No Forge support for custom games in Halo MCC for Halo 3

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#1 Tue, 11/18/2014 - 22:11
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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No Forge support for custom games in Halo MCC for Halo 3

There is absolutely no customs game support in Halo: The Master Chief Collection for custom Forge maps in Halo 3. Please help support our Forgers. More info here:

Tue, 11/18/2014 - 23:51
Tristan's picture
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Wed, 11/19/2014 - 01:12
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Yeah. Now that I have a couple more minutes to add to that: this means no Grifball, no Rocket Race, no VIP - - no objective gametypes on custom built maps. If you have any time to support Forgers in the Halo community, or just want to throw your hat in the ring to help make it clear to game devs that it's not ok to sell us half-baked games, please follow this link and add your voice at Waypoint to keep the thread active.

If anyone has ever joined in on custom games that I have hosted, many of the creative Forged maps that I'll showcase were made by Forgers that are really bummed out about this. Some of them hadn't purchased MCC yet, and now they aren't going to. These are long nights of fun that you, my friends, will be missing out on, because of the wealth of maps and gametypes these guys were going to remake that they could not in Reach and Halo 4 due to the changes in Forge and custom games. So please, even if you only write a few lines at the thread in the above link, every bit helps to keep it active.

Halo 3 was my personal favorite of the Halo's. I've been looking forward to playing it on dedicated servers, and it looks amazing. Even though customs aren't on dedicated servers on the Xbox One, custom maps have the potential to run so much smoother. Many people were looking forward to long nights of fun, and if this functionality isn't restored, games like CTF in the dungeons of Sandbox will never again see the light of day...

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 01:25
Tristan's picture
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Most forge maps are garbage, but it's absurd how much of a fail this launch has been. I can't believe I went out and bought an Xbox One, a new modem, and a pair of Astros for this game that is all but unplayable.

Way to pull down your pants and take a big, steaming shit on your fans, 343.

It blows my mind that they can keep their jobs after this. If I did something similar for a paid music gig, my career would be over. "Whoops, I didn't get around to preparing any of this music. Oh well. Come back in 2 weeks and maybe I'll have practiced by then. By the way, I'm keeping your money in the mean time."

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 06:39 (Reply to #4)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Tristan wrote:

Most forge maps are garbage,

Thanks arsehole.

Where were you when people who actually like playing the different Halo titles were supporting their fun through custom Forged maps?

Fuck you and arseholes like you.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 08:56 (Reply to #5)
Tristan's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Tristan wrote:

Most forge maps are garbage,

Thanks arsehole.

Where were you when people who actually like playing the different Halo titles were supporting their fun through custom Forged maps?

Fuck you and arseholes like you.


It's cool that other people like them, and I feel bad that they're getting screwed over by 343. Some forge maps are alright, a few are actually pretty good. Most of them aren't nearly as good as playing on a real map, though. I'll take the original Halo 2 Sanctuary over MLG's metal-gray Reach remake, or the original Lockout over Halo 4's beige Shutout, any day of the week. The framerates are bad. Callouts are useless ("He has rockets near... the gray thing."). Even the ones that are well-designed and play well are just bland and boring to look at game after game.

I probably wouldn't dislike them so much if I hadn't been stuck playing one gray map after another in Matchmaking for the last several years because Bungie/343 thinks the existence of forge is an excuse for not making enough real maps. Forge should be icing on the cake for people who are into that, not an excuse to ship a half-made multiplayer game. Of course in this case, we got a broken multiplayer game and a broken forge, so everyone got screwed.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 12:53 (Reply to #6)
bdub77's picture
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I really love the H4 forged maps and special gametypes in particular, and the community here is awesome at forging, but I agree that especially in H4, the framerates could be pretty terrible on certain forged maps. That's more a fault of 343 than the people forging them. The H3 forged maps were quite playable, to the point that many were used in MLG.

One of the coolest things to me is that there are so many things you can do in this game (well maybe not THIS game).

Really looking forward to seeing what the community does with the MCC forge. I'm fairly certain they will fix it. I just wonder how long it'll be.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 13:16 (Reply to #7)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Tristan wrote:
I probably wouldn't dislike them so much if I hadn't been stuck playing one gray map after another in Matchmaking for the last several years because Bungie/343 thinks the existence of forge is an excuse for not making enough real maps.

bdub77 wrote:
I really love the H4 forged maps and special gametypes in particular, and the community here is awesome at forging, but I agree that especially in H4, the framerates could be pretty terrible on certain forged maps.

These are exactly my points - in Halo: The Master Chief Collection on the Xbox One, Forgers have the opportunity to create the unique maps that they have craved that will actually function, because unlike the Xbox 360 the machine can handle it.

The maps for the last several years have been gray because the Forge palette was crap. Halo 3's Forge palette has much more texture. Halo 4 does have aesthetics that could be added, but Forgers couldn't use them because they made the framerate on custom games butt. Forgers had to strip their map designs and majorly "dumb down" their creations just to get them to work once they added battles on it. Enter the Xbox One with higher processing speeds, and we'll be seeing more detailed maps in Halo 4 (IF the Forge functionality exists for it...) but Halo 3, which has some of the coolest aesthetic and customs options of all is left to the wayside.

All the more reason for people to speak up at that link. If you haven't yet, please do. I don't usually push, but this is something I believe in putting a little bit of fight in for.


Wed, 11/19/2014 - 07:12
DarthTabasco's picture
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I'm not a creative person, so I have ZERO skill in Forge. However, it's a sad state of affairs that Forge was left out of H3 - as demonstrated by Chaos.

Truly, 343 has bitten off more than it can chew and we are the ones literally paying for it - except for those returning the game (even calling up Micro$oft and getting refunds on their digital purchases). 

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 13:09
Tristan's picture
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Yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong. Forge is a brilliant idea for making user-made maps on a console. Since each map file is basically just a list of coordinates of where pre-made crates and ramps are placed, the file sizes are extremely small, compared to hundreds of megabytes for a "real" map (with custom terrain and textures). It's a brilliant way of getting around the problem of every player in the match having do go through a huge download before the game can start, which was the problem with Halo PC's user-made maps.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 17:55
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Some very fun games from Casually Competitive Customs sessions in Halo 3 this year.

Last January:

Crazy-ass speed, hammer, rockets, Neutral Assault.

EDIT: Go to 3hr 20m 16s, time link doesn't work.


Back in March of this year:

Here's a very fun KotH gametype on a map called Lotus by o Nondual o, won't be able to play anything like this:

EDIT: Go to 1hr 10m 14s, time link doesn't work.


Here's us playing on DEEP NNN's Stonehenge, won't be able to remake that and play any objectives on it (we're playing slayer, but hey! it's DEEP's map!!):

EDIT: Go to 1hr 56m 30s, time link doesn't work.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 16:02
OldnAchy's picture
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I posted in that link on Waypoint.  Had to show real restraint from posting what I really think of 343.

Wed, 11/19/2014 - 17:57
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Thanks, I saw DEEP posted there too. I think they need to hear what people are thinking, but I do think they will hear it better if we do use restraint and try to keep it constructive.

I fixed the videos above, so they should play now, but the time links don't work so you'll have to navigate to the times posted above the vids to see the games intended.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 15:17
Shadow's picture
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so much hate.

everyone settle down.  I have a feeling this will get fixed.  Just look at the huge list of updates coming out today, only 9 days after launch.  This is a game for the long haul.

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 10:43 (Reply to #14)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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Shadow wrote:

so much hate.

everyone settle down.  I have a feeling this will get fixed.  Just look at the huge list of updates coming out today, only 9 days after launch.  This is a game for the long haul.

This isn't a thread focused on hating, Shadow, it's a thread focused on getting over to Waypoint and making sure they know that we want there to be support for objective gametypes on custom maps in Halo 3 in the Master Chief Collection. There is absolutely no guarantee that we will get this, and the more people voice that it is important to them, the bigger the chance that it will actually happen.

On top of that, it's ridiculous the game was released without it. People do have a need to express their frustration, isn't that what one thing forums are for? Also, those updates didn't fix anything, as far as I could see from gaming last night.

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 11:48 (Reply to #15)
Shadow's picture
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AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

Shadow wrote:

so much hate.

everyone settle down.  I have a feeling this will get fixed.  Just look at the huge list of updates coming out today, only 9 days after launch.  This is a game for the long haul.

This isn't a thread focused on hating, Shadow, it's a thread focused on getting over to Waypoint and making sure they know that we want there to be support for objective gametypes on custom maps in Halo 3 in the Master Chief Collection. There is absolutely no guarantee that we will get this, and the more people voice that it is important to them, the bigger the chance that it will actually happen.

On top of that, it's ridiculous the game was released without it. People do have a need to express their frustration, isn't that what one thing forums are for? Also, those updates didn't fix anything, as far as I could see from gaming last night.

I hear you.  Posting on waypoint may actually do something.

However, filling this forum with hyperbolic hate threads isn't helping, and we are a small group these days as it is.  Everyone needs to cool out a bit here, or we're going to lose our entire Halo playerbase which isn't much on 2o2p as it is.  That's my concern.

It'll get fixed, but the forums and community may not if everyone is piggybacking on each other's sob stories and anger.


That's all I'm saying.

Thu, 11/20/2014 - 16:51
lanierb's picture
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Onslaught Flag.  Best Halo game type of all time!

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 09:34
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Just looked in H2A at the 1x2x4 block  I need for Stonehenge. Problematic pattern for a stone. Looks like a wrapper. sad

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 10:44 (Reply to #18)
AddiCt3d_2CHa0s's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Just looked in H2A at the 1x2x4 block  I need for Stonehenge. Problematic pattern for a stone. Looks like a wrapper. sad


Are you saying that the stones wouldn't look right because of the texture? I bet once it's all constructed it will look great. It's Stonehenge!!

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 17:07 (Reply to #19)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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AddiCt3d_2CHa0s wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Just looked in H2A at the 1x2x4 block  I need for Stonehenge. Problematic pattern for a stone. Looks like a wrapper. sad


Are you saying that the stones wouldn't look right because of the texture? I bet once it's all constructed it will look great. It's Stonehenge!!

The problem is the pattern flaw is too consistant for something that is supposed to be rock. Might look silly. Lots of time anyways. I'm still very busy helping my wife and many things have me felling depressed. It was very bad timing for MCC to give issues that bug me while my wifes father was dying. I was losing interest in Halo and hoped for something spectacular to jar me out of my funk.

Sat, 11/22/2014 - 11:41
LegendcalledJim's picture
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I really like the anniversary gameplay. I hope to see some awesome forge maps come out. 

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