Looking for RAID leader 10/27 8:30pm Central
Looking for RAID leader 10/27 8:30pm Central
I've been through the VoG once and I'd like to run it again with someone who know what they are doing and is older than 13. I was a pickup in a group of 4 teenagers and one other dude who knew his way through the VoG. He just told us what to do and we mostly blwe through it. The teens did spend a good amount of time waiting for this old guy to figure out how to jump/glide on the way to the last maze. They revived me about 20 times on that damn ledge.
I'd like to get a goup of 2o2p'ers for Monday night and I've got a buddy from work who has never done the raid that would like to tag along as well.
Any guides out there?
I can run as Worlock, Titan or Hunter (all Lvl 27 or 28) with maxed legendary weapons and Ice Breaker or that damn fusion rifle.
Hit me up on XBL, I can't get enough Destiny.