon. Regarding the weapons, it's all the easy to earn list.
No UNSC flying vehicles in Multiplayer. Meh, sort of.
Skill ranking, a work in progress. I'm pretty sure they are still not planning for it to be in game.
That's cool that Slayer Pro will have its own playlist. I can see myself playing quite a bit of that especially at the beginning when I don't have much unlocked.
I can understand having an Oddball-only playlist for people who want to try out the new ball-throwing ability. However, I'm surprised they would have a separate playlist for King of the Hill when the new Dominion gametype is also available. Is anyone really gonna want to play KotH game after game? Oh boy, you can sit in the hill and get blown up by a hailstorm of grenades over and over. No thanks.
I'm also really surprised that Sprint cannot be disabled for all those people who want to play 'classic' Halo.
I skipped through most of the "BS" she posted in the first part of the bulletin. The Q&A section was helpful.
I found it curious when asked about the criteria for matchmaking, the answer involved "simplification of hoppers" to help with "population density". However I count 9 different playlists for people to try on day one - seems like a lot to me.
I'm curious about the clan feature. I never played Halo 2 (aside from a few games before the servers were turned off) online, so I'm curious what this was all about. Was it bascially a playlist for full teams to battle other full teams?
They still keep tip-toeing around the "skill-based" ranks. While this finally the closest to "no" we've seen posted, I'm not sure what to make of their ideas to give us access to this info. What, do they think show us some rank on Waypoint will make people happy?
Anyway, Halo 4 is finally just days (instead of months and weeks) away - can't wait!
Community Constructs (I'd bet money they will never be called Clans again) had their own playlists in Halo 2. We used it so rarely I can't remember any details. According to Bungie, the Clan playlist was under utilized. I'd bet money Clan-like playlists will never happen again. Community Constructs could prove useful for people who want to be tied to a certain identity. I don't think there will be any action on that outside of a website before Halo 5.
My opinion, 343i knows what to do about visible skill. Just keep putting it off ad infinitum. They've been quite masterful about it so far. They might make some kind web based skill level available or maybe they will just condone the results of some other external website similar to Halocharts, for example.
The Clan feature in Halo 2 was beautiful because of two main reasons I can think of. First, it allowed for a second list of 100 friends to play (Halo 2) games with. So, you could keep your base friends list unchanged for the most part and fill up the 'clan list' with players you only played halo with. Secondly, it was all available in the game's UI. No searching the incredibly slow system we have in place now for sending out invites. You could push (Y), scroll down and push (X) to invite. So incredibly easy. Now you have to go into the 'player card' basically...it just isn't as elegant a system for getting people into games/parties.
In the live stream they showed that was back. At the bottom of the screen it showed just the list of people playing Halo and you could scroll down and invite them quickly.
I don't think a visible skill icon is necessary at all. As long as it actually works behind the scenes and you get matched up with people around your skill level then it should be fine. All a number does is encourage people to boost so they can display the highest number even though their skills don't reflect it, or cause people to not play with certain friends because it might hurt their number.
There is a hidden image in there. I pulled the above from it. So sick of the "drink your ovaltine" games. Ugh.