Mumble Server Info
Mumble Server Info
Here is the information to setup Mumble. Thanks to Lala for letting me plagiarize his post from the GW2 forums.
For those of you that are new to PC gaming, Mumble is a VOIP software client that allows you to use Voice Chat with multiple people in a channel that is similar to XBox Live Party chat, but allows for a much larger user count, and doesn't disconnect you very often.
You can download the free mumble client at the link below.
Label: 2old2play
Port: 31566
Password: nostress
In order to set up Mumble I would highly recommend using the set up wizard. From there you can enter in the server information and meet up in the BF4 channel. See you online
nice, gonna set it up today.
I was able to get Mumble working last night and we had some great rounds with myself, PlumBob, Cardiac, T3mujin, Tri22, and Scratchski. One oddity I did discover though is if you are in mumble and have VOIP set to "On" you can still in game chatter from your squad, but they cannot hear you.
I should add, that as of last night, there was not a seperate room for Battlefield but there are already three channels in the server, with usually only one being used. If you are authenticated (you can do this by submitting a security certificate) you can create your own temporary channel that will disappear once everyone leaves. I know Bunsen and I can both do this.
cheap ass headset secured.
Laters !
nothing to see here
or here.
I am grabbing the client right now. Should be on tomorrow night or on Wednesday. Last time I tried to play I fell asleep before I could even launch the game.
We have often had a full squad or more in the Mumble Server since we started using it. Look for us there if you see us in game.
I logged on on Monday but didn't see the Battlefield channel?
There's only two channels. The lower one is used by WoW players I think, the BF4 guys, if on, will be in the top channel.