Leader boards
Leader boards
So lately I have been having an issue with joining in lobbies, public and trying to join friends. With my schedule lately I have been absent alot more than I expected to be so with my time I have been hotlapping (not a favorite in my past). I have been sort of getting into it now though. Well, I have been a C class fan in FM4 so I thought lets lap all the tracks that count for LB time in C class and see where I end up. To my surprise I have ended up at #97 overall in C class with more room to improve my times. I think I may go after B class or D class next, sort of addicting. I think I finally see what the hotlappers like about this whole thing. So if you see me on, send me an invite and get me out of my little alone world..... haha!
HEY!! Kurupt!! Got anything new I can try to run the wheels off of......
Thanks for the offer, you haven't sent me anything in A or higher yet. Much appreciated. Sorry to here you are leaving the FM series but I know there are lots out there doing the same. I guess I haven't spent that much time on FM4 yet to be frustrated with it that much, and I don't much feel like getting set up on a PC considering I only have a small laptop!! Maybe someday.