The Hits Just Keep On Coming
Fri, 11/16/2012 - 19:41
The Hits Just Keep On Coming
File Share on the Web version of Waypoint will not be available until next month. This is from 343. In game file share is available. You can find something on someone's file share by doing a gamertag search in the in game file browser and download it to your XBOX (sorta like Reach for the first 3 months after 343 took over) but upoading say a screen shot to the web Waypoint and downloading it to a computer is not there yet. Just another little thing that is late.
Yeah, that's a little annoying. I expect it will be up like they say. It won't be of much value to me until the film rendering is added. I don't have a capture device for all those Kodak Tbags. ;)
Agreed, no capture device here either
. How am I to make my movies I ask?
Has 343 commited to developing a render capability? I can see a small cottage industry developing for us peeps with cap cards.gif)
I got an extermination last night that I would very much like to save, screenshot and render and send to the victims. They were clearly a team, had yet to graduate highschool, and talked a lot of shit.
And they were beat by a team of Randoms, so they rage quit at the end before I could give them my condolences.
as an aside, I think the whole point total for the extermination and other medals was 220 pts with a single rocket.
come on 343i, get your act together. You were given all the tech by Bungie.