In early January, we announced that we had started work on a title update for Halo 4. That work is nearing completion, and it is expected to release within the next two weeks. It addresses some of the concerns we’ve been hearing from the community, but just to set your expectations accordingly, we know we still have work to do. There’s more balancing to be done and more issues to address, and we are actively working with the Halo 4 game team to investigate the feasibility of additional fixes. We’ll share the complete change list after it launches, but here are a few of the big ticket items:
• Reduced the range of the Boltshot’s damage scaling over distance. The previous effective range for 1-hit kills was 20'-25'. The range has been reduced to 15'. • Fixed an issue that did not allow players to create respawn timers or disable instant respawn in custom games. • Fixed issues with friendly fire against vehicles. If FF is disabled, damage / EMPs from friendly sources will no longer damage vehicles that are fully controlled by your team.
Keep an eye out for the complete change list once the TU is live.
I didn't think the BS would be removed, but I'll be curious to see how this change effects the game. I know it won't really effect my play with the weapon as I only have it in one loadout and only use it in CQC encounters.
I'm actually more interested in getting my rage on in Team Throwdown. Stupid name, but should be very competitive!
"wam's using the boltshot and getting kills. it MUST be broken."
"let's nerf it."
I'm just guessing but at the ranges you used it, you won't see a difference. Unless of course you were one of those miracle workers who one shotted at 25 feet consistently.
I don't think it needs removed either, but I think it would be better taken out of personal loadouts and put in personal ordinance. I'll have to see how it plays, but I'm pretty dissappointed in this change. It's just wrong to put a one hit kill weapon in a loadout, especially as a secondary weapon (which is way overpowered compared to the other secondaries anyway).
So it sounds like it'll be comparable to the shotgun now. I guess that's some progress.
It's better than nothing and yet still a really bad outcome. Should you be always be able to spawn with a shotgun? No. On the flip side, do we need another gun in the game that's now almost exactly like a shotgun? No! By far the best solution would have been to make it either spawn on the map or make it an ordinance. It's a power weapon and should have been treated that way. Having one bolt shot in the game that people fight over could even be a plus on some maps. Now we have "just another shotgun" that everyone can spawn with. Honestly it's like the ship is being steered by a dimwit.
So it sounds like it'll be comparable to the shotgun now. I guess that's some progress.
It's better than nothing and yet still a really bad outcome. Should you be always be able to spawn with a shotgun? No. On the flip side, do we need another gun in the game that's now almost exactly like a shotgun? No! By far the best solution would have been to make it either spawn on the map or make it an ordinance. It's a power weapon and should have been treated that way. Having one bolt shot in the game that people fight over could even be a plus on some maps. Now we have "just another shotgun" that everyone can spawn with. Honestly it's like the ship is being steered by a dimwit.
The best thing they could do to the Boltshot is give it the same range and damage as the Mauler from Halo 3. You pretty much had to have the gun touching your opponents chest for it to kill with one shot.
Wishful thinking the BS would be set to pick-up or ordinance only.
I say this because it's a loadout weapon, designed by 343, so they aren't going to give up on it so easily. I suppose the people that really care about it being in the game will soon be mixing it up in the new try-hard playlist, so a nerf is about all we could expect.
This change won't effect me much (if at all).
I'd rather them nerf Active Camo or make it ordinance - but again, wishful thinking since it's a loadout ability that you have to spend "Spartan Points" to get.
Just in case anyone was thinking removing the Boltshot was a better choice.
I didn't think the BS would be removed, but I'll be curious to see how this change effects the game. I know it won't really effect my play with the weapon as I only have it in one loadout and only use it in CQC encounters.
I'm actually more interested in getting my rage on in Team Throwdown. Stupid name, but should be very competitive!
Oh, sure.
"wam's using the boltshot and getting kills. it MUST be broken."
"let's nerf it."
That should show you how overpowered it is.
I don't think it needs removed either, but I think it would be better taken out of personal loadouts and put in personal ordinance. I'll have to see how it plays, but I'm pretty dissappointed in this change. It's just wrong to put a one hit kill weapon in a loadout, especially as a secondary weapon (which is way overpowered compared to the other secondaries anyway).
So it sounds like it'll be comparable to the shotgun now. I guess that's some progress.
It's better than nothing and yet still a really bad outcome. Should you be always be able to spawn with a shotgun? No. On the flip side, do we need another gun in the game that's now almost exactly like a shotgun? No! By far the best solution would have been to make it either spawn on the map or make it an ordinance. It's a power weapon and should have been treated that way. Having one bolt shot in the game that people fight over could even be a plus on some maps. Now we have "just another shotgun" that everyone can spawn with. Honestly it's like the ship is being steered by a dimwit.
Wishful thinking the BS would be set to pick-up or ordinance only.
I say this because it's a loadout weapon, designed by 343, so they aren't going to give up on it so easily. I suppose the people that really care about it being in the game will soon be mixing it up in the new try-hard playlist, so a nerf is about all we could expect.
This change won't effect me much (if at all).
I'd rather them nerf Active Camo or make it ordinance - but again, wishful thinking since it's a loadout ability that you have to spend "Spartan Points" to get.
nice, adding respawn timer to customs.
I expect my negative k/d ratio with the boltshot to continue no matter what they do to it...