The Halo Bulletin: 11.29.12
The Halo Bulletin: 11.29.12
The new DLC maps are pretty cool.
MM Playlist upates.
On Monday, Team Snipers was removed from Matchmaking and FFA Throwback was added, as were 5 brand new Spartan Ops missions. Also included in that update were the following:
• Fixed scripting issues in Regicide
• Fixed exploit locations on Solace
• Fixed KotH on Complex
• Fixed Mantis spawn timer on Meltdown
• Made late joining improvements to Join in Progress in all game types
• Reduced the window for Join in Progress in Slayer game types
• Made improvements to Join in Progress for uneven starts
Please note that the map fixes only affect playlists and not on-disc custom game map variants. Also know we’re continuing to keep an eye on our forums for exploits and glitches, so please keep reporting them, and we’ll keep fixing them.
or hugely disappointing, depending on your point of view
+1. It smells like Complex.
For now, unfortunately I'm leaning towards this but...
...this at least give me some hope.
I still really really like this game but I think new smaller maps is a must for it to stay fun and enjoyable.
It's hard to determine based on a short 10 second clip.
I was hoping she would say something about the upcoming specialization release.
Wait, there were three different maps in that video?
Huge, more of the same and much more of the same.
A small glint of hope?
That's code for either "shut your whore mouths, you're getting your MLG playlist soon" and/or "yeah, we'll toss a bunch of Forge maps into the hopper for you to play on so we can focus on professionally making much larger maps, with more vehicles".
let's hope it's AND, because if it's or, MLG is out.
was there anything about fixing the hundreds of people they have in the "limbo" playlists that can't play with their friends?
any word on "Matchmaking Aborted" 5 times before it takes?
Does one of the balancing "improvement" include taking a player from the team with 4 and putting him/her on the other team? This happened to us twice last night. FUCKING RIDICULOUS!!!
More hope:
The moral of this story? Make more noise than the Infinity BTB lovers.
I'm thinking it's the next round of DLC and not the Forged maps only.
Edited to add the "only" part.