Halp Halp! I need to catch up!

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#1 Mon, 08/03/2015 - 20:12
Thom293's picture
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Halp Halp! I need to catch up!

Howdy all.  (Edit:  Cant figure out how to change my signature - I am XONE: Von Zant).

I had a crazy thing with my business (employee related stuff) hit right after Dark Below released.  I got an email on a project in the middle of a VOG raid, literally dropped right there and havent been back since.  I have since wrangled what I needed to wrangle and seem to have a bit of playtime and desire to get back to Destiny (at least until Halo, Star Wars Battlefront and Fallout 4 come out).

I logged on last night, but literally have no idea what to do.  I have a 30, a 28 and a 25.  The last bit of gear I got was from the Vault of Glass, and I have completed basically none of Dark Below or House of Wolves.  I hear Dark Below added a raid, but HoW added basically a big strike like mission?  Can someone give me some suggestions on what to do to catch up? 

I am assuming if I buy Vanguard and Crucible items from HoW, I can level up pretty quickly.  Is that a good idea?

Do I upgrade old yellows or purples?  Is it worth it?  Or should I just shoot for newer stuff from the expansions?  My old favorites were Bad Juju, Pocket Infinity, Plan C, Invective and Suros Regime.  I have many of the yellow armors too.  Are they all outclassed now, or worth upgrading?

Are daileys and weeklys still the best way to get marks?  Nightfalls?

Where is the best place to grind upgrade materials now?  Prison of Elders?  Some other way?

And does the guy with the wormy face (Xur?) still show up and sell decent stuff?  Is it still worth hording strange coins?

If anyone has a spot in their raid/strike or crucible groups, I would love to tag along just to see the content I missed. Im going to be terribly rusty, but that shouldnt last too long.

Sorry for all of the questions.  Thanks in advance.

- Von Zant

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 06:52
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Raise your Exotics to the new max light level with Exotic shards. Easy peasy.

Prison of Elders 32 will give armour cores to buy max level armour.

NF may, and Prison of Elders 34 will give Etheric light wich is used to ascend any legenday items. Not easy to get.

Prison of Elders 34 also gives a weapon core to buy a max level weapon.

All legendary weapons are 331 from the start excepting VoG (300).

Xur is still once a week but you can exchange shards, energy etc through the Speaker.

Weapons drop much faster now and the Iron Banner drops a ton. Crucible too.

Reforge weapon perks at the Blacksmith.


Tue, 08/04/2015 - 07:58
DarthTabasco's picture
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Welcome back. I believe you are on my friends list. 

DEEP pretty much summed it up, but ask questions if you need clarification.

Also, the new Dragon strike playlist (level 28) is a good place to get marks, gear and weapons. The weapons drop frequently and you'll get a lot of engrams by grinding these strikes. The Crucible is also a good place for weapons, as drop rates have also been increased.

There are still a few of us that are always interested in running the Raids, so I'll look for you when we try to get a group. 

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 09:22
OldnAchy's picture
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Ditto Deep.  Btw, everyone is locked out of the signature block for now.  Saw that in report thread.

Tue, 08/04/2015 - 09:50
BLAMnation's picture
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Welcome back Von Zant, you're on my friends list as well.

Yah, no signatures and the admin says no plans to enable them. One of a couple of things I strongly dislike about this new version of the forum. 

DEEP and Darth pretty much summed it up. Let me add that if you haven't already, you'll want to run through the story modes on TDB and HoW so that you have all missions available, or you'll be locked out of some content - e.g. Omnigul sometimes shows up as a Nightfall and you can't run it if you haven't completed the TDB/Eris Morn missions. You can't run Prison of Elders until you complete the HoW story mode either.

Wed, 08/05/2015 - 06:13
hemihuman's picture
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Hi Von Zant! With all the (very unclear to me) talk about devaluing old legendaries in TTK, focusing on exotics and light level does seem to be the right plan. Of course, if you want to cut through TTK like a hot knife through butter, you probably need some minimum number of maxed out legendaries on day one, even if they become obsolete shortly thereafter.

Wed, 08/05/2015 - 13:33
Thom293's picture
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Thanks everyone. I'll buy vendor armor, fully upgrade one purple and one exotic weapon for each slot I guess. I'm doing ok in pve so far, but damn am I rusty un crucible. I dont know wtf they did to Thorn and TLW while I was gone, but dayyaamm am I getting owned by them. I finally broke down and started using TLW last night and it made a big difference.

Thu, 08/06/2015 - 13:33
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Thorn and TLW are number one and two in the meta for Crucible these days.  For everything else, just pump in time and you'll get to where you need to be before then.


I'm holding onto all my packages at the Postmaster starting now, though.  Sure, it may not result in drops, but it will at least get me experience right after the new expansion comes in.

Wed, 08/12/2015 - 09:02
Sparty1992's picture
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Get your guys up to 32 at least too doing bounties while getting new gear. Good doing nightfall w you last night, lmk when you want to run POE? Oh do some queen bounties to get treasure keys for extra gear in the poe
Wed, 08/12/2015 - 17:20
Thom293's picture
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Yeah thanks for the group!  All of my guys are 32 now and have at least a few 331 or better weapons.  Im just hitting the POE glass ceiling.  I need armor and weapon cores and etheric light to get any further.  We tried POE last night and the final gate lord guy was an interesting fight.  Seems like he has the VoG mechanic that puts you in a shield.  We didnt beat him, but its certainly do able.  Im up to try again anytime.

I have gotten so many purples and exotics recently, I cant level them all up.  I guess I will focus on the exotics right now.  I had MIDA, Universal Remote and Red Death all drop in the last two days.  I still need to upgrade Bad Juju too.  Im going to spend my last shard on Gjallhorn to max it out so maybe that will help.

Thu, 08/13/2015 - 07:10
DarthTabasco's picture
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Yeah, the Quodron fight is one of the toughest.

The easiest way to break the containment is to get the "Jailbreaker" perk from killing the "Eye of Quodron". The Eye is a special yellow health goblin that spawns. The goblin is a little easier to spot because it has a sort of silver glow. The perk lasts for about 25 seconds, so when Quodron "searches", you want to try and group-up and let the person with Jailbreaker take down the containment shields.

You'll always want to keep watch for the Eye so at least one person always has the perk. 

Thu, 08/13/2015 - 10:12
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Quodron beat us back on lvl 32 this time. Actually, we never got to him because we ran out of time. There always tonight but I want a lvl 34 now.

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