Here's dat painfully clear Xbone vs 360 BF4 comparison vid

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#1 Sun, 07/20/2014 - 00:16
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
Last seen: 6 years 6 months ago
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Here's dat painfully clear Xbone vs 360 BF4 comparison vid

I'd seen a comparison vid back before Battlefield 4 came out, but for the most part there didn't seem to be much of a difference. Recently, after talking to a gaming buddy who plays on both, I was provided with a link to a vid that picks out the most glaringly obvious parts of that previous vid and runs them one after the other.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious now.

Don't think I'll be getting BF4 on the Xbone, since I've already paid for the game and have no interest in doing it again (does your 360 BF4 Premium work on the Xbox One?) but this vid makes a case for the Xbone and I said I'd post it up, so here it is.

Mon, 07/21/2014 - 10:29
BigBadMike's picture
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I will have to take up a collection so that you will.  this looks awesome and 32 players a side..... sounds fun

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