Halo: REACH still at XBL #5
Thu, 07/19/2012 - 10:57
Halo: REACH still at XBL #5
LIVE Activity for week of July 9
Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on
1 | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 |
Eh, the list is fucked up a bit.
Only MW3 and Blops exceed REACH.
I am speculating FPS population in general, has dropped. Minecraft 360 and FIFA seem to continue their popularity streak.
Well, we've got that going for us, I guess.
I'm more interested in watching H3's activity leading up to H4 than Reach's. Up one slot to 13.
The more I post about H4 the more I think I should be playing H3.
The more I play Reach, the more I resent it.
The more I play multi-team, the more I want headhunter. amidoinitrite?
I think you forgot Hog Mania in there.
You mean rocket hog race (which is an option in multi-team) or Hogmania (which is a custom game played on 2o2phalo clan nights)?
We're playing 2 hours of REACH tonight. I'll enjoy every second of it.
A specialty gametype for playing with Gauss Hogs on three specially made maps.
We play them every week. Someone always asks for them.
Hog Wars
Timber Hogs
Hog Long
Thanks for sharing Deep! I just DL'd these and will try them out on the next clan nights!!!
They are all a hoot to play. Never seen so many over 50 types so worked up over a game (including myself)
Playing with 2old2playHalo is never boring.
Hog Mania is the shit. I want to have a Hog Mania tournament.
It was when I joined too. But that was what, 4 years ago? Nothing has really changed aside from the maps, most of which are remakes. Then you have your usual players camping gauss hog spawn, you have your usual players going for splatters, etc. So I just troll by sitting around corners with stickies.
No guass hog for you!
sandtrap was pretty fun
It would be better with DMR starts maybe less stickies, but I still think its plain old fun. Hog Mania and speed flag I really enjoy, but other customs can be pretty bad.
first, you can't talk down on the hogmania
second, jim WTF!!!! less stickies?!?! fourty lashes with a wet noodle for you!
laser, you'd be in more trouble if jim hadn't just taken the nade's name in vain.
While I do like the thought of dmr starts, it would just turn into regular slayer. Is there a way to give additional points for vehicle kills (not splatters, but the chain gun on the warthog)? If so, up that to 2 or 3 points per kill and keep the splatters and stickies where they are at. That would promote more vehicular combat imo.
Thats a good thought Laser.
Wam I was thinking mors along the lines of having a couple Lasers or blueberries on the map.
one laser and one blue berry would work quite nicely.
The more I play, the more I enjoy non-silly game types. I wind up playing them like slayer anyways.
I really miss Heavy BTB on Standoff though :(
BTB in H3 was so bad. If you weren't in a guass or tank or had a laser you just got raped, but Standoff heavies was the only 35 kill streak I ever had. To bad I did it on my sons account.
I think the best I was ever personally a part of was 100-2. There was a 100-3 and 100-4 pretty close to that too.
I always had the most fun playing Sandtrap with H3 BTB Heavies, didn't have too many bad experiences. I think other than H3 infection I played BTB the most.