My G27 Shifter to Fanatec Wheel Adapter
Mon, 08/27/2012 - 22:50
My G27 Shifter to Fanatec Wheel Adapter
I posted this on some sites already but I thought some of you might be interested as well. A few months ago I ordered a Logitech G27 shifter with hopes of hacking it a bit and this weekend I finally got around to it. Here you go :) This is a G27 shifter connected to my circuit, then into the Fanatec wheel.
I'm playing GT5 there, but it works fine in whatever the wheel works with and as far as the wheel is concerned it just looks like a Fanatec shifter. The buttons do not and cannot work.
I have some plans for this and hope to be releasing it to the public in around a month or so. :)
Whats the cost savings between the two? Guessing the Logitechs way below?
And again, proud to know ya Bash. I hope you continue to use your owers for good....
I'm not really sure what the cost savings might be when you consider that someone would need to purchase my adapter as well...
The Fanatec CSR shifter set is $60 plus shipping and includes the H and sequential shifter.
I haven't decided on a price for my adapter yet, but it won't be too expensive I don't think. Someone would just need to find a used G27 or G25 shifter. There's one for sale over at iRacing right now for $20. ;) A guy is sending me his G25 shifter for FREE since he bought a G27... So, you can find them out there for decent if you look.
The G27 shifter while not perfect does feel pretty nice. A bit like a real car that's a bit loose and sloppy. :p What I like about it is that the gear changes are very positive and sure. As well, you don't have to worry about sorta beating on it a little. You saw how hard I slammed it into 3rd at the beginning, I didn't even think about it at the time. Now maybe this is just me but when I used my Fanatec shifter, I often found myself worrying about breaking it when I shifted and then I'd mis-shift. :(
Anyhow, more news to follow. :) We'll see how this one goes.
Well, for those that already have the Logitech, they wouldn't have to buy a Fanatec shifter at all, so the savings there would be pretty good.
Yes, the savings would be EXCELLENT by comparison :) Not to mention the fact that they nor their significant other, will ever have to put up with the annoying clacky clacky sound the Fanatec shifter makes. (or the people you are racing with...) I can't tell you how many times I've had to explain "what that constant clicking noise is" lol
As well, I've been trying to move pretty fast on these types of things lately once I talk about them because "other people" jump on the idea and realease their own stuff. Nothing wrong with that... Just have to head them off at the pass, so to speak. :)
Here you can get brand new ones: Appartently it's all the guy sells.