MLG Pro vs 8v8
Mon, 05/14/2012 - 18:58
MLG Pro vs 8v8
CyReN posted about this on HaloGAF. MLG Pros take on a high ranking team "Wake Up!".
The Halo Council interviewed the MLG folks after the fact.
Come back later for discussion.
I jumped into Assault's stream around game 6 last night. It was a pretty fun to watch, but dat bloom is awful. folks should beg 343i for a ZB assault gametype.
edit: The banshee should have been nerfed in the TU.
They're playing again, now.
I am liking the action.
The pros seemed to like the action when asked in the interview.
I only see Sprint and I thought I saw power ups on Utopi.
I don't know if it TU 85% or Vanilla.
85% bloom
There are jetpack, drop shield, evade, OS, and inviz depending.
An alternate stream is: , one of the guys.
fast action packed matches! i like watching this.
it's crazy fast compared to what i'm used to playing.
Our current settings are:
Health recharge rate | 200%
Damage modifiers | Unchanged
Player speed | Unchanged
Jump height | 110%
Gravity | 150%
Loadouts | Scout: Sprint, DMR/AR/2x Frag
Spartan model | Forced
Bombs are instant-arm but have a 15 second fuse time. We also use 85% bloom.
Season 2 settings may change, specifically removing the sprint loadout, adjusting jump height, and changing player speed. However, these changes will require extensive tweaking to all current maps in our rotation, so we're going through some testing phases regarding these changes.
They also played a game last night on Utopie and lost 100-41. linky!/?game=1015243961§ion=Custom
Let's sneak over in the hog. BOOOM! LOL
The team the pro's are playing is Wake Up, one of the best (if not the best) btb on our site (aside from a couple people in the stream). The guy flying the banshee, Gamesager, you may know either through the grapevine as the best banshee pilot out there or from a raping you received playing a MM btb map with a banshee.
I'd never watch MLG this long.
I do believe I've run into Gamesager before.
Our site owner, Molly (gamertag of gomollypop) has been slowly getting known within the MLG community. In fact, the halo council recently made her a mod on their site. Anyway, she's been networking and making it publicly known about our site, settings, and the level of competitiveness offers.
This particular scrimmage evolved through Assault watching one of the playoff streams and became interested in playing.
The Sanctuary game was like our Clan nights. 16 people, woo. I noticed MLG cleaned up on that one.
The height and gravity settings seem kind of pointless but I do like normal speed + Sprint.
I also like the old style active camo.
my butt still hurts
Weapon variety and vehicles. Love it.
I don't forge, but from what I've heard, sometimes making a small change to jump height actually increases it too much and makes you feel 'floaty'. You have to counteract this by increasing gravity.
Going to bed, 12:30. Good end to the night.
Laser, is there a GT with maps and settings in the file share?
Search for Official btbnet
I know bungie's fileshare doesn't work anymore, but here's the link to it:
I personally enjoy Exile and Fortress the most. Hopefully, Halo 4 will add some forging colors to get rid of the dull grey.
Thanks. I'll check them out later tonight.
i really like both those maps. Laser has brought them to clan night before.
I still have them but nobody gives me party lead when we have12+ people.
I watched a good portion of the games and found them to be interesting. Obviously the BTB guys had a clear advantage knowing the maps and weapon locations, but the MLG group really gave them a run for their money. Even pulling out a few wins.
I do think the game on Utopie was unnecessary - it's a trash map that's dominated by the Banshee. Throw in an experienced team and it was basically a way for the BTB guys to get an easy win.
I hope we get to see more of these types of interactions between the "pro" and community as it can only be good for the Halo community.
I think it was after a banshee whooping on Breakneck, they played an 8 v 8 MLG TS on Sanctuary last night. The pros returned the favor.
After watching it I think that if the MLG group was familiar with all of the maps they would have won most of the games easily. You could tell they were struggling with the callouts. It was definitely fun to watch!
The Halo Council plus BTB rep molly discuss the game on Utopi. do not believe the Banshee is as overpowered as people think. That might be true but if you rarely come up against pilots like GameSager then your opinion on the matter becomes hardened very quickly.
Being spawn trapped by a good banshee pilot is not fun.
Molly tries to compare good banshee piloting to a good sniper, but the sniper has limited ammo. The banshee bomb is unlimited as is the evade flipping. A sniper can be downed by a single person where the banshee almost always requires an entire team focusing fire on the banshee. However, in my experience of DMRing a banshee, the aim assist seems to interfere with being able to place the reticule on the target because of the constant flipping. Rockets and plasma launcher never stay locked on, and I rarely see a successful laser strike on a fast moving banshee.
The H3 banshee seemed much more balanced.
Loved watching the games. Its nice to see competitive btb get some respect. I think it would be cool to see MLG teams join together at events and play a btb bracket. Its exciting and is fun to watch.
I miss playing competitive btb. We should have a team here at 2o2p.
Well of course she will claim it's not However, the MLG guys were obviously trapped in their base by the banshee and the way the rest of the team was set-up in the rocks. Watching Assault's stream showed how difficult it was for them to get out of the trap.
Granted, part of playing high-level Halo is knowing how to spawn trap and how to counter. The MLG guys didn't seem to know what to do with such an aggressive start by the BTB team by the time they figured out which end was up the game was over.
Now, her point about them not concentrating their fire on the banshee is well made, but that video actually demonstrates why so many people hate the banshee and find it "overpowered".
However, I do agree with Jim's statement in saying that the games were fun to watch and I do think BTB should have a place at events.
Very few maps we use in league have the banshee. In fact, when Utopie is played, Gamesager rarely has that kind of game due to team shooting of the banshee. I believed they played Breakneck because Assault wanted to try the map. Finally, both teams had players they usually don't play with. Costa, Vetoed, and Logie are not part of Wake Up and I know Assault was playing with a few people he rarely plays with, so it would have been interesting to see the results if both parties had more of their usual teammates on.