Just a quick opinion on "spec" builds

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#1 Sat, 08/03/2013 - 19:53
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Just a quick opinion on "spec" builds

I understand that spec builds help to create an even playing field. There is something I wanted to comment about and offer a suggestion on however.

To me, wheel choice is largely based on style preference. I usually end up going with one of the lightest choices but not always. Some wheel styles fit a car better and/or work into the PI I'm trying to work with.

With that said a wheel that is specified in a spec build seems to be dictating the "style" used. If in a spec build one of the available lightest options were specified it would be possible to allow folks to run "any" wheel. You would have the option to run another wheel of that weight which wouldn't decrease the weight of the car, or run another style that was heavier and you would be gaining no performance "advantage". In any case the driver would be choosing the style of wheel they liked best.


I was going to post this in a series thread but I don't want it to be conisdered criticizm of the build when in reality it's something that seems to be the case with most spec builds.

This was the reason why the Escort series allowed "any" wheel. The PI limited build used the lightest wheels available. And we did have lots of folks running other wheels. (The BMW and AIX series races do not have spec builds but if they did I would use the lightest available wheels)

Sat, 08/03/2013 - 23:59
jcotter13's picture
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I've never had an issue with someone wanting to run heavier wheels. If that's wha you want, go for it imo.

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 03:14
Pizzy's picture
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I have just mentioned it a few days ago in another series.  Was told no, stick to the wheel.  Im in agreement, all wheels should be usable imho.  As with much of the other stuff, fast people are still gonna be fast, slow people are still gonna be slow, the handicaps do far more to level the playing field than any build to be fair


Sun, 08/04/2013 - 03:19
CProRacing's picture
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You can have any wheel or body kit in the mx5 cup and its for this reason. I Hate racing cars with rims that just don't go. I know the Clios are set by they do look bad ass
Sun, 08/04/2013 - 04:05 (Reply to #4)
Pizzy's picture
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Yeah, the clios do look nice.  The mazda's with how easy to drive they are have no performance advantage from the lightest wheel (as has been discussed at length before), and if they dont nothing should.  I asked about changing the wheels for the scooby for the new globals but was told no.

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 04:09
CProRacing's picture
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It's a funny one though with rims. It's the only reason why I don't buy sf tunes as I don't know what rims the car will have.
Sun, 08/04/2013 - 04:17
Pizzy's picture
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really annoys me.  There is a fantastic replica of Rhys MIllens GRC Veloster on the storefront, problem being, he uses bright orange wheels.  THe replica, has black chrome 80

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 04:22
CProRacing's picture
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Lol see That really Pisses me off
Sun, 08/04/2013 - 04:25
Pizzy's picture
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Yeah, ive tried to do one myself, but there is a really easy looking curve that just never turns out right.  Really sodding annoying. I even messaged him asking him to change the wheel colour, his reply.......If you think your that good do it yourself!!!  


Hopefully after tonights Xgames event people will start doing more versions lol.

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:19
Parcells2's picture
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As it seems to be the case and not surprising very few people actually care about the wheels with respect to any advantage it gives. However in the interest of simplicityl it is easier to manage a spec series by just making everyone use the exact same build then no one wonders why the PIs differ albeit slightly and its not really much easier to manage either but you get my point. 

From a build perspective I think stock rims should always be used making it easier/quicker for Parcells to build his car. Keep in mind I give less a shit about how my car looks than anyone here so ultimately it does not concern me in the appearance regard.

@ Prebuilt - to put it into perspective for you - If I wasn't racing GT5 on Thursdays I'd love to join your series which I would but I'm also fairly certain if no one painted a car for me I'd be disqualified from every race for lack of proper paint criteria. But that also wouldn't concern me because it wouldn't affect my overall racing enjoyment. Some of us are old, some of us are lazy and some of us are old and lazy capice? :)   

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:31
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Same rims is one easy way to see if everyones running the same build on track, especially if its a downloaded spec build and not openly passed around. Some people purposely put a gawdy rim in for a visual check against the storefront build. The reality is, a downloaded spec build is quicck and fast and even across the board.

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 09:41 (Reply to #11)
Pizzy's picture
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Oldschool 2o4f wrote:

Same rims is one easy way to see if everyones running the same build on track, especially if its a downloaded spec build and not openly passed around. Some people purposely put a gawdy rim in for a visual check against the storefront build. The reality is, a downloaded spec build is quicck and fast and even across the board.


Tuning affects the car far more than wheels.  If its an even build your looking for, then it should be 1 build, 1 tune for everyone

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 10:02
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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I said that. Storefront build.

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 11:16
Parcells2's picture
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Unless the tune is the stock tune it is not fair to everyone. Adjustable parts can be set up to suit different people's driving styles and that alone gives a slight advantage to people who can tune their own cars but this is going completely off topic and is irrelevant if you remember this shit is for fun. 

Sun, 08/04/2013 - 11:46
Gunny's picture
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Damn it!!! I agree with Parcells last 2 post!!  DId hell freeze over??

Mon, 08/05/2013 - 09:49
DRCxDRIVEBYEx71's picture
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My cars don't need wheels cause they just fly :)

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