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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
I just realized the Gremlin is also a Cars2 car... Orange w/ black stripes here I come... :)
Its a business just like drugs and prostitution.
Get people in with a free sample and then when they are hooked increase the price....
Happy to be a Forza 4 Junkie and spend my £5 a month on feeding my habit.
And no. I am not a fan boy, far from it.
Will have my Gremlin XK and Hudson ready for tomorrow nights track night.
I still need to get points, only have 160 atm...
I see it as buying a monthly magazine as the price is about the same and its a lot more fun (depending on what magazine I get )
It's still cheaper that the monthlky fee to play an MMORPG like WoW. Value for cost is still great imo.
I spend more than the monthly car pack getting to and from work in a week.
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
I just realized the Gremlin is also a Cars2 car... Orange w/ black stripes here I come... :)
Its a business just like drugs and prostitution.
Get people in with a free sample and then when they are hooked increase the price....
Happy to be a Forza 4 Junkie and spend my £5 a month on feeding my habit.
And no. I am not a fan boy, far from it.
Will have my Gremlin XK and Hudson ready for tomorrow nights track night.
I still need to get points, only have 160 atm...
I see it as buying a monthly magazine as the price is about the same and its a lot more fun (depending on what magazine I get
It's still cheaper that the monthlky fee to play an MMORPG like WoW. Value for cost is still great imo.
I spend more than the monthly car pack getting to and from work in a week.