Playing Solo on Blops 2 Multiplayer
Wed, 01/09/2013 - 10:17
Playing Solo on Blops 2 Multiplayer
Did something major change recently with the skill system? For the last I dont know how many days now... I go into multiplayer alone an I get put on team after team after team of people who act like they've never even used an xbox controller let alone played a fps before. Loads of losses Im going like 30 and 5 and the rest of my team is lucky to break double digit kills while the enemy team raped our faces off! I realize its a team game but c'mon this is getting idiotic!
Nope it has always been this way.
I must of just got lucky then... when the game first came out I was getting in with good folks... now I cant seem to find a single one
I logged on last night and had some critical error when I was setting up classes.
Logged back in, & all my stats had been reset as well as class unlocks, WTF
This is not the first time i've heard someone complain of this issue, but im not sure how you go about fixing it
It's Christmas noobs. Running with a regular group has done wonders for my k/d in the last 2 weeks. And if it makes you feel better
Best player ever
Follow up on my critical error from few weeks ago. Results: lost about 4 of my permanent unlocks, lost every one of my extra create a class slots (had all),?? & now when I prestige I don't even have a permanent unlock token to use.
It is so F*#ing annoying but I just said fudge it. When I get to prestige master everything will unlock, am I right?
Generally speaking the only teams that will have a spot for you to join are teams who are mostly just randoms with no mic, and the only reason they have a spot is cause they're losing and someone couldn't handle it. If I'm playing solo I'm playing boot camp where the stats don't count. And even then, I'm only playing solo cause I'm waiting for my team to finish a game.
Skill system? Call Of Duty?
As opposed to the new Call of Halo you're playing? Perks, classes, ordinance drops, score streaks, sprint ? It all seems vaguely familiar....
Unfortunately, it does. I welcome skill-based rankings back into Halo again.
All I know is I started blaying BO2 and there are a lot more noobs, it's so much easier to kill people than in H4. I figure its because of the pop being like 5-6 times the pop of H4.
More vanilla, less chocolate!
Got to say a lot more fun playing with my people than with timmies, although free for all wasn't too bad.
I am going to say, it's a completely different experience playing with a group versus solo. I played Domination on saturday alone, didn't win one match out of six. Last night I ran with Shadow26inc and his crew in Dominion, we won almost every game. It was truely a blast, thanks Shadow! I am remembering why I hardly ever do Matchmaking alone whether in H4, Gears or COD, it's so much more fun with others.