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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Well thats one way to go out for a coffee...
this is one of the better gymkhana videos IMO... the last one was more of a DC commercial than anything else. In any case this guys car control is ridiculous. He makes it look so easy to tame a 600+ awhp monster to do whatever he wishes.
The stunt with the bike was...nope...no words...*round of applause*
KnightofRedemption wrote: The stunt with the bike was...nope...no words...*round of applause*
The stunt with the bike was...Dope
Must be nice to be able to close down a city to make it your personal playground.
F'ing Outstanding...EXCEPT...That Song....Come Sail Away by Styx...WTF??...Where is the AC/DC with some Thunderstruck!!!
i WANNA play
He has no chin he he
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Well thats one way to go out for a coffee...
this is one of the better gymkhana videos IMO... the last one was more of a DC commercial than anything else. In any case this guys car control is ridiculous. He makes it look so easy to tame a 600+ awhp monster to do whatever he wishes.
The stunt with the bike was...nope...no words...*round of applause*
The stunt with the bike was...Dope
Must be nice to be able to close down a city to make it your personal playground.
F'ing Outstanding...EXCEPT...That Song....Come Sail Away by Styx...WTF??...Where is the AC/DC with some Thunderstruck!!!
i WANNA play
He has no chin he he