kill 'em all TEAMS
kill 'em all TEAMS
Below is a list of the team and captains for the 2o2p vs THE WORLD mixer/tournament.
At the very least, I need the captains to respond here. I would prefer everyone respond here.
If you do not have the room on your friends list to add everyone, get on the social Halo FoF tag by checking out the stickey thread in this forum. For this mixer/tournament you should join the "A1Halo2o2p" tag
Once you've replied here, starting a "Team Thread" will help in organizing meet ups with your teammates and scheduling a time to play the matches.
Our "randomly selected" teams were actually based on even k/d ratio's. One team was hand picked for scheduling purposes.
[B]By The Numbers[/b]
The average k/d of all players involved is 1.105
The lowest team average is 1.065
The highest team average is 1.185 and is the hand picked team. (damn cheaters!)
The next team average is 1.14
The rest of the teams range from 1.078 to 1.090
[b]The Players[/b]
As of the time this was originally posted there are 39 players that signed up.
There are 3 alternates available for the 9 teams at this time.
Players were selected for captains based on their current activity in the forums. This was done simply because I should have an easier time communicating with someone that is here more often than someone that is not.
If you've been named a captain and do not wish to take the task on, let me know ASAP. I'll assign another captain.
Scheduling should not be a huge task. It should take about an hour to get in the matches. Surely we can get four people together for one hour over a span of one week.
If there are any conflicts, let me know and i'll makes subs where possible.
If things can't be worked out, the captain will have to make the final call as to when the matches are to be played. The line has to be drawn somewhere.
Just because you aren't on a roster, STAY IN TOUCH! You will most likely be needed. It is a regular occurrence for someone to signup and not be heard from again.
We only have 3 subs, and I'm willing to bet we'll need more than that.
I am the only one that can assign an alternate to a team. This doesn't doesn't mean that an alt can't be used in a pinch on game night if they haven't already been assigned to a team.
Anyone that is a member of can substitute if you don't have a full roster when it's time for your team to play. YOU MUST NOTE THE SUB WHEN REPORTING YOUR GAMES.
[B]Reporting games[/b]
Captains are responsible for reporting the results of the matches after they are played.
Copy and past the address of the page for the stats of each match in the order listed in the rules. (and relisted below)
You DO NOT NEED TO POST ANY STATS! Just post the game links, I'll do the rest.
All matches should be reported by the end of day, May 19th. If you are playing your matches late that night and can't report them until later, just let me know.
[b]The Matches[/b]
The Matches must be played in the order listed.
Enter the playlist and do your best to vote for the Map/Game that best suits you team.
Once you have played one minute of the match, it's official.
DON'T BE OVER CONCERNED ABOUT BEING MATCHED AGAINST TEAMS THAT AREN'T THE SAME CALIBER OF PLAYERS. Everything should work out in the wash. Just try to pull as many kills as you can.
The lineup of matches are as follows:
Team Slayer
Team Swat
Super Slayer
Team Snipers
[i]Listed as: User Name/Gamer Tag
Team #1
stinkeybadger67 / badger 0867
Lbsutke / Lbsutke*
MercilessChaos / Merciless Choas
SoupNazzi / xl Soup lx
Team #2
TwiztdFred / TwizdFred
Janomi / Anomals
IamDank / l Dirty Hairy l*
Trizev / Trizev
Team #3
Captain / Capt Hooke
xsinglewingx / Wam is a whore*
seiferlocke / Papa Geek 41175
NormalGuy / NormalGuy
Team #4
pontiff / pontiff
injustice4all / SILENT EVIL74
Drost / Drost
Team #5
jtgjr007 / JTGJR007
FreeRadikal / Free Radikal*
SPARHAWK25 / Sparhawk25
I6_Hitman / I6 Hitman
Team #6
Kenamin1 MI / Kenjamin1 MI
BCKinetic / BC Kinetic
BigBadMike / BigBadMike*
Hoplite / x Hoplite x
Team #7
Qudricept / Quadricept
CTRChaosQc / Chaos QC
Mjp2519 / Matt Likes Beer*
sknnie / sknnie
Team #8
Pulsaris / Pulsaris
TaxiSquad27 / taxisquad27
darth_chibius / Darksage OSI
LegendcalledJim / LegendcalledJim*
Team #9
OldnAchy / Old n Achy*
Valek / FippantKnave17
ThyEnenmy / Just Enemy
CannedHeat / CannedHeat101
[b][i]if you signed up and aren't on a roster, you are an alternate just like me. Alts are regularly need for an event like this so stay tuned![/i][/b]
wam quick question. can we play the order several times or is it just a one time thing?
and to my teammates I will be sending out FR's in the morning once i'm off work. Hopefully we can meet up sometime to get in a few games together.
It's a one time shot. You can practice playing together in any playlist but Team Slayer. Once you've played your Team Slayer match you must continue through the list.
When replying your games with links, make sure they contain your gamertag. I.E. Logout out of Waypoint and check to see if the links work.
The Waypoint game history links are a pain in the ass.
Also, who is the captain of my team?
ooops, my bad. you are the captain.
CTRChaosQc GT is CHA0S Qc.
Also, Chibby's Gamertag isn't Darksage.
I predict Team #5 to win this. It's not even fair...
thems fighting words Deep!!
Yeah my k/d ratio must me super low to have you and SPARHAWK on the same team.
Sounds Good, Ill get a team thread going now.
Team #1 shall from now on be known as:
that is all.
Started a new thread for Team 9 so that we can finalize our get together for the tourny.
My GT: BC Kinetic
Team 7, I'm on most nights 9-12 EDST. Is everyone's GT correct? Matt shall lead us to victory.
Matt Likes Beer
I don't know if upper case has a difference, but's it's Chaos Qc
As for the available times - I'm in EST Time Zone, so from 9:00PM to 12:00 sometimes, if I don't have a seminar to go to, or what not. On weekends all is up in the air, depending of my wife - LOL
This weekend is out of the question, Saturday seminar most of day, and Sunday "Mothers day" I will be at my wifes service all day - LOL, maybe I'll be able to escape near 9:00 PM :-)
I'm usually on lots.
Please keep your personal life and your " romantic interludes" at the Funky Pirate Bar of the forums. This is a Halo thread. :)
Sorry I meant to say...I'm usually on lot's wife with a fifth of tequilla and a lime...but can also often be found on Reach.
Uh oh.
Chibi, you ready to get the band back together?
if anyone doesn't have enough room on their friends list for all your teammates and need a way to stay in contact, join the social FoF tag. There is a stickey in this forum with details on how to join.
the tag you should send a FR to for this is the "A1Halo2o2p".
Well put my name down for a spare so will wait and see.
Thats what happens when your to late for the party
I'm on at about 5:30 to 7:30 CST every night, Saturday afternoons and Sunday afternoons. Let me know when you want to play...
Nice and Thanks
Capt Hooke
Put me on some kind of sub list... i missed all this up front....lame
Wam- is there enough to have one more full team?
yes, therw is plenty. i want to give the no shows until tomorrow, then i'll announce the changes. i think i can fill the spots & add a team.
it looks like we're going to have enough players for a tenth team.
as of right now, team # 10 would be:
i know the last 3 are west coasters, how about you styles? are you west coast, or at least play on west coast time?
if not, i'll put styles on team #1 and i'll play with the westies.
Thanks for the team restructure, Wam! See you guys later tonight, should be on around 10.