mcc is so broken i dont even want it anymore

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Thu, 12/04/2014 - 16:06 (Reply to #91)
Shadow's picture
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Tristan wrote:

If I were selling you a car, and I knew the car didn't work but hid that information from you, and then still took your money for a car that I know doesn't work, how is that not stealing?

He didn't say anything about going into povery over $60. That's irrelevant.

Not liking a game isn't the same thing as a game that doesn't function as advertised. Do you seriously not see the difference between buying a movie ticket and then deciding you didn't like the acting, and buying a movie ticket when the sound cuts out half the time and the projector is broken?

Your statement posits that 343 is being dishonest when they have said that they did not know of the matchmaking issues before launch.  Until I see evidence of that, that's just conjecture.  Also, a car is a hell of a lot larger investment than a video game and should be more of a big deal if it didn't work (because, you could die).

I've bought other broken games before that took months to fix.  Some never got fixed.  But I didn't sit around screaming about them daily.  I played other games, and when they were fixed I went back to them.  Destiny had a ton of glitches for a couple months and still has problems.  For the first month or so I could never regularly speak in a party chat with all of my team in Destiny.  And it was only Destiny.  I'd have to quit the game and restart it, and find some odd combo of creating the party before or after starting the game, or going to the lobby, etc.  Plus boss bugs that still persist.

Games have bugs.  Large games get fixed.  This will get fixed, but you're just killing the community yourself if you're constantly ripping on it daily.  Just be patient.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 15:43
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Shadow, this whole MCC debacle has been very disappointing. Even demoralizing for someone like me, whose played Halo non-stop since 2005.

People called me a Bungie and 343i white knight just because I thought some vocal competitive players were whiny bitches over REACH and Halo 4.. Well MCC is way beyond those levels of problems. I'll not be stepping in to say anyone is being hyperbolic this time.

I'm still hoping we can get MCC to work for Over 50 Customs. If we can't, well I'll be retiring from Halo until after Halo 5 releases and is proven to work as advertised.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 16:36
Tristan's picture
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I find it completely unbelievable that they didn't know the game had serious problems before launch. You only have to play the game for 10 minutes before encountering major problems. If it were just a matter of matchmaking problems or server overload at the beginning, that would be one thing. But this game has typos all over the place and every aspect of the game is riddled with bugs. Even campaign is filled with bugs and glitches that have nothing to do with matchmaking or XBL. Why do you think they handled the reviewers the way they did if not because they knew the game was a clusterfuck and they didn't want the word to get out before launch? That's another way of saying they manipulated the review process to deceive the consumer.

You're missing the point with the car analogy. It has nothing to do with cars being dangerous. If you can't get it I'm not going to bother spelling it out for you.

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 17:30
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Agree with Tristan, 343 royally fucked up.  It's one thing if at least campaign worked flawlessly, but even that's glitched to hell.  And in no way am I implying that MCC's launch would be fine if only MM was screwed, but at least we would have had something.  The fact that gamers' attitudes now are:  most games launch with bugs and glitches, but they will be fixed in time.  That shouldn't be the attitude.  Shipping broken products is unacceptable.  Eh, at times I wonder if I should have purchased a ps4.  With MCC all screwy and H5 looking like H4 with minor improvements, there's no exclusives to keep me excited about the Xbone.  

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 17:44
sknnie's picture
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listen i want mcc to work just as much as anybody. i was really looking forward too it and even took a day off work to play (wasnt able to play cause its broke) i was really hoping they would make it awsome and it would help gain intrest in halo five for a generation that doesnt play halo. but they fucked it up and all this has done is turned people off and away from halo.

these are some of my halo videos

halo 3 frame

modded controller

pwning kidmach

ratso swallows

Thu, 12/04/2014 - 18:47
Assassin_45's picture
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     Well all I can say is I was really excited for the game and loved it so much I've been holding on this long hoping it will get fixed and my hope is almost gone too. I had just rejoined this community and started playing on Halo night and was having lots of fun. Then MCC launches and It's a flop and nobody's playing it. I've been forcing myself to play through the campaigns hoping by the time I get done the multiplayer will be fixed. Don't look like it's going to happen though. I hosted Halo CE lan parties for over a year, Played over 14,000 games of Halo 2 multiplayer, and kept on that trend with Halo 3 untill my wife said enough Halo for now(That's the short version of that story.) After all that, with all this stuff going on now with MCC and my dislike for the last few Halo's and 5 looking weird. I'm feeling like it might be time to move on soon.


     Sorry I haven't been playing with anyone much. I'ts hard to get interested in strategies and such for team games when you can't play matchmaking together and even in customs there's too much lag most of the time. Also my mic is broke now so I can't even talk with anyone. I'll get a new one soon hopefully.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 05:32
DEEP_NNN's picture
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We had 8 people playing H2 and H2A customs last night. It was good to play with friends again. Thanks go to Wheezin for hosting.

The game is playable but with annoying issues. Getting a party together and keeping together was difficult. NAT issues affected chat and the Live party chat won't work for more than 8

There was one game crash.

MCC seems to cause Destiny to reload it's last update. The reverse may be true too. It's happened 3 times to me now..

Halo 2 and by extension H2A are much slower than I remember.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 09:41 (Reply to #98)
OldnAchy's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

We had 8 people playing H2 and H2A customs last night. It was good to play with friends again. Thanks go to Wheezin for hosting.

The game is playable but with annoying issues. Getting a party together and keeping together was difficult. NAT issues affected chat and the Live party chat won't work for more than 8

There was one game crash.

MCC seems to cause Destiny to reload it's last update. The reverse may be true too. It's happened 3 times to me now..

Halo 2 and by extension H2A are much slower than I remember.

Glad to hear that there was at least a little success.  Let me know when the old guys are getting together again.  I would like to get in on the fun.  Btw, good to see you online again.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 10:03 (Reply to #99)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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OldnAchy wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

We had 8 people playing H2 and H2A customs last night. It was good to play with friends again. Thanks go to Wheezin for hosting.

The game is playable but with annoying issues. Getting a party together and keeping together was difficult. NAT issues affected chat and the Live party chat won't work for more than 8

There was one game crash.

MCC seems to cause Destiny to reload it's last update. The reverse may be true too. It's happened 3 times to me now..

Halo 2 and by extension H2A are much slower than I remember.

Glad to hear that there was at least a little success.  Let me know when the old guys are getting together again.  I would like to get in on the fun.  Btw, good to see you online again.

We seem to be keeping to our regular schedule. I don't guarantee I'll be showing up. Some days are frustrating.

I aim to try MCC at the beginning of the Over 50 but dump it for the 360 if too many issues get in the way of fun.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 14:42 (Reply to #100)
Duke12's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

OldnAchy wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

We had 8 people playing H2 and H2A customs last night. It was good to play with friends again. Thanks go to Wheezin for hosting.

The game is playable but with annoying issues. Getting a party together and keeping together was difficult. NAT issues affected chat and the Live party chat won't work for more than 8

There was one game crash.

MCC seems to cause Destiny to reload it's last update. The reverse may be true too. It's happened 3 times to me now..

Halo 2 and by extension H2A are much slower than I remember.

Glad to hear that there was at least a little success.  Let me know when the old guys are getting together again.  I would like to get in on the fun.  Btw, good to see you online again.

We seem to be keeping to our regular schedule. I don't guarantee I'll be showing up. Some days are frustrating.

I aim to try MCC at the beginning of the Over 50 but dump it for the 360 if too many issues get in the way of fun.


Thanks for the Thursday data, Deep! Looking forward to Tuesday and hoping for the best! Which reminds me that I better fire up MCC before then so I can do the update the first time. And then find out if I have to re-update Destiny. New motto: Patience and Time: an exotic sniper rifle in Destiny; a requirement in Master Chief Collection.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 15:16
sknnie's picture
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yeah played a few games with them last night too. we were able to play some games and it was fun when it was working but was still frustrating with multiple problems

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 15:59
FreeRadikal's picture
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Ever since the last update, I've had no problems. Works like a charm, I just wish it worked that way for everyone.

Fri, 12/05/2014 - 16:03
BigBadMike's picture
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After playing the first two builds, I will say that this was an improvement; albeit a small one in the face of all that is non functional in the game.   Until I don't have to reboot this game within the confines of a normal playing timeframe (2-4hrs) I will not consider it Functional no matter how fast it finds matches that are uneven.  My disappointment continues.

Tue, 12/09/2014 - 12:07
Hunturic's picture
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I have been having great matches.  The best ones have been in Halo CE.

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