MCC Update for 11/20

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#1 Thu, 11/20/2014 - 09:54
DarthTabasco's picture
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MCC Update for 11/20

Here are the update notes posted by 343 for today's scheduled update.

Quite the laundry list, but then again there is a LOT to fix!


Tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, Nov. 20), our latest content update will become available. This particular content update addresses matchmaking performance, UI, gameplay, and title-specific issues. We are on track for a release of mid-late afternoon Pacific Time for this content update, and will immediately let you know when it is available. For now, here is a change list of what will be included. As a note, many of the below issues are sub issues that were caused by larger umbrella problems that we have addressed with this update.


  • Addressed a number of issues that resulted in extended matchmaking times and low matchmaking success rates.
  • Made a number of updates to how matchmaking progress is communicated to the player. With this update, you’ll see better, more frequent and more informative status updates throughout the matchmaking flow – so “Players Found” for example, will be displayed to let players know where they are in the matchmaking process instead of simply wondering if it’s going to connect.
  • The improved matchmaking flow is as follows:
    • Searching
    • Searching for more players
    • Players found
    • Finalizing matchmaking process
    • Connecting session
  • Made an update to ensure that parties stick together when returning from the post-game carnage report
  • Prevented the ability for players “kick” other players from matchmaking games
  • Made an update to ensure that the Roster correctly displays the “searching” UI rather than “My Game Session” while searching for players
  • Removed the possibility to boost ranking through a custom games exploit
  • Made an update to ensure that players cannot get stuck in the matchmaking screen during map voting
  • Made an update to ensure that the “Connecting to your game” message no longer incorrectly displays in the lower right of the screen during gameplay
  • Made an update to the “team creation” phase that allows players to be grouped by team
  • Made an update to prevent players from seeing the “connection failed” dialogue if disconnected during the map voting screen
  • Improved roster / matchmaking lobby stability
  • Made improvements to the accuracy and stability of the “Game Session Details” UI
  • Improved version compatibility


  • Improved emblem and nameplate behavior to ensure that they do not reset to default (especially after game sessions)
  • Corrected career stats that did not update uniformly across different profiles in multiple titles
  • Improved Forge map display names in Theater
  • Corrected various medal inconsistencies across titles


  • Made updates to the attainability of various achievements, including “Goat Roped,” “Monopolized,” “You’re Joking,” and “Devastating.”
  • Improved Halo: CE career stat tracking
  • Resolved scoring and time HUD reset and display issues
  • Made an update to ensure that rival emblems are displayed correctly


  • Improved consistency and reliability of shot registration
  • Improved headshot hitboxes
  • Fixed an issue where respawning players could momentarily appear at their death location
  • Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
  • Improved fall damage consistency (specifically in regards to uneven surfaces)
  • Improved Halo: CE menu and loading screen stability
  • Improved consistency with multikill rewards
  • Made an update to improve post-game carnage report accuracy for Halo: CE FFA games
  • Updated default language settings


  • Made an update to ensure that the team color shown in pre-game lobby matches in-game
  • Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved consistency between host and clients in peer to peer matches
  • Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved gameplay consistency
  • Made an update to service tag functionality, allowing for service tags to appear for all players
  • Improved the post-game carnage report to correctly display team color
  • Made an update to ensure that the match ends when the entire opposing team quits
  • Improved “original” medal icon functionality in split-screen
  • Improved host migration functionality
  • Corrected “headshot” stat tracking
  • Addressed a crash that occurred with the Scarab skull
  • Addressed art errors that occurred on the opening cinematics for “Uprising” and “High Charity”


  • Made an update to prevent players from gaining achievements in Forge
  • Improved Forge item display names
  • Resolved text overlapping issues
  • Improved split screen stability
  • Made an update to resolve the notorious “-1th” scoreboard text
  • Improved lobby functionality to address players not being able to reconnect to the party leader after completing a match
  • Improved host migration functionality
  • Corrected vehicle and weapon thumbnails in the “Tools of destruction” table in the post-game carnage report
  • Addressed a dedicated server issue that caused gameplay physics issues on Stonetown
  • Improved split-screen party functionality to ensure that players are not directed to a broken lobby screen after completing a game session
  • Improved Forge mode stability
  • Made an update to King of the Hill scoring to prevent multiple hills from counting down at the same time
  • Improved Shrine objective spawn points
  • Improved King of the Hill and Ninjanaut mode stability
  • Addressed an issue where controller vibration could persist during the pause menu
  • Improved Race mode respawn zones

We have additional content updates on the way, and work is already underway in an effort to continue to improve your experience with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. We thank you for your continued patience and support.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 10:37
Neks0ne's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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This looks promising!

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 11:25
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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This one:

Improved roster / matchmaking lobby stability

I'm curious what this means. Hopefully that joining/inviting to groups actually works. To me this is the biggest problem with the MM game.

  • Improved host migration functionality

Uhhh. Hopefully there isn't any because you guys use dedicated servers, right? Maybe this is for p2p custom games, I don't know.

Also: Forge on H3 not addressed

  • Improved a variety of networking issues to allow for improved consistency between host and clients in peer to peer matches

Again I hope this is for customs only.


Either way I'm excited to see improvements.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 12:47
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Right now matchmaking is running with a random player host while they fix everything. That's how host players are booting opponent players.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 17:39
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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A little saddened that are fixing the 1th place ranking.  

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 18:34
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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The patch is out! If you run your game it should run the update.

Here's hoping everything works as well as anticipated.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 18:53
Assassin_45's picture
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DLing it now. Hope we can all party up and play now. I hope they fixed the ranks resetting. I was a legit 12 you know, before I got reset. lol

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 21:11
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I tried a few minutes of Halo 4 campaign. One section stuttered like a jack hammer. It was when you come into the open area on Requiem and Phantoms are just leaving the area. Later it all smoothed out but it was a disappointing introduction to Halo 4. I don't remember it being like that on the 360.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 23:45
Tristan's picture
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Matchmaking is still just as broken as ever. Couldn't get a single match. Many of the other problems that were supposedly fixed still persist. But at least the update passed their rigorous 4-day certification process. High five!

Custom games were pretty fun, although very glitchy. Several times it took me over a minute to respawn. The countdown timer got stuck on "Respawning in 4." Others have had this same issue.

I'm this close to getting a refund and switching to another game like CoD or Destiny. What a complete failure. The incompetence is astounding. No way I'm giving them a dime for Halo 5.

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 02:39
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Hmm, I was finding matches in 1-2 minutes. They were sometimes uneven but Bravo said that might still happen until everyone has the patch. I'm assuming it didn't prompt people already in the game to download the update and I was getting matched with people that didn't have the update.
Fri, 11/21/2014 - 06:54
DarthTabasco's picture
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Is there an easy way to tell if you have the patch? I have my XB1 set to auto download, so I booted the game up this morning before I left for work to see if it came out. I'm not sure if it downloaded or not, so I was hoping for an easy way to tell.

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 06:59
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I thought you had to access a game for a patch begin download and application.

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 07:16
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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The game FINALLY worked for me better in the late hours of the night, when I found several matches. Many of the games were pretty laggy and I had to fully quit the game several times but it seemed to improve as the night wore on, to the point the last 2-3 games were decent. I wonder if the latency was bad because of all the patching going on. Unsure.

Played Sanctuary on H2 Classic which was actually a great game, even though we lost 50-49.

A fun new bug in MM now means you take the whole party you just played with into the next game. :(

This still isn't the game I signed on for.  The patch barely helped. 

Had fun in customs even though things were kind of frustrating. 343 is going to lose population over this fiasco, that's the saddest part of this.

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 07:24
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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Matchmaking still doesn't seem to work if you are in a party. I haven't been able to find a game unless I'm by myself and whenever you back out it still disbands the party. Cannot play coop AT ALL now.
Fri, 11/21/2014 - 10:26 (Reply to #14)
bdub77's picture
Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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FR_ISH_1371 wrote:
Matchmaking still doesn't seem to work if you are in a party. I haven't been able to find a game unless I'm by myself and whenever you back out it still disbands the party. Cannot play coop AT ALL now.

This is totally a random guess but I think what's happening is:

Player A is from New York

Player B is from California (or wherever it doesnt matter could be NJ or two blocks away from Player A)

You group up and go into a MM game and the MM server is like 'fuck me I've got one person from NY and one from CA - oh shit what dedicated server or P2P host do I put the game on? You know what fuck this I'm just gonna go into an infinite loop until they both quit. 

Of course that's assuming there is even any kind of dedicated server, which from personal experience does not appear to be happening. And P2P does not seem to be optimized.


Fri, 11/21/2014 - 08:15
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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If you booted up the game after the patch was made available, you could only play online if you downloaded the patch. If you were already in the game, it didn't kick you to the title screen prompting you to update. You could continue playing without the patch. It's disappointing that this patch seems hit or miss for different people. When it works, it's a great game.
Fri, 11/21/2014 - 11:05
DarthTabasco's picture
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I have not played since the update, but watching some streams this morning, things still seems to be effed up.

Search times are better, but still slow. Still a lot of having to quit and restart due to the game freezing. Almost every game I watched was unbalanced teams - 5v4, 4v3. Also, I'm almost positive I saw a game of 6v5 which is great for a 5v5 playlist. 

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Guess I'll still be playing a lot of Destiny until things actually work as intended. indecision

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 11:30
Shadow's picture
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Played a bunch of good games last night.  Even had a full 5v5 a couple times.

I don't think there will be much "loss of population" since it's been sporadic from the start, and H4 is 2 years old - most people haven't played a Halo game in a year at least as it is.

Wed, 11/26/2014 - 18:35
DEEP_NNN's picture
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A new update was just released. More updates to come.

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