IF your team HASN'T played!!!
Sat, 02/23/2013 - 20:25
IF your team HASN'T played!!!
check in here with the scheduling issues.
maybe we can trade some players according to availability.
right now i need one that can play late night with FreeRadikal's team.
FreeRadikal needs a team he can play early evening with.
Lou is having Xbox troubles.
what's stopping your team?
So Free Radikal, Letsgomteers, thee mackj, and I may have already done this and are playing our games right now.. :)
git r done.
Team Six needs 4th player clarification... Do we get NormalGuy? or Sparty1992? We think both would be great. We need a ruling, Commish?
sparty now has first crack at it. he's the forth member of the team.
Normal guy isn't disqualified from participating. he can still sub for anyone.
I won't be home.until about 9pm eastern. I'm coaching all day today.
anyone that's online can sub, even if they didn't sign up for the tournament.
I'm driving from one ice rink to another right now and can't find a sub right now.
Team 1 is having problems coordinating with littlesplat. However if by this:
you mean that anyone who is a member of 2old2play that is online can sub even if they didn't sign up for the tournament then I definitely have options for potential subs. Still if a sub, should one be needed, can be found among our tourney participants I think that woud be best.
that is correct honor.
Lou's the Team 5 captain, so myself and Letsgomteers from Team 5 played with Free and thee mackj from Team 7. Ultimo_shot was also on Team 5 and was on last night, so please find him a home so I don't feel guilty.