My flat burned down (Not really) more like smoked down
Tue, 07/31/2012 - 23:19
My flat burned down (Not really) more like smoked down
So I was racing with some of you guys today (tuesday for the gmt guys) and left to get a bite to eat but remained in the lobby... when I returned the flat next to mine had 30 foot flames due to the assholes propaine BBQ exploding. Anyhow the roof burned off but all my stuff is intact but my flat is inhabitable so I am being relocated. So I will be offline for an unknown period of time. hope to get my life resorted and racing with you guys again soon. -Terry
Glad to hear your okay. I can't wait to move back into a house, I hate living in my apartments cause I'm alway worried what the idiots around me might do.
that sucks but at least your shit is okay
We will be heere when you are ready
Oh shit mate! Glad you're ok. That's always a fear of mine.
Yep everyone in the building and their pets got out safely. So thats good. the only damage to my belongings was to our wordrobe.
Holy shit fella. Glad your ok though.
Wow! We wondered how long you were gonna be. Never woulda dreamed this went down. Glad everyone is safe first and foremost. Hope you and yours are ok until you can get settled back home.
Glad you are okay and made it out unhurt, that tank explosion could have been nasty!
Holy shit, that's absurd! It's very thankful to hear that you are alright and that most of your apartment and stuff are ok aswell!
thats crazy talk!!! Glad you're ok though, hope you get things sorted soon.
That sucks Mav. Glad you weren't there at the time. See you soon I hope.
I couldnt get close to get a good pic. but that window is my bedroom...
Holy crap...Glad your okay.
thanks for the words guys. A little update though. There was pretty significant smoke damage to everything I own. A lot of it can be cleaned but I was told most of the electronics paticularly ones with fans and were switched on most likely need to be replaced. I do have renters insurance that will cover at least the depreciated value of the electronics in question. from what i can tell that includes my 55" tv xbox 2 blu ray players and a wii. I still need to find out what the depreciated value is for those items as I will need to replace them. Im hoping I dont get totally fucked and they try to give me half value on everything.
Ouch, good luck with that an I hope it all goes smoothly for you.
+1 fella. Dont let them shaft you.
So I got most of my stuff back today... everything but the 55" tv and the xbox. Just waiting to hear from the insurance lady to work out a deal on those two items. before the took the xbox I swapped the HD out for a spare lol so even if I need to buy a new one I will have all of my data.
ok guys looks like I am getting my TV and XBOX back in a few hours (waiting for a friend to go pick them up). Also getting over 1000 in my pocket after paying the deductible. So with that money I have some options... new slim xbox and some goodies... fanetec csr xl pack.... finish building my rig....or a bj from an overpriced whore at the bunny ranch. lol ok likely not the last one hahaha.
Bj, it's much cheaper than marriage lol
I would go for the csr setup so you have the stud to put in your rig :)
Im building my own rig so thats no issue... I may even do both but I was really wanting to get the csr elite and csps but dropping 800+ on "sim equipment" is a hard pill to swollow.
this is VERY close to what my rig will look like but I have a leather racing seat
Good to hear you're making out ok.
CSR vs. Elite is a tough one. From what I've been seeing/hearing, the CSR is a bit more reliable...most of the issues cropping up have been with the CSR-E & CSW, but supposively the feel of the Elite is in another league. Whatever you go with I'd recommend going w/ at least the CSR-E pedals (if not CSPs) for the load cell (order a spare load cell to keep on hand in case you ever need it, shipping costs as much as the load cell). If you do opt to go with the standard yourself a favor and get a BasherBoards filter (available in both the internal direct replacement board or separate in-line filter).
thanks for the info sherb I was planning on the elite pedles minimum. maybe the standard csr is the way to go to ease into sim racing I dont currently have a PC to play the high end sims yet (I want to start building one here soon) so I think the CSR-E is a bit overkill just yet.
That right there would have me leaning towards a CSR. Then you can put the monies you save into your piggybank for the future project. From what I've been hearing from Lawyer, the CSR is no slouch. Hell, I'm running the GT2 & GT3RS wheels and love them (no desire to spend more $$$ on a wheel). More than adequate for my needs.
If you are looking to add PC racing to your hobbies, make sure you follow 2old2race here @ 2o2p as Church & Knight get it off the ground. Feel free to surf through the GBR forums as well to get an idea of what's out there w/ members largely of this community.
Yes and trust me when you do go to PC, the CSR morphs into a whole new league, I have never regretted getting mine. It's great for forza (MS cock ups aside) it's awesome on PC.
So I just looked on the fanatec webstore and its a 6 week wait.... FML lol
Thats a long time.
I can get a new Sofa faster than that lol