Looking for some black ops 2 players.......
Thu, 02/14/2013 - 23:38
Looking for some black ops 2 players.......
Like the title states, i am looking for more people to play with on various game modes, preferrably if you have the new map pack, but not set in stone. I just want a team of guys who can work together to get to the objective and can communicate well over the mic........If interested, hit me up, and send me an fr to kamikazetraitor......I am playing at all hours of the day, so any players are welcomed.......
ill run some with you, xbox or ps3??
i have it on xbox....sorry, i guess i should have mentioned that....lol
well hit me up: o huey o
Xbox. digezy
FR sent
I'll add you the next time I am on. I prefer to play with peole who communicate well and don't play Domination as a perverted form of TDM.
SOunds like a plan......
Just came back to 2o2p having been gone for a while - also looking for some people to play BO2 with - will send you a FR.
Sounds good, and welcome back to the site....I have just recently returned as well!!
same here, also recently returned due to finally getting an xbox again after a couple years without one.
Feel free to add me although work schedule doesnt allow for playing much.
FR sent
still looking for players to play with on COD BLack ops 2.......and if you arent gonna actually play, then no need to send me an invite.......I am loving this new mob of the dead zombies mode and am looking to get a 4 man team together to play it together.......
Send me a FR or I'll send you one I am always on the look out to find people to play BLOPS2 with.
I usually get online around 11pm-midnight est. Not many friends are playing blops2 even less at that time. I'll send a FR or hit me up.
GT - xero70
Hey fellas
I play league TDM and need a team ( sucks without one )
Im on in the evenings and during the weekends
My GT: Big Nesto 11
feel free to add me
This thread seems older, with the delivery of Ghosts, but I'll toss me hat in too.
gotta be honest about being a noob/rookie... Bought an xbox last fall as boredom killer post back surgery, so I'm a real rookie with controller, console games. Would like to learn more, but will never be a top player... I just aint that good at these. But they're games, and can be fun.
im barely learning classes, weapons, etc.. Let alone how to aim, so look to be support first...
Id also be an occassional player, not as regular as some. So if this group is the right fit, itd be kewl. If another group would be better, advice appreciayed. Im learning about the 2o2p groups.
enjoy all... They are games...
Hit me up.Been away from COD a while.With my work hours,i won't be on until 11:30 pm or later.
Just to let you know,i'm not the best player out there.I play to have fun and not take it seriously.