Own a piece of Halo history!

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#1 Sun, 02/02/2014 - 11:50
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Own a piece of Halo history!

This is your chance to own a major piece of Halo history!

Back in 2011 for Bungie’s 20th Anniversary,  Bungie sold Bags ‘o Swag (http://halo.bungie.net/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=31832) containing various swag, stuff, collectibles and junk from Bungie employee’s desks.  I bought one bag and ended up with a one of a kind piece of Halo memorabilia.  A manila folder containing original concept artwork from when Bungie was designing the box cover art for Halo: Combat Evolved!

Included inside the folder are three hand drawn potential concepts for the Master Chief’s pose on box art cover, one photocopy of hand drawn art, one post-it note with hand drawn art, one b/w computer generated print, twenty color prints of CG art pictures with various poses of Master Chief for cover art (some with hand written notes and a few duplicates), and three color prints with concept box cover art. And a binder clip straight from a Bungie headquarters to hold it all together.  See this link to the album.

Judging from the hand written notes, this folder was used by Halo: Combat Evolved’s Art Director, Marcus Lehto, while designing the box cover art after it became a Xbox title sometime in 2000-2001.  There are a number of hand written comments and notes on the margins of the artwork, either by Marcus or from another Bungie employee.

Why am parting with this collection?  I’ve been a big fan of Halo since Nov 2001.  I’ve played all Halo games, main story and accompanying games, stood in midnight release lines, played in Halo LAN tournaments before Xbox Live, collected Legendary versions of the games, and sport a Halo 3 wallet.  But over the last twelve years since the first Halo release I’ve started a family.  Its hard to support a video game habit in a one income family with four kids.  I’m still keeping most of my other Halo collection, but I’m considering selling this concept art collection. 

Why not put it on eBay?  The 2o2p community has given me and others so much over the years, I want to give a 2o2p member the option before I went anywhere else.

Can I buy just one image?  I don’t want to break up the set, and I’m willing to include the Bag ‘o Swag and the receipt, if the new owner is interested in keeping some kind of chain of authenticity. 

How much?  I don’t have a set bid I’m looking for yet, since I’ve no idea how much this set is worth to the serious fan.  Email me with any questions or if you’re interested.  I’ve enjoyed this collection and hope one of you will too!




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