Modern Warfare 3 FTW!!
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 08:46
Modern Warfare 3 FTW!!
I feel like i'm screaming into a hurricane when i say... "I CAN'T STAND BLACK OPS 2 OR ANY OF TREYARCH'S ATTEMPTS TO MAKE A COD GAME".... That said... does any one share this feeling? Are there any clans that still play MW2 or 3 on a regular basis? All my clan wants to play is blops2, and i don't have fun playing even when i play with friends i've been playing with for years. It makes me sad that i'm losing online fiends, (yes, some of these people have become actual friends), because i don't like the newest or "coolest" version of COD. I don't mean to rant, it just really makes me sad...
Sorry to rain on your parade here Beefman lol!
Although I am in agreeance with Beefman, Playing 2v2 Faceoff is getting kind of old. Looking for some folks that are keeping it real with the MW3 title. IF there are any of you out there that play this game enought that it doesnt collect dust let us know, we love teammates that shoot move and communicate!!!!
Yeah I hear you beefman. I have started playin a lot of MW3 drop zone the past month or two. I fine absolutely no enjoyment out of the treyarch games. They do not know how to make a game in my opinion. If you see me on feel free to hit me up to play if I'm not play defiance or happy wars.
Anyone can add me. I play all the COD titles to this day. Even still play COD 4 and WaW weekly.
Do you guys have the "Chaos Mode" for MW3?? Or interested in Spec Ops?