Iron Banner is Back!

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#1 Tue, 11/18/2014 - 12:45
DarthTabasco's picture
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Iron Banner is Back!

Looks like the "new and improved" Iron Banner is back starting today!

I'm hoping to grind some rep to get - at the very least - the boots. If I can get some boots from the IB, I'll still be lacking the raid chest in an effort to reach 30, but at least it's progress. I did get the raid gloves last week. I know the raid helm is out of the question since it only drops on Hard, but I have exotics I can use. 


The changes seem to be more in line with what people thought the IB was really supposed to be last time. Rank, Defense and Attack are all important factors.


Since Halo is still effed up, I'll be trying to play a fair amount of IB this week if folks want to give it a go.

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 13:00
Thom293's picture
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The thing that really interests me is the reforge.  It appears that it only applies to Iron Banner weapons though.

Im probably going to be on a short Destiny break, but this is tempting to run an hour or so every night...

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 07:20
BLAMnation's picture
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If you guys see me on and want to team up for some IB let me know, I want to try to get both the boots and gloves for my Titan

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 08:14 (Reply to #3)
Sparty1992's picture
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Edmo wrote:

If you guys see me on and want to team up for some IB let me know, I want to try to get both the boots and gloves for my Titan

Me too, I was looking last night and my friends thing was wack!!

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 07:27
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Is Iron Banner armour usable in PvE? Sorry to be such a noob about this.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 07:39
Bluestar's picture
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You can use it, the boots and gloves can get light level 30 if you need them to hit level 30.  To bad it is only a week long.  I'll never get to the Rank 3 rep needed to buy them in that time.  I still only have a crucible rank of 1.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 08:12
Rau's picture
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This time there is a buff you can buy with 1 mote of light, combined with the arm band, the shader, the tag, you can get some good points going.  In one match where I cashed in the the 2 loss coins during our win i netted 156 points.  Another time it was 67 with another coin.  Some of the bounties are pretty easy, such as the melee one and the 10000 exp one.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 08:53 (Reply to #7)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Rau wrote:

This time there is a buff you can buy with 1 mote of light, combined with the arm band, the shader, the tag, you can get some good points going.  In one match where I cashed in the the 2 loss coins during our win i netted 156 points.  Another time it was 67 with another coin.  Some of the bounties are pretty easy, such as the melee one and the 10000 exp one.

Yep, the exp buff will net you more exp for 12 hours. Once the 12 hours is up, you can simply buy another one.

Word of warning though, once you buy it from the IB guy, it's immediately activated which is different from the other consumable buffs that you have to select. In other words, don't buy it until you are ready to play.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 09:05 (Reply to #8)
Sparty1992's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

Rau wrote:

This time there is a buff you can buy with 1 mote of light, combined with the arm band, the shader, the tag, you can get some good points going.  In one match where I cashed in the the 2 loss coins during our win i netted 156 points.  Another time it was 67 with another coin.  Some of the bounties are pretty easy, such as the melee one and the 10000 exp one.

Yep, the exp buff will net you more exp for 12 hours. Once the 12 hours is up, you can simply buy another one.

Word of warning though, once you buy it from the IB guy, it's immediately activated which is different from the other consumable buffs that you have to select. In other words, don't buy it until you are ready to play.

Good point to bring up Darth.  I bought last night thinking a consumable and I could use it Friday night or Saturday when I had a lot more game time than a work night.  But it starts right away.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 13:48
jtgjr007's picture
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It looks like you'll need 140 + wins to make IB level 5. The good news is that you only need rank 3 to get the boots (about 65 wins) and rank 4 for the gloves (maybe 100 wins). Luckily I've already got raid gloves, so I just need to hit level 3 for the boots. Since I only win about %25 of my matches, I might get this done in a week!

Then I need to find  a level 30 chest piece somewhewre...

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 14:08
DarthTabasco's picture
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Thankfully IB exp carried over from the last event where I was already rank 2. I also have the IB emblem, shader and class item for my Warlock and each of those nets you a 10% exp bonus - so make sure you buy and equip those if you can. Also, don't forget the bounties as those really help.

Hopefully I can get to rank 3 soon on my Warlock to get the boots and then switch over to my Titan where I've played not one game of IB. We'll see if I have the patience to try and get him ranked

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 08:15
SoulTerror's picture
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I need to run this since I need a helmet and gloves to hit 30. I already got the boots from the VoG but can't get any other armor to drop.

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 10:33
Bantha Skull's picture
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Are you guys going to grind out Iron Banner this week?  Some nice items I want to get my hands on.


•Playlist weapon drops
◦Level 32 Sniper Rifle
◦Level 32 Auto Rifle
•Gain event standing to earn Legendary gear

◦Level 32 Hand Cannon
◦Level 32 Rocket Launcher
◦Level 32 Gauntlets

◦Level 31 Chest

Tue, 01/13/2015 - 10:56
BLAMnation's picture
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Yup, targeting those gauntlets, sniper rifle and rockets...

Wed, 01/14/2015 - 08:40
SoulTerror's picture
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I might give it a try, but unlikely.

Wed, 01/14/2015 - 11:14
GO_BLUE's picture
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Bantha & Edmo (& anyone else) I'll add you guys as I'm down for some IB this week.  Not sure if we've played together yet but I'm a 31 hunter & on occasionally during the day but generally after 9:30 or 10 EST (I'm in NC).   

Would like the gauntlets & snipe as well....

Wed, 01/14/2015 - 12:56
Bantha Skull's picture
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Sounds good to me.  I'll add you.   I'll be on tonight after doing the Weekly.  I need my strange coins.....

Thu, 01/15/2015 - 08:09
jtgjr007's picture
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I might try for some gauntlets, but I'd be more inclined to grind to level 5 if they let us re-roll our old IB weapons up to the new damage cap of 331. I have an IB scout rifle with Firefly (head shots explode targets) that I got a week before the Dark Below came out, so pissed...

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