Iron Banner
Tue, 10/07/2014 - 08:21
Iron Banner
Who is going to play the Iron Banner this week?
I hope to play a fair amount so message me if you see me in a game.
I want that Warlock bond!
Take note, using the Iron Banner emblem, shader and class item gives you 10% extra rep per item - so that's 30% extra rep if all three are used together.
I don't get the point of Iron Banner, other than "This is how they do it in MMOs (but remember, we aren't an MMO)."
If loot is random there as well, which I assume it is, I'll hop in and play it pretty steadily to try and get those items.
The loot is available for purchase in the tower once you hit the necessary rep - or at least some of it is available for purchase. I'm hoping there is a possibility the other pieces may drop as rewards in the post-game lobby.
I played some this morning. Did real well, actually. Being a 29 with fully upgraded gear really pays off :)
I read if your team loses you get nothing, not even rep. Has anyone that has played it noticed that yet?
I read that too. Can't confirm or deny, though, we won every game we played
If your team loses then you don't get Iron Banner rep. You still get all the normal crucible stuff plus a chance at random gear so it's not bad. What I read made it sound like there was no point in staying in the game if you were losing. It's not like that at all.
Unfortunately many others do not take this view on the Iron Banner. I was playing alone and at the mercy of randoms, so people would quit if it seemed things weren't going their way. Very frustrating.
If any of you are playing, or want to play Iron Banner, please send me an invite.
Love how all the iron banner stuff looks and would like to get it. only problem is I have 1 purple weapon, and 2 purple armor for my highest leveled guy. My equipment coupled with average to below average pvp skills would probably equal me breaking a controller in a hulk rage!
Just play titanfall![devil devil](
Bungie really doesn't want people to play their game, do they?
Nothing else to play(360 went wonky) so 'bouts of Destiny it is. Don't hate it. Just saying some of the things they do make it seem like they want people to leave.
They don't want you to leave. They just want you to play once a week. Do the raid, do the nightfall then go play other things for the rest of the week.
My face still hurts from the thrashing we took in Iron Banner last night. I think you are much more likely to run into full teams of people that have been on raids. We got completely curbstomped 3 games in a row.
And that Vex Mythoclast gun is crazy good.
I haven't been plowed in a game like that in...I can't even remember.
(Tabasco, I'd sent you an invite right now, but you're in a strike with two other blokes.)
I didn't really notice much of a difference in how Iron Banner played versus the normal crucible matches. If anything, it was obvious people were coming in with their raid gear thinking it would save them from stupid mistakes or having never played in the Crucible.
I'm running Vanguard and Queen's Legendary armor pieces - not even 100% upgraded. The only exotic I have is the Invective shotty. All my other weapons are of the rare (blue) quality and I did fine. I just had trouble getting wins because of people quitting or being totally new to the Crucible.
Oh well, the grind goes on for that warlock bond!
I'm not feeling a difference between IB and normal crucible. I did run into the mass quitters last night playing. At one point it was 6 v 2. I think people are under the false impression you get absolutely 0 if you lose and people are giving up quickly. Amazing Bungie didn't apply any lessons learned from previous games to discourage quitters or encourage people to stick it out on losing games.
In one game, where my team lost, I received a strange coin. Well worth sticking around for.
I'm frustrated too at the lack of IB rep if you lose. The rep is why people are playing in the IB, so if they aren't going to get it, then might as well quit and try and find another game. If I want plain ole Crucible, then that's what I'll play. I mean, 10 rep would have been nice for the losing team - at least we get something for our efforts and will be less prone to quit.
I really don't see how Bungie - with all of their MM experience - has made such a farce out of the IB.
I'm sure they will make some changes to the playlist, but probably not in time to fix the current issues, so we'll have to wait until it comes back.
But it sucks when you lose and get neither rep nor reward. Of what I played of IB it pretty much feels like a regular game of Control. Been on both sides of the butt whooping in IB and regular. Surprisingly fulfilled the 25 spread part of my exotic bounty in IB. Never thought I would get it at all. Run and gun throwing fireballs isn't always the best for K/D but it panned out in IB yesterday. I'm beginning to think that some may actually do better in IB.
You must be doing the Invective bounty. That was my first bounty and I was concerned how that part would work. Turns out kills and assists count and it doesn't have to be done in one game.
The Invective is a beast - especially once you unlock the stability. You'll need the stability to control the ungodly fire
Oh, if low level players think they will get creamed in IB you might not. Had two different level 10s and a 7 in various games and they did just fine.
Yea, low levels are not getting wrecked as expected. I'd expect a 28 - 30 to blink at a 5 and he'd die but that isn't the case. It just feels like normal crucible control.
Will something take the place of IB Tues. or will it run another week? Would like to see another Raid. I dont want to try Vault of Glass with randoms and Vault vets dont wanna play with a rookie,meaning me!
I play with rookies in the Vault all the time. It takes time/patience, but its a learning experience.
Anyone suck at the jump puzzle besides me. Folk can go catch a meal while I repeatedly fail to cross.
I'm almost always the last person there. I've still never done it legit. I always get to the third platform and run and jump as far as I can for the ledge.