Moments of Triumph - Year-One Exclusive Nameplate
Wed, 07/08/2015 - 14:00
Moments of Triumph - Year-One Exclusive Nameplate
In the above linked Bungie Day update they announce a new "Laurea Prima" nameplate that will be awarded to year-one players who have completed the 10 listed achievements or milestones in the game. You have until September 9th to complete the following tasks.
1- Build a character to its maximum level.
2- Defeated the heart of the Black Garden.
3- Prevented the summoning of Crota's soul.
4- Captured Skolas in the Vex Citadel.
5- Defeated Skolas in the PoE.
6- Defeated Atheon on hard.
7- Defeated Crota on hard.
8- Completed 50 public events.
9- Won 100 Crucible matches.
10- Found all Golden Chests.
I still need to beat Crota on Hard and beat Skolas. Yuck...
Those plus I havent got all the golden chests.
I need those two as well if you want to link up.
Skolas taunts us. I've printed out a couple of successful strategies. We'll see.....
I've been reading about 2-6 hour Skokas failures. I don't think a new worthless nameplate is enough reward.
Next year will likely be a year-two nameplate. Surely we'll be able to cash in the year-one for something exciting like a cool shader. I feel like vomiting.
Some of the end-game missions are pure torture... Saw a gamertag the other day called "Gitmo Detainee". Kinda makes sense. I wondered what they did with their time down there now that waterboarding is out.... :)
Yeah fuck trying level 35. I play the game to have fun, not to be stressed out. Part of the reason I'm taking a break from Destiny and have no plans on buying TTK at this moment.
I need to do Skolas too. Both times I've tried, we had a guy quit out in the final round.
Now that's annoying. Knocked Skolas out last night in three tries with a Skolas virgin. First two times were because we started too early to try and burn him down. It was the time between the two mine phases, when his health is at "k" in "Skolas". Pop a bubble and Gjallarhorn him into submission, but don't forget to get those mines.
Need some chests and Skolas. Blah.
Thanks to last week's hard mode raid runs with Minotaur and company, all I need to do now is kill Skolas (all I need to do now is win a million dollars and I can pay off my house in cash and retire early).
FYI, Achy: I found my last chest via the aid of a video I found on this amazing site called Youtube :-)
Amazing the things you can see on that site

I need Skolas and both Raids on hard mode. PLEASE hit me up if you need a third on friday or saturday evenings over the next couple of weeks.