I finally realized that my problem is that since I preordered the game, my credit card had been reissued. EA charges the card on the date the preload becomes available so it could not be processed. I just placed a new order for it and I am pre-loading now.
That's weird because I see the mention of preload on the Origin Store but the Client is not giving me an option to preload in the Games library.
I clicked the game in my library, then more details icon (little i ), then in the next window the option to pre-load was there.
I finally realized that my problem is that since I preordered the game, my credit card had been reissued. EA charges the card on the date the preload becomes available so it could not be processed. I just placed a new order for it and I am pre-loading now.
Done! I can't wait. Especially since I a currently laid up for the next few days.....