Looking for DOM players!

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#1 Wed, 11/21/2012 - 11:17
YellingYeti's picture
Last seen: 11 years 3 months ago
Joined: 12/06/2009 - 23:00

Looking for DOM players!

Hey guys/gals,


A friend and I are looking for more players to play some DOM games with, its frustrating as hell playing DOM with random Timmies who would rather practice their SNIPER 360's than cap points!!!78

We are laid back and just believe in trying to use teamwork to cap and hold the points! Lately, its been games where my buddy and I are leading in caps with 8 and 10 caps and the rest of the team has 1 or 2...116.and in doing that of course are K/D goes to the basement but in DOM we don't really care about that to much. If you are really trying to CAP you are gonna die a few times...

We are on XBOX, my GT is mtnbker. Please send a FR if you are into this gamemode!



P.S. the Warthog killstreak is pretty damn COOL!!!134

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