Levels coming back in Halo 4

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#1 Wed, 08/22/2012 - 15:03
CTRChaosQc's picture
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Levels coming back in Halo 4

Just the thought of hearing that the levels where comming back in Halo 4 - I jumped

To make it worst now they added more.

I just found out by my son, that for those who play reach, the 1 to 50 levels are comming back, the bad part about it is that once at 50 you have a choice of tarding in your 50 and going back to zero, here is the bad part (I think) when you traid in your level 50, you get to pick extra powers i call them, that other players won't have (Not fair) !!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The powers are further radar, get to see who camps on your radar(that one is a good one when DEEPNNN is camping again) When you run your feet don't make any noise, get to see thru walls,.... I can only imagin some of the players that are hard core playing all the time - wow they will have all those power in no time,.... hmmm this should be very challenging.
Chaos Qc
Wed, 08/22/2012 - 15:16
DEEP_NNN's picture
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CTRChaosQc wrote:

Just the thought of hearing that the levels where comming back in Halo 4 - I jumped

To make it worst now they added more.

I just found out by my son, that for those who play reach, the 1 to 50 levels are comming back, the bad part about it is that once at 50 you have a choice of tarding in your 50 and going back to zero, here is the bad part (I think) when you traid in your level 50, you get to pick extra powers i call them, that other players won't have (Not fair) !!!!!!!!!!! LOL
The powers are further radar, get to see who camps on your radar(that one is a good one when DEEPNNN is camping again) When you run your feet don't make any noise, get to see thru walls,.... I can only imagin some of the players that are hard core playing all the time - wow they will have all those power in no time,.... hmmm this should be very challenging.
Chaos Qc

Sorry Chaos, your son is only patially correct. The 0-50 are levels of something but they have not been described in detail yet. Probably more like experience. Check out last week's Waypoint bulletin for Specializations. You have to earn each Specialization by playing and unlocking each of its items. you can only work on one Specialization at a time.

The Armour Mods earned give you some enhanced abilities but they may use up a loadout slot too. So advatage at the cost of not using something else.

Imagine how long it has taken people to earn Inheritor in REACH. It could take that long to earn all of the Specializations and you can only use one at a time.

You should not worry.smiley

Wed, 08/22/2012 - 15:26
Double T's picture
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Wed, 08/22/2012 - 17:39
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Ditto.  Meh x 2.

Thu, 08/23/2012 - 17:24
Phantom_Sol's picture
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I want to have hope, I really really really do....but


pretty much sums it up.


Thu, 08/23/2012 - 18:30
ks63's picture
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Whenever you hear a rumor concerning H4, just think COD and you're on the right track....

Thu, 08/23/2012 - 18:59
Lala Calamari's picture
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Well, with the success of the last 8 CoD titles don't be shocked when 343 "borrows" some ideas.  For as shitty as some think COD is, it sure sells and dominates time on XBox Live.

Thu, 08/23/2012 - 19:23
Double T's picture
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I will not be buying any more CoD titles.  MW3 was a major disappointment.  Blops was fun, but I seriously can't take more of it.  It's like halo's swat with perks.  Stupid stuff, and insanely easy.

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