Majestic Map Pack

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#1 Tue, 02/19/2013 - 06:31
Tue, 02/19/2013 - 06:34
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Thanks for the heads up HBO, THC and NeoGAF.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 07:20
wamam87's picture
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i hope to get to watch these today.

well, i hope i get to watch them on something other than my phone.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 08:12
DarthTabasco's picture
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Monolith looks fun and certainly the map I am most interested to play.

Skyline, it was really hard to tell how the map really plays because of the random, derpy movement of the person playing. Toward the end of the video I finally saw how quickly you could get from base to base with that flag run. I hope this one plays better than the video shows.

Landfall, I honestly couldn't help but think COD when watching the gameplay and how the map is laid out. Lots of buildings, hallways, corners, crates and random places to hide or escape to when taking damage. This one certainly seems to be the largest of the three. 

Thanks for the info Deep!


Tue, 02/19/2013 - 09:25
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Agreed.  Monolith looks pretty interesting.  The other two don't.


The person playing Landfall is a really bad Halo player.


After watching the first Monolith video, I can say that that person is also a pretty bad Halo player.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 10:17
hyghwayman's picture
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Tue, 02/19/2013 - 10:30
Drost's picture
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Apparently they did not hire Bravo soon enough.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 11:48 (Reply to #7)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Drost wrote:

Apparently they did not hire Bravo soon enough.


Well, they did have all the maps planned out before the game shipped, right?  What can hiring anyone new do to combat that?


Well, other than setting fire to the Creative Affinity studios.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 10:38
DarthTabasco's picture
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Yes, none of the videos showed good Halo play. I was trying to watch the videos with the idea of ignoring the bad play and trying to figure out how the maps flow. 

Granted it's still tough to do without some decent play, but I was just trying to get a first impression.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 10:46
Lbsutke's picture
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looking forward to Monolith. But the other two are going to be boltshot and Jet Pack douchebagery. But in the right playlist or limited loadouts they could be very interesting.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 12:14 (Reply to #10)
MTPathy's picture
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Lbsutke wrote:

looking forward to Monolith. But the other two are going to be boltshot and Jet Pack douchebagery. But in the right playlist or limited loadouts they could be very interesting.


looks like im in agreement with the majority here, i really liked the way Monolith looked the other maps were just ok. i gotta ask though Lb i know how ppl can be douchebags with boltshot cause i find them in pretty much every game but how can someone be a douchebag with jetpack?

also anyone have any idea how much this map packs gonna cost?




Tue, 02/19/2013 - 12:16 (Reply to #11)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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MTPathy wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

looking forward to Monolith. But the other two are going to be boltshot and Jet Pack douchebagery. But in the right playlist or limited loadouts they could be very interesting.


looks like im in agreement with the majority here, i really liked the way Monolith looked the other maps were just ok. i gotta ask though Lb i know how ppl can be douchebags with boltshot cause i find them in pretty much every game but how can someone be a douchebag with jetpack?

also anyone have any idea how much this map packs gonna cost?





By using the jetpack, even a little bit.  Terrible, terrible plague upon Halo, it is.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 12:31 (Reply to #12)
MTPathy's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

MTPathy wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

looking forward to Monolith. But the other two are going to be boltshot and Jet Pack douchebagery. But in the right playlist or limited loadouts they could be very interesting.


looks like im in agreement with the majority here, i really liked the way Monolith looked the other maps were just ok. i gotta ask though Lb i know how ppl can be douchebags with boltshot cause i find them in pretty much every game but how can someone be a douchebag with jetpack?

also anyone have any idea how much this map packs gonna cost?





By using the jetpack, even a little bit.  Terrible, terrible plague upon Halo, it is.


last night before i jumped into your game i was easily going 14/5, when i jumped into your game i barely got a single kill in the 10games i played.




Tue, 02/19/2013 - 13:10 (Reply to #13)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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MTPathy wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

MTPathy wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

looking forward to Monolith. But the other two are going to be boltshot and Jet Pack douchebagery. But in the right playlist or limited loadouts they could be very interesting.


looks like im in agreement with the majority here, i really liked the way Monolith looked the other maps were just ok. i gotta ask though Lb i know how ppl can be douchebags with boltshot cause i find them in pretty much every game but how can someone be a douchebag with jetpack?

also anyone have any idea how much this map packs gonna cost?





By using the jetpack, even a little bit.  Terrible, terrible plague upon Halo, it is.


last night before i jumped into your game i was easily going 14/5, when i jumped into your game i barely got a single kill in the 10games i played.





Communication, sir.  I also noticed that you were going the wrong way a lot of times*, in my death screen.  Right now, it seems like Throwdown is a pretty mixed bag.  You get a lot of quitters, because there's no real penalty, you get a lot of bad players, and some very good players.

In any case, talk a lot more.  The only way people know what's going on, especially in Infinity Slayer, is if you tell them what's going on.  Any player can possibly have any weapon at any time, and the only way you know that is if you tell folks.  


*Some clarification on this point might help.  Remember Halo 3?  Remember playing flag on The Pit?  Do you know how the spawn trap worked on that map?  You had three zones to spawn in on your side, one in shotgun, one behind the flag, and one by the sniper rifle.  When your team was making a push, and you noticed that the other side was down a player or two, you could start influencing the other team's spawns pretty easily.  If you were running through the short hallway, toss a grenade into the shotgun spawn.  That ensures the other team isn't going to spawn there, so they'll spawn in one of the two other areas.  They'd tend to spawn in the Courtyard, by sniper rifle, as opposed to the base.  Of course, if your teammates fucked it up, the spawn split, making a flag capture much much more difficult than it had to be.  Now, if you're on the opposing end, let's say you're the last one left, the other team is starting to make a push over to your side, what do you do?  On The Pit, you head towards Shotgun, because that's going to provide you the best chance for screwing up their plans.  Stay there until your teammates start spawning in on you, at Shotgun, and you thwart a lot of what the other team was trying to do.  Sometimes, in Halo, influencing your own team's spawn is one of the most important things you can do.  On Haven, last night, when we were getting stomped out, we kept getting pulled as far away from them as we could, often spawning at Mohawk, when they're top-middle/Open Ramp heavy.  You should have probably pulled to Red or Blue corner and spawned us in and we should have pushed together (also difficult, because the other team generated a good team shot by hitting folks from multiple and unorthodox angles, as evidenced by the guys up on the supports that are above top-middle).


Does that make any sense?


Tue, 02/19/2013 - 16:13 (Reply to #14)
Lbsutke's picture
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MTPathy wrote:

Lbsutke wrote:

looking forward to Monolith. But the other two are going to be boltshot and Jet Pack douchebagery. But in the right playlist or limited loadouts they could be very interesting.


looks like im in agreement with the majority here, i really liked the way Monolith looked the other maps were just ok. i gotta ask though Lb i know how ppl can be douchebags with boltshot cause i find them in pretty much every game but how can someone be a douchebag with jetpack?

also anyone have any idea how much this map packs gonna cost?





It is more like the combination of both those things on some maps Like Adrift and Abandon.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 11:44
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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I thought maybe you were exaggerating on how bad the gameplay was...I couldn't continue watching after a couple minutes into the Monolith vid.  Guess I'll just have to watch when some newer vids come out.  

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 11:49 (Reply to #16)
DarthTabasco's picture
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OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

I thought maybe you were exaggerating on how bad the gameplay was...I couldn't continue watching after a couple minutes into the Monolith vid.  Guess I'll just have to watch when some newer vids come out.  


As I said, I was trying to look past the play and get an idea about the map layouts. Try that - it might help. 82

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 14:03 (Reply to #17)
Drost's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

OMGaLaserPewPew wrote:

I thought maybe you were exaggerating on how bad the gameplay was...I couldn't continue watching after a couple minutes into the Monolith vid.  Guess I'll just have to watch when some newer vids come out.  


As I said, I was trying to look past the play and get an idea about the map layouts. Try that - it might help. 82


you can't make chicken salad outta chicken shit. 

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 13:44
Autarch's picture
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Wonder what the achievements will be for this map pack.  I'm hoping to bust those out and it'll be time to wait for the next map pack.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 15:00
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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Just basing off of the videos below.



Skyline - Looks too claustrophobic. This map is going to be ruled by Boltshots. Any decent shooting lanes are cut off by hallway turns walls or clutter. This will be a very frustrating map to navigate. It will be disorienting. By and large it looks thrown together with no forethought on what it is trying to be other than a shotgun playground. It looks like shit.



Monolith - A little better than the above map but still plagued by clutter, and an over all CQC theme. It looks like it was made with AA in mind instead of the correct way to construct a map by letting abilities enhance it. Still a little disorienting by beating you over the head with the gray everywhere.


Landfall - I was kind of watching the videos of each map and then making a comment.  I wish I just would have watched them all and wrote one comment, because they all have the same problems. Weird turns and angles cut off the shooting lanes . Every entrance has some set piece clutter in front of it. yada yada yada.



In closing these maps are disappointing to see as of now. We wanted smaller maps in over all size, not COD CQC. Sniper positions are too scarce and linear to be useful. Corner camping is going to be encouraged. AA's and Boltshot will leave you wanting to throw your controller. Good luck with call outs. i am going to wait to download these.  But i am sure some fanboys of "new" Halo will find these maps fun.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 18:12 (Reply to #20)
wamam87's picture
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FR_ISH_1371 wrote:


Just basing off of the videos below.



Skyline - Looks too claustrophobic. This map is going to be ruled by Boltshots. Any decent shooting lanes are cut off by hallway turns walls or clutter. This will be a very frustrating map to navigate. It will be disorienting. By and large it looks thrown together with no forethought on what it is trying to be other than a shotgun playground. It looks like shit.



Monolith - A little better than the above map but still plagued by clutter, and an over all CQC theme. It looks like it was made with AA in mind instead of the correct way to construct a map by letting abilities enhance it. Still a little disorienting by beating you over the head with the gray everywhere.


Landfall - I was kind of watching the videos of each map and then making a comment.  I wish I just would have watched them all and wrote one comment, because they all have the same problems. Weird turns and angles cut off the shooting lanes . Every entrance has some set piece clutter in front of it. yada yada yada.



In closing these maps are disappointing to see as of now. We wanted smaller maps in over all size, not COD CQC. Sniper positions are too scarce and linear to be useful. Corner camping is going to be encouraged. AA's and Boltshot will leave you wanting to throw your controller. Good luck with call outs. i am going to wait to download these.  But i am sure some fanboys of "new" Halo will find these maps fun.


so you want this...




...not this...


Tue, 02/19/2013 - 19:18 (Reply to #21)
FR_ISH_1371's picture
Last seen: 9 years 2 months ago
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wamam87 wrote:

FR_ISH_1371 wrote:


Just basing off of the videos below.



Skyline - Looks too claustrophobic. This map is going to be ruled by Boltshots. Any decent shooting lanes are cut off by hallway turns walls or clutter. This will be a very frustrating map to navigate. It will be disorienting. By and large it looks thrown together with no forethought on what it is trying to be other than a shotgun playground. It looks like shit.



Monolith - A little better than the above map but still plagued by clutter, and an over all CQC theme. It looks like it was made with AA in mind instead of the correct way to construct a map by letting abilities enhance it. Still a little disorienting by beating you over the head with the gray everywhere.


Landfall - I was kind of watching the videos of each map and then making a comment.  I wish I just would have watched them all and wrote one comment, because they all have the same problems. Weird turns and angles cut off the shooting lanes . Every entrance has some set piece clutter in front of it. yada yada yada.



In closing these maps are disappointing to see as of now. We wanted smaller maps in over all size, not COD CQC. Sniper positions are too scarce and linear to be useful. Corner camping is going to be encouraged. AA's and Boltshot will leave you wanting to throw your controller. Good luck with call outs. i am going to wait to download these.  But i am sure some fanboys of "new" Halo will find these maps fun.


so you want this...




...not this...



Yep....that pretty much sums it up.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 15:13
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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"New" halo huh?  Probably better than what I refer to them as:  Good halos and bad halos.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 17:14
Shadow's picture
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Monolith looks good.  Skyline has promise for OBJ.  Landfall.......meh.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 18:02
ks63's picture
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I'm afraid to buy anymore "new" H4 maps. 'Nuff said.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 18:05 (Reply to #25)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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ks63 wrote:

I'm afraid to buy anymore "new" H4 maps. 'Nuff said.


6 maps released as DLC, 1 looks good.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 23:58 (Reply to #26)
Shadow's picture
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ks63 wrote:

I'm afraid to buy anymore "new" H4 maps. 'Nuff said.

I bought the LE, so all maps that come out are owed to me.

Wed, 02/20/2013 - 00:05 (Reply to #27)
wamam87's picture
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Shadow wrote:

ks63 wrote:

I'm afraid to buy anymore "new" H4 maps. 'Nuff said.

I bought the LE, so all maps that come out are owed to me.



Wed, 02/20/2013 - 11:08 (Reply to #28)
ks63's picture
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Shadow wrote:

ks63 wrote:

I'm afraid to buy anymore "new" H4 maps. 'Nuff said.

I bought the LE, so all maps that come out are owed to me.

I did too and I want my money back.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 18:20
DEEP_NNN's picture
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A poster on NeoGAF claimed he was a member of the media and played in those game videos. Said he is not good at Halo. So these were not testers and not test sessions.

Tue, 02/19/2013 - 18:22 (Reply to #30)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

A poster on NeoGAF claimed he was a member of the media and played in those game videos. Said he is not good at Halo. So these were not testers and not test sessions.


Clearly.  Also, at least noe of the players' call sign was "IGN".  I presume this was some kind of release for the press.

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