OT - Guild Wars 2
Tue, 11/20/2012 - 14:05
OT - Guild Wars 2
I know a lot of you guys never leave the 2O4F forums, so figured I'd throw this up in here. Anyone else have this game for PC? If so post up.
Tourni & I have been getting together on Fridays 12-1 PST (2000-2100 GMT) for 2-3 hours of torching, frying, hacking, squishing and outright slaughtering of evil minions. If anyone else is interested in joining, feel free to pipe up here and check out the GW2 forums.
Link to 2O2P GW2 Forum : http://www.2old2play.com/forums/divisions/guild-wars-2
Yeah, its been good fun, we'll have to pick our next map to do soon :D