Halo Campaign Videos
Halo Campaign Videos
Due to the lack of interest in Halo 4 campaign challenges, I have decided to change the thread to a place where any video from any Halo campaign can be posted. For me that will be Halo Reach campaign challenges, daily or weekly, that interest me and Mythic SLASO runs from CEA, H3, ODST, and Reach that I haven't completed yet. I am currently working on Halo Reach LNOS Mythic SLASO and hope to have it finally completed this week (what a pain in the arse this one is).
It looks like there is still some interest in the Halo Reach campaign out there. The walk thru video I did for last week's weekly challenge -- Co-Op Dash -- got 119 views (a large number for my stuff) while the two Halo 4 challenge videos combined generated a total or 11 views -- which is why I am not doing those anymore.
All the challenges lose a lot of their worth once you hit the cap. I would still do a few, every now and then, in Reach because the cap was so much higher.
Understand that. I actually hit the cap in Reach and immediuately lost interest in the challenges. This is slanted more for those still needing XPs, or as an aid for doing Legendary missions for achievements. Probably should have mentioned that in the OP.
I got another SR 30 to go so I'll be looking at these as a resource. Thanks Achy.
Yeah, forgot to mention wasn't [i]trying[/i] to poop on your party.
It doesn't help that I actually thought this was one of the weaker campaigns the Halo franchise has seen. The peak for me is still ODST follwed closely by Halo and then Halo 3.
No worries. I am getting hits on the video so people are at least checking it out. Hopefully these will help people on the site. I am actually thinking about going back into H3 and ODST and trying all the missions on LASO or Mythic dfficulty. Now that's a challenge!!
Great video! I'm partway through this level on plain vanilla Legendary, and I will definitely try some of these out if I get hopelessly stuck.
A couple more campaign challenge videos for the week of 6/3 thru 6/9. The challenges this week are:
Let's Get Mythical: Complete any campaign mission on Heroic difficulty with the Mythic skull - 24,000 XP.
Shutdown Slamdown: Complete Shutdown on Legendary with the Mythic, Tilt, Thunderstorm, and Tough Luck skulls - 20,000 XP.
Yeah, I scratched my head as well. The first one, which is obviously much easier, is worth more than the second one? I believe that 343 made a mistake there. The Let's Get Mythical challenge probably was intended to award 2,400 XP, but the 343 staffer added a 0. Regardless, that challenge is easy and worth doing for the 24,000 XP. The second one is much tougher but can be done in less than 20 minutes and if completed would award both challenges. To that end, I created two walk thru videos, one for each challenge:
The two Weekly Campaign Challenges for this week:
Grenade Happy: Complete any campaign misson on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Cloud, Catch, and Tough Luck skulls (10,000 XPs).
Oh It's On: Complete any campaign mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, [Thunder]Storm, and Tough Luck Skulls (22,000 XPs).
can both be accomplished by running one mission on Heroic with at least those six skulls on.
I did two walk thrus today. The first was Reclaimer, which can be a very easy mission to complete in about 20 minutes if you can do a couple of straight-forward skips. The second was Forerunner which can be completed in under 20 minutes. This one is a little tougher than Reclaimer but is definitely doable. Videos are below:
There are two challenges this week (6/17 thru 6/23):
Requiem for a Friend: Do the requiem mission on Legendary co-op (12,000 XP)
You Reclaim Me!: Do the Reclaimer mission on Legendary co-op (12,000 XP).
Quite honestly, the first one is probably not worth the time. I did it by myself with a guest controller and it took 52 minutes or so. 4 people playng co-op may be able to charge thru it in a half hour or so but that still is a lot of work for 12,000 XP. Match making would probably be more enjoyable. I will have a video up later tonight showing how I did it by myself with a guest controller for anyone who wants the challenge.
The second one took me about 22 minutes by myself with a guest controller. Borderline time-wise but may be worth it. Walk thru of the Reclaimer one below:
Edit: After some internet issues, here is the "Requiem for a Friend" walk thru:
Two challenges this week (6/24 thru 6/30):
Sunrise with Friends (12,000 XP): Complete the Dawn mission co-op on Legendary difficulty.
Composition Chaos (30,000 XP): Complete the Composer mission on Legendary diifficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Thunderstorm, and and Tough Luck skulls.
The first one is rather mundane and can be accomplished fairly quickly. I actually did it alone with a guest controller in about 22 minutes or so.
The second one is pretty tough to do in a reasonable time, but using Mythic tactics, I was able to do it in about 36 minutes (I added 4 more skulls). The walk thru videos are below:
Bump. This week's campaign challenges are:
Dawn SLASO - complete the Dawn mission on legendary with all skulls on - 15,000XP
A Hard Rain - complete any mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, and Thunderstorm skulls - 2,500XP.
I did walk thrus for these but quite honestly if one is in it for the XP alone these aren't worth the bother. It took me about 37 minutes (actually a good Mythic run - no deaths) for the Dawn SLASO run, but I expect it would take the uninitiated substantially longer because of the study and practice involved or a large number of save and quits to get thru the mission and 15,000XP is not worth the hassle. The Hard Rain mission was run on Reclaimer which is probably the easiest one to do, but it still took about 20 minutes. One can get much more than 2,500 XP in a couple of MM games in that time.
On the other hand, if one is in it just for the challenge then both of these are worth trying, A Hard Rain for the neat skips and DAWN SLASO as a start for completing the campaign LASO and getting the LASO emblem.
Regardless, the two walk thru videos follow:
I need the Weakly Challenges because I am a gurly man.
Weekly challenges for 7/8 thru 7/14:
I Would Walk 500 Miles: Complete the Reclaimer mission on Legendary without dying (14,000 XP).
Midnight Huddle: Complete the Midnight mission on Legendary, co-op (15,000 XP)..
I believe the save and quit glitch works in H4 like it does in Reach for the first one, although I actually did the challenge without dying, so the first one, running about 20 minutes my be worth the try. The second one I did alone with a guest controller I called Knucklehead -- the mission took 32 minutes or so, so it is really on the border of not worth doing for just the XP. The walk thru video does provide a good guide for a guest controller setup or even a 2 person co-op though for anyone who still needs to complete that mission co-op.
Here are the walk thru videos:
Campaign Challenges for the week of 7/15 thru 7/21:
The Coming of the Dawn (13,000 XP): Complete the Dawn mission on Legendary difficulty (I assume solo or co-op).
That's No Moon! (14,000 XP): Complete the Requiem mission on Legendary difficulty solo.
The first one is pretty easy and quick to do (under 20 minutes) and is worth the effort if you need XP. The second one is not that tough, but does take awhile (a little over 40 minutes in my run) so bang for the buck is so so, but it is a good challenge.
Regardless, here are walk thrus for the two:
Weekly campaign challenges for 7/22 thru 7/28:
This is Gonna Hurt (4,500 XP): Complete any mission on Heroic or higher with the Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Famine skulls.
The Conductor (13,000 XP): Complete the Composer mission solo on Legendary difficluty.
Each is definitely borderline on bang for the buck XP. I used Shutdown for the first one and was able to do the mission in about 9 1/2 minutes so there may be some return on the time investment. The second one is on probably the hardest mission in the campaign because of all the variables, but I had fun doing it. At 37 minutes with no deaths I don't know if it worth the 13,000 XP but it is definitely a challenge to complete, especially with the tactics and skips that I used. Regardless, here are the walk thru videos
Weekly campaign challenges for 7/29 thru 8/4:
Oh Its On! (3,750 XP): Complete any mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Mythic, TIlt, Thunderstorm, and Tough Luck skulls.
Infinity and Beyond (7,500 XP): Complete the Infinity mission on Legendary difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Thunderstorm, and Tough Luck skulls.
This is another example of someone over at 343 being asleep at the switch, or just plain dumb. Look at last weeks challenges:
This is Gonna Hurt (4,500 XP): Complete any mission on Heroic or higher with the Thunderstorm, Tilt, and Famine skulls.
The Conductor (13,000 XP): Complete the Composer mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
The first is easier than this week's first, the second is easier than this week's second, yet the XP payoff is higher, much higher in the case of the second. Just plain dumb.
My recommendation is either do the first one (in 10 minutes or so) and forget the second one, or invest the time in the second one which will get you both challenges. Regardless, here are the walk thru videos for them:
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 8/5 thru 8/11:
The Coming of the Dawn (4,000 XP): complete the Dawn mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
The Conductor: (5,500 XP): complete the Composer mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
Apparently the trend of awarding a smaller amount of XP is continuing. Just look back a few posts and you will see the same challenges worth a lot more XP. Regardless, I do enjoy doing these walk thrus (with 0 deaths) and will continue to cap and post them. This week's walk thrus follow:
Thanks Achy. People like you, who keep on chugging along with Halo, are what makes Halo a fun game to play. :)
Weekly campaign challenges for 8/12 thru 8/18:
1. This is Gonna Hurt (4,500 XP): Complete any Campaign Mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Famine, Tilt, and Thunderstorm skulls.
2. Stormy Vengeance (3,000 XP): Complete any Campaign Mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Mythic and Thunderstorm skulls.
Both these can be completed in one mission on Heroic, with Mythic, Tilt, Famine, and Thunderstorm skulls activated. I chose Shutdown on Heroic with these skulls along with Tough Luck to keep the Covies from retreating, Cowbell for accelerated explosions, and Grunt Birthday party and IWBYD because I always turn these on. I was able to get both and the 7,500 XP in a little over 10 minutes, so this may be worth a try for those needing XP. The walk thru video follows:
Weekly campaign challenges for 8/19 thru 8/25:
Turn It Off (5,000 XP): Complete the Shutdown mission on Legendary difficulty.
Midnight SLASO (7,500 XP): Complete the Midnight mission solo on Legendary difficulty with all 13 skulls on.
Just another example of the idiocy of the employee responsible for these challenges each week. The first one is probably the easiest Legendary mission to do with the two tower skip and tactics demonstrated in the third tower, yet SLASO on one of the hardest missions in Halo 4 is worth only 2,500 XP more? Oh well, thiis is not something new. The first one is doable in under 10 minutes, so if you need XP then I would recommend trying it. The second one is definitely tough to complete, even with save and quit, so unless you are trying for the LASO emblem or a Mythic run then I would say don't bother. Regardless, walk thrus for each challenge follow:
Weekly campaign challenges for 8/26 thru 9/1:
That's No Moon! (5,000 XP): Complete the Requiem mission on Legendary difficulty.
ReclaimThis! (5,500 XP): Complete the Reclaimer mission on Legendary difficulty.
A continuing trend of lower XP amounts for the campaign challenges, although one can knock out the second one in less than 20 minutes. Also, with the TU and/or DLC, when one does a campaign mission, it is very possible that all loadouts will reset to defaults. Regardless, here are the walk thru videos:
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 9/2 thru 9/8:
Oh It's On! (4,000XP): Complete any campaign mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Thunderstorm, and Tough Luck skulls.
Turn It Off! (5,000XP): Complete the Shutdown mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
Both challenges are pretty easy to do. I did the first one twice, once with safer tactics and once with speedrunning tactics.
The second one I did in a little over 10 minutes.
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 9/9 thru 9/15:
Prediction: Pain (3,500XP): Complete any mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Famine, Tough Luck, and Thunderstotm skulls.
Dawn SLASO (4,000XP): Complete the Dawn mission solo on Legendary difficulty with all 13 skulls.
The first challenge is pretty easy and is worth the try for the XP. I completed the mission in about 9 1/2 minutes.
The second challenge is way undervalued for the XP awarded. 343 continues to show its ignorance of challenge difficulty.
Regardless, here are the challenge walk thru videos:
Weekly campaign challenges for 9/16 thru 9/22:
Forerunner Fragfest (4,500 XP): complete the Forerunner mission on Legendary difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Thunderstorm, and Tough Luck skulls.
Reclaim This! (4,200 XP): complete the Reclaimer mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
Both of these are pretty straight-forward to do and may be worth the effort for the XP. I was able to do each in less than 20 minutes, even my safer longer version of Reclaim This! The walk thru videos follow, including both versions of Reclaim This!:
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 9/23 thru 9/29:
Dawn Madness (5,500 XP): Complete the Dawn mission on Legendary difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck, and Thunderstorm skulls activated.
Pinball (3,400): Complete any mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Tilt skull activated.
The first one is a little daunting with those skulls activated -- can't noob combo the Elites. The second one is very easy to get playing the Shutdown mission.
Regardless, the walk thrus follow:
Almost forgot. Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 9/30 thru 10/6:
Infiinity and Beyond (4,400 XP) - complete the Infinity mission on Legendary difficuly with the Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck, and Thunderstorm skulls,
Famine or Feast? (3,300 XP) - complete any mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Famine skull.
The first one is not worth trying just for the XP. It takes quite awhile to do, although I did have some fun with the skips and Knight back smacks.
The second one is pretty easy -- I chose the Dawn mission and breezed thru in about 15 minutes.
Regardless, the walk thrus follow:
Weekly campaign challenges for 10/7 thru 10/13:
That's No Moon! (3,000 XP) - Complete the Requiem mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
He's Made of Iron (4,000 XP) - Complete any campaign mission on Heroic or higher difficulty with the Iron skull.
Not worth doing the first one for the XP. No bang for the buck. The second one, especially with the save and quit glitch which bypasses the effect of Iron, is very easy to do and may be worth the effort for the XP. Regardless, the walk thru videos follow:
Yep...still doing them even though interest in H4 has really waned.
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 10/14 thru 10/20:
Reclamation (5,000 XP): Complete the Reclaimer mission on Legendry difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck, and Thunderstorm skulls.
Still Alone in the Dark (4,500): Complete the Midnight mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
No sense in complaining anymore about "underfunding" the challenges. Walk thrus follow:
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 10/28 thru 11/3:
Dawn Madness (3,500 XP): Complete the Dawn mission on Legendary difficulty with the Mythic, Tilt, Tough Luck, and Thunderstorm skulls activated.
Famine or Feast (3,000 XP): Complete any mission on Heroic or high difficulty with the Famine skull activated.
Walk thrus:
Weekly campaign challenges for the week of 11/4 thru 11/10:
That's No Moon! (4,000 XP): Complete the Requiem mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
Still Alone in the Dark (3,500 XP): Complete the Midnight mission solo on Legendary difficulty.
Both challenges take awhile to complete so it is probably not worth the effort unless you just need these missions for the legendary campaign. I did have sonething strange happen in the Requiem mission though. Check out the first walk thru at about the 10:00 minute mark. Walk thrus follow: