In DC area we had a lot of rain and wind since Sunday night. All government, school, and public transit was shut down yesterday and today. Wind and rain are starting to die down. I never lost power at my house. I still had to go to work also. To me it was no worse than some of the other storms I have seen here.
New York and New Jersey are a different story though. They got hit with the brunt of it with a 13 foot storm surge. It will take a while to clean up that mess.
+1 Knight. I hope everyone gets through it ok
Hella storm. We're feeling the fringe way down here in TN. Hopes and prayers for continued power and dryness to the North Eastern crew.
In DC area we had a lot of rain and wind since Sunday night. All government, school, and public transit was shut down yesterday and today. Wind and rain are starting to die down. I never lost power at my house. I still had to go to work also. To me it was no worse than some of the other storms I have seen here.
New York and New Jersey are a different story though. They got hit with the brunt of it with a 13 foot storm surge. It will take a while to clean up that mess.
I echo knights sentiments.
Our thoughts and prayers are out there for all those dealing with this.
13ft surge is pretty bad... I was in gulfport MS for katrina... 50ft+ surge. that chit was cray. Hope everyone is okay tho.