New firmware for the CSR and CSRE
Mon, 04/09/2012 - 09:05
New firmware for the CSR and CSRE
Hi Gents,
I found this link via Apparently Thomas from Fanatec hid this link somewhere on their site as an easter egg, for you know... Easter. Anyways, someone with too much time on his hands was able to find it after hours of searching. No details have been posted yet on what exactly is in the firmware, but there is some speculation that it may contain the auto clutch feature for the CSR wheel.
For those of you who install this patch, would you kindly post your impressions/thoughts?
Best news I have seen in a week. Thanks! I just want that damn ACL. I wonder what else was changed for the CSR.
I just read through the firmware instructions and it states to use Win Vista or 7. Has anyone uploaded a new firmware to their wheel using XP? My gaming PC is XP and rather use that but I have a Vista laptop if it really wont work with XP.
Installing now, using Win7 64bit.
Phase one done
Phase two done
Took less than two mins, firing up the Box.
Okay done a few laps, we have ACL! first time I found it had disabled my gear shift, but somehow later when I decided to try 900 sens the shifter returned allowing me to either use shifter with clutch, or paddles with ACL.
In use it seems smoother somehow and easier to catch rear wheel drift...but I will leave it to better drivers than I to decide on the subtleties.
Suffice to say install no hassle, and it seems to make an improvement beyond the ACL.
Edit Thanks Slim, none of the other forums apart from the one yo mention seem to have found it!
Ahh! Joy! I'm looking forward to this!
Though I completely forgot how to update the firmware and what cable was needed :/ I have thousands of cables all piled in a single box...
Any standard printer/cd dvd drive cable will do, and there is a help file that is fairly fool proof.
Does this also work on the GT2? I assumed it would... but was corrected over at when I shared the info.
Is the GT2 truly dead?
CSR and CSR-E firmware will most definitely NOT work with the GT2! ACL will never be available on the GT2 according to Thomas some months ago when he announced it for the CSR.
Well, I guess this made up my mind about getting an Elite... Been looking for one more reason to upgrade...
Got it and installed it!!! Nice find Slim. ACL works like a charm and I picked a couple tenths while running Suzuki east. BTW mutliple settings are actually saved now
I downloaded the firmware and my settings now are saved. I'm not getting acl to work. i dont know what i did wrong. do you still run manul with clutch?
I spoke to soon. just realized i had the option to turn acl on or off. working fine, yeah!!
OKay, dumb question, whats ACL, other than your anterior cruciate ligament?
I missed something here, no?
Auto Clutch
More specifically, Auto CLutch for Forza 4. What it does is activates the A button on your wheel everytime you use either the left or right paddle shifter. So you can set your in game settings in Forza to Manual with Clutch and use the paddle shifters. You must have your controller settings so that the clutch is the A button on your wheel as that is the only way the feature will work.
I didn't use controller settings and my acl works fine Jarhead.
ACL works fine as long as the clutch is mapped to the A button on your wheel. If the clutch is mapped to any other button than A, it will not work.
If anybody is having problems with the ffb being to weak after downloading the 737 firmware, Just set the spring to1 and you will get your ffb back.
Tell me it ain't so Willis! They released a buggy firmware update after over 3 months? <gasp>
Ah thanks Troysloth, you just answerd my question. I use layout 4 so i can look around with the buttons. I like the feature but wish you could still look around, as i use mainly in-car view.
I hadn't noticed that myself, so I would say it isn't so. My feeling is it just feels smoother. Also I have my FF dialed down to 80% in game so if I felt I needed more I could raise it there.
So I went to download it, and the file has dissapeared now! Oops/
Bongo--I can email them to you. Send me a PM with your email.
Where can I get 706? I want to have it ready in case I don't like 737. i have been reading horrible reviews.
Damn! My Elite is stuck at UPS, just down the street and they won't let me pick it up! Something to do with the type of shipping Fanatec used... Long weekend...
That sucks!!! Don't worry, the wait will be worth it.
Sounds like some serious BS to me. I used to work at UPS and I don't know of any type of shipping that you can't pick up at the center. I know Fanatec uses the most basic standard ground shipping. Someone over at that UPS center is lazy and doesn't want to find your package for you.
Yeah, we pick up at the center al the time. Wife's already in town and it saves half a day or better all the time. Plus our drives a pain and they're grateful we do.