Newbie Guide to 2O4F drivers, Fun!
Fri, 07/20/2012 - 07:01
Newbie Guide to 2O4F drivers, Fun!
Thought this would be quite funny - interersting..
The idea is that you pick some one you race with and write a brief description of their racing style.
For Example.
The flying scotsman, mostly seen with his ass out (car that is) and driving a lotus on the green hell. He knows where to put it (car again!) to defend his postion and not afriad to loose a wing mirror. Don't let him near a touring car because you'll end up in more shit than you can swim in. One of the most experianced drivers in 2O4F who runs a tracknight every Wednesday.
To be feared in your review!
He he...
Church Pro...An active and vocal co leader of 2O4E. One of his greatest talents as we all know is driving on his roof. It is by far safest to let him get in front where he can do the least damage, but if he is behind you take care, his enthusiastic cornering stye sometimes end in tears. His new baby is his secret weapon, piping the sound of it's screaming through his mic to put off his fellow racers. Even if you have succeded in letting him get in front don't think you'll be safe, he has been known to stop, hide in a corner and jump out behind you when you least expect it. Has been known to stop, take a toilet break mid race and still come back and win. Weakness? Steering wheels.
haha perfect! :D
Is this thread trying to bait Parcells cause it certainly feels that way?
Parcells has decided to "try" to avoid any response to this thread which may tend to incriminate me or otherwise put me in a poor light to my fellow 2O4F members who curently think very highly of me. This is for the best as who knows what kind of drivel and outright lies that could come from my mouth, much like the latter part of the previous sentence.
Besides, Festivus is some time away and there's no need for the airing of the grievances until the joyous Holiday is upon us!
Nice try Tourni but I'm not biting.
Awww come on parcells, its only a bit of get to know each other game :D
Stewies Head...
Stewie has the amazing ability to enter a lobby just as the flag drops, in fact, I've begun to expect it.
He's always got a smile on his face, you canhere it through the mic.
He's a bit on the laid back side, quite forgiving in a scrape and considers anything other than a convertible ..."bad form".
Knight of Redemption:
Tries really really hard and can sometimes be seen putting in over 200 laps of practise for an event only to have his Internet / Wheel / Pedals / T.V / PC / Head phones / Mic / Weather / Church Pro / Fitzy spoil his race.
Pretty clean driver though and takes it on the chin when something goes wrong with him or laughs when its someone else. Well normally only at me.
Weakness: The Ring
Can we do more than one driver?
You know I had to use Google to find the meaning of that.
Also Knight likes to use words that Church Pro doesn't understand and makes him use Google to find out. (Am I talking 3rd person there?)
Yeah more that one is fine... I'm already laughing at some of these :D
Competitive. Likes to fill your mirrors until you make a misake, then pounces "like a tioger". Brace you're ears, and try not to get you will find his mouth runs as fast as his car.
Sunday EUSL's resident "Muscle Man". He's got a natural affinity for heavy FR muscle type cars. A little out of his element in AWD or FWD, but still attacks with a tenacity. Clean, close racer.....don't leave the inside open to tempt him though.
Look for him throttle steering a beastie out of a corner near you.