Hotmail Account Hacked
Tue, 08/28/2012 - 14:04
Hotmail Account Hacked
FYI. My hotmail address has been hacked. If you've received a weird email from me with a link in it, don't click it. Microsoft has blocked my account and I'm currently in the process of recovering it, but it may take up to 24 hours.
This means I'll also be blocked from XBox Live. Hopefully this will get cleared up soon.
I hope so too.
Contacted XBox Live Support.
They confirmed that nothing's been charged or purchased since I downloaded the August DLC and they put a billing hold on my account as a preventative measure.
Work pc came up clean on the malwarebytes scan. Wil test the home PC this evening.
Then the work begins to create new passwords for any site I log in to.
I think I'm just a victim of email spammers but I'll feel a whole helluva lot better when I can get back into my account.
Finally. Disaster averted. I finally have access to my hotmail account. Hotmail's recovery process has much to be desired.
when I first tried the regular reset the text message option only shows the last two digits of the phone number which didn't match my current cell phone. They also only show the first two letters and the domain name of the alternate email address so I couldn't be 100% sure the email was correct.
Fearing that the hackers changed my info, I opted to use their account recovery process to try and gain access back to my account. I went through the process twice over for days. Both times I was told I didn't provide them with enough information to verify that I wa the account owner.
Disgusted I tried the password reset process again using the alternate email and it worked. When I got back into my account and checked the phone number out it was an old work number.
Best advice I can give y'all is to take five minutes to review and update your security info. You never realize just how much your life is intertwined with your email address until someone steals it from you.
My next step is to get the billing hold removed from my live account so I can get me some Vipers on Tuesday.
Thankfully I have my own domein and email host, saves a lot of heart ache.