Podtacular podcast synopsis

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#1 Tue, 12/04/2012 - 17:48
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Podtacular podcast synopsis

From the Halo Council. Except is was actually a Neogaf post.


Kevin Franklin on Podtacular

Posted by | December 4th, 2012

Kevin Franklin recently got the chance to go on Podtacular by Dust Strom. They go in great depths about Halo 4, how it came to be for multiplayer, and the future of it. Check out the full podcast here.


Here’s a quick breakdown by enzo_gt:

  • Says they create a weekly “to be fixed” list, usually go live Sunday or Monday the following week after obvious testing and whatnot
  • Map exploits are fixed by putting invisible volumes or soft/hard kill volumes in the maps, you can download recently played maps and the fixes will apply to those maps too (i.e. if you wanted to use fixed versions of maps in customs)
  • Some exploit jumps were fixed on Haven recently
  • With regards to Race and Territories and classic gametypes being missing, because of new gametype scripting being tied to the new medal system and whatnot, they can’t just copy + paste, says adding stuff like distinct game modes is possible, but can’t promise it, says when they fix glitches and stuff they can look into adding and creating classic game modes
  • They consider Extraction as the spiritual successor to Assault rather than Territories
  • Talks about the Banshee/Mantis balance on Ragnarok, there was a dynamic of the two considered in design
  • Railgun is by design more anti-Spartan and not really meant to be anti-Vehicle although it can be used to do things like flip Warthogs
  • Some weapons are different in campaign and MP, is not sure if Railgun is one of them (after host mentions potential faster charge in campaign)
  • Ragnarok chosen to remake because they loved Valhalla and they felt that it would work well with the Mantis with regards to map flow
  • Same main artist for Valhalla and Ragnarok
  • Paying attention and listening to requests for remakes, but it was important for them to have as many fresh experiences as possible for launch
  • Can’t say when, but remakes are definitely something they’re looking at (sounds like an indirect confirmation to me)
  • Exile is one of the dev teams favourite maps, as well as Haven
  • Voids in playlist right now include needing more smaller maps in Infinity Slayer, which they are looking at
  • Relay is being looked at internally to be tweaked for inclusion into the CTF playlist, won’t be in for next week but the weeks after are a possibility, this kind of stuff is dependent on how many issues and the workload of the team at the given time
  • Community maps have been obtained by the devs from a Community Cartographer event and they are looking at what needs to be done to get them ready for matchmaking
  • Road map for including community maps into matchmaking again is not rigid, as fast as the team can do things they will with bug fixes being top priority
  • Meltdown and Icefield (Halo PC) not directly related, team not afraid to use old maps as a beginning to evolve into something altogether, mentions this after using Solace being similar to Narrows as another example
  • Team members look into every single Halo map for inspiration, models for sightlines, weapon placement, etc.
  • Feedback from competitive community at MLG Dallas included concerns DMR/BR rifle balance which they are watching closely how the rifle balance evolves, taking note of people using Carbine and Light Rifle too, thinks we well see changes down the line
  • Carbine is one of the highest skilled weapons in the game, believes it has fastest kill speed of any weapon if you get every shot, feels like highly skilled weapons have their place
  • Asked why Halo gameplay was sped up, one of many early Slayer prototypes for Halo 4 was based around “tempo,” which affected all the core elements of gameplay, felt it raised skill curve and eventually it developed into the final product
  • One prototype was developed called “Slayer ++ or M Slayer” that focused on scoring, a few others that were focused on weapon balance, they all came together and mixed together into what became Infinity Slayer right before E3.
  • “Why take the Call of Duty route and introduce +10 points?” – The biggest thing was that the , felt it often didn’t recognize input of some members of the team such as the Wheelman, wanted to find ways to recognize all the players’ impacts on their team, chose to focus the medals on this new reward system, created point structure to distinguish between stuff like Distraction as a +5 where as a Flag Capture is +100
  • Kill points kept consistent in denominations to create consistency with personal ordnance
  • Asked if we’ll see another “insane” gametype introduced into Halo 4, possible down the line, Fiesta was well received at MLG, how fast they appeared in older Halo games would be a good indicator for when they will appear in 4, would consider emergent gametypes from the community that are very popular for playlist updates
  • Aware of requests from community for spectator modes (Call of Duty cited as reference in the question), cannot commit to timeframe or whether it will happen, still something they want to do, would want to only release such a thing when it’s completely ready
  • Says there is an advantage with using the Magnum instead of the BR/DMR in SWAT if you have the height advantage because of how head hitboxes work in Halo 4
  • Added Mantis to Meltdown (I guess in BTB variants?) and there is a spawn issue they are aware of and working on
  • Removed Banshee from CTF Ragnarok
  • Graphs are available on the latest Halo Bulletin for Personal Ordnance drop percentages, are tuned based on maps
  • Meltdown Dominion specifically has a high chance of dropping Incineration Cannons when you resupply bases (noticeable if you’ve played the gametype)

Kevin asks the community:

  • For SWAT, are people starting with the BR or DMR? Wants to know from the people even though he can pull up stats


Tue, 12/04/2012 - 23:30
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Man, a lot of that sounds like stuff they should have figured out before release.  We talked through a lot of stuff related to these things in Site Chat today.  After all, they convinced MLG to take their game, seemingly, with the promise of future treats and support.



Wed, 12/05/2012 - 07:42 (Reply to #2)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Man, a lot of that sounds like stuff they should have figured out before release.  We talked through a lot of stuff related to these things in Site Chat today.  After all, they convinced MLG to take their game, seemingly, with the promise of future treats and support.



We don't actually know what went on with MLG owners. They may be in the loop well enough. Pehaps the MLG shenanigans are well within the normal start up? As pointed out in the past, MLG playlists didn't start for three months after release. February is the earliest we will know how well Halo 4 is doing. That's when the longer term population starts to show what legs this game has.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 09:59 (Reply to #3)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Man, a lot of that sounds like stuff they should have figured out before release.  We talked through a lot of stuff related to these things in Site Chat today.  After all, they convinced MLG to take their game, seemingly, with the promise of future treats and support.



We don't actually know what went on with MLG owners. They may be in the loop well enough. Pehaps the MLG shenanigans are well within the normal start up? As pointed out in the past, MLG playlists didn't start for three months after release. February is the earliest we will know how well Halo 4 is doing. That's when the longer term population starts to show what legs this game has.


Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 10:31 (Reply to #4)
Double T's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Man, a lot of that sounds like stuff they should have figured out before release.  We talked through a lot of stuff related to these things in Site Chat today.  After all, they convinced MLG to take their game, seemingly, with the promise of future treats and support.



We don't actually know what went on with MLG owners. They may be in the loop well enough. Pehaps the MLG shenanigans are well within the normal start up? As pointed out in the past, MLG playlists didn't start for three months after release. February is the earliest we will know how well Halo 4 is doing. That's when the longer term population starts to show what legs this game has.


Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Point. Set. Match.


Have a cookie.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 12:37 (Reply to #5)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Okay, how do you know we are hemmhoraging players? Are there stats somewhere? Halo 3 and REACH each had a precipitous population drop off in the first few months after release. That's normal, so I am wondering if you know more than that. I haven't seen anything and Halocharts only shows numbers for some MM playlists. Did you mean something else like 2old2play members?

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 13:08 (Reply to #6)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Okay, how do you know we are hemmhoraging players? Are there stats somewhere? Halo 3 and REACH each had a precipitous population drop off in the first few months after release. That's normal, so I am wondering if you know more than that. I haven't seen anything and Halocharts only shows numbers for some MM playlists. Did you mean something else like 2old2play members?


Yeah, first few months.  I'm sure some of that drop is due to Call Of Duty, but what about the rest of it?  This is a pretty weird pattern in the first few weeks. Halocharts has been tracking the populations, as you are also wont to do.  This one gets tossed around most,  and I realize that a software developer might not feel the need to come out and admit that some things are jacked up immediately after they release a product, but I sure hope the finished product is going to help bring folks back.  This ends up cutting to the heart of this entire matter.  343's schizophrenia with what they're saying and what they're doing.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 14:21 (Reply to #7)
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Okay, how do you know we are hemmhoraging players? Are there stats somewhere? Halo 3 and REACH each had a precipitous population drop off in the first few months after release. That's normal, so I am wondering if you know more than that. I haven't seen anything and Halocharts only shows numbers for some MM playlists. Did you mean something else like 2old2play members?


Yeah, first few months.  I'm sure some of that drop is due to Call Of Duty, but what about the rest of it?  This is a pretty weird pattern in the first few weeks. Halocharts has been tracking the populations, as you are also wont to do.  This one gets tossed around most,  and I realize that a software developer might not feel the need to come out and admit that some things are jacked up immediately after they release a product, but I sure hope the finished product is going to help bring folks back.  This ends up cutting to the heart of this entire matter.  343's schizophrenia with what they're saying and what they're doing.



What they should have done is took 'vanilla' core gameplay and aded on to in a custom settings variation.  Not morph it into what it is now with no easy way to change back if their idea does not take off as they expected it to.  They went into this game smelling themselves a little too much and now that the population is beelding they cannot stop it.  



CoD was not the only reason for the dramatic drop off it the combintions of CoD and bad ideas with no backup plan.  CoD was around when Halo 3 was.  Population in that game was steady even pre first patch.  Problem is 343 obviously did not learn from Reach which tells me they do not really pay attention to the community.  Here is an example http://bit.ly/SvkMEZ .  


Another reason is the carrot dangle approach they took for multiplayer equipment.  I know of at least 5 people who will not play this game any more because they cannot get online everyday and grind levels for gear to compete with other players who have been playing since launch.  Again another example of trying to beat CoD by being CoD.


ALLOT of all the issues are very easily fixed via a patch but judjing by replies and comments from 343 this is more than likely not going to happen.  In fact I would not be supprised if they are not already working on Halo 5 and trying to make a 2 year game release.  Therefore any programmers are not working on improving Halo 4 but instead working on the next game.



Sorry for the poor grammar and spelling.  Not really my strongest trait.


Wed, 12/05/2012 - 14:58 (Reply to #8)
DEEP_NNN's picture
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FR_ISH_1371 wrote:
Problem is 343 obviously did not learn from Reach which tells me they do not really pay attention to the community.  Here is an example http://bit.ly/SvkMEZ .  

I am not saying your guesses, that 343i did not learning from REACH or that they do not pay attention to the community are wrong. I am saying that link is proof of nothing except 343i employees have to put up with the most incredibly stupid assholes the world has ever spawned. I've read many more like it in his Twitter feed.

Unfortunately for David Ellis, any replies to those assholes is going to backfire. You can't troll a troll because it just attracts more trolls. His best response should always be none, in those situations.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 15:40 (Reply to #9)
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Okay, how do you know we are hemmhoraging players? Are there stats somewhere? Halo 3 and REACH each had a precipitous population drop off in the first few months after release. That's normal, so I am wondering if you know more than that. I haven't seen anything and Halocharts only shows numbers for some MM playlists. Did you mean something else like 2old2play members?


Yeah, first few months.  I'm sure some of that drop is due to Call Of Duty, but what about the rest of it?  This is a pretty weird pattern in the first few weeks. Halocharts has been tracking the populations, as you are also wont to do.  This one gets tossed around most,  and I realize that a software developer might not feel the need to come out and admit that some things are jacked up immediately after they release a product, but I sure hope the finished product is going to help bring folks back.  This ends up cutting to the heart of this entire matter.  343's schizophrenia with what they're saying and what they're doing.

I may get to poking around some numbers but I don't have a lot that would prove Halo 4's percentages are better or worse than previous Halo titles. I was always of the opinion the first couple of months data weren't worth collecting since hype had such a strong influence.

I will remind you that Halo 4 has many parts and the MM playlists are just part of it. Bungie always showed a total online for REACH so I was able to calculate the amount in MM and other functions.  MM typically made up 50%-60% and 40%-50% were doing other stuff like Campaign, Forging, Theatre, idling.

Just now Waypoint reported 79,915 in Wargames/MM and 10,042 in Spartan Ops. No other data is provided but my simple point is we don't know how popular is the rest of the game is and whether it is bleeding players too. Even though some people don't put much weight on anything but MM numbers the Unique Users/24hrs (UU/24hr) were good numbers to follow if you wanted to evaluate the entire game's performance. Unfortunately 343i isn't publishing that either. :(

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 15:48 (Reply to #10)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

DEEP_NNN wrote:

Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Problem is, we're already hemmoraghing players.  It just seems an awful lot like a lack of support and malfeasance.

Okay, how do you know we are hemmhoraging players? Are there stats somewhere? Halo 3 and REACH each had a precipitous population drop off in the first few months after release. That's normal, so I am wondering if you know more than that. I haven't seen anything and Halocharts only shows numbers for some MM playlists. Did you mean something else like 2old2play members?


Yeah, first few months.  I'm sure some of that drop is due to Call Of Duty, but what about the rest of it?  This is a pretty weird pattern in the first few weeks. Halocharts has been tracking the populations, as you are also wont to do.  This one gets tossed around most,  and I realize that a software developer might not feel the need to come out and admit that some things are jacked up immediately after they release a product, but I sure hope the finished product is going to help bring folks back.  This ends up cutting to the heart of this entire matter.  343's schizophrenia with what they're saying and what they're doing.

I may get to poking around some numbers but I don't have a lot that would prove Halo 4's percentages are better or worse than previous Halo titles. I was always of the opinion the first couple of months data weren't worth collecting since hype had such a strong influence.

I will remind you that Halo 4 has many parts and the MM playlists are just part of it. Bungie always showed a total online for REACH so I was able to calculate the amount in MM and other functions.  MM typically made up 50%-60% and 40%-50% were doing other stuff like Campaign, Forging, Theatre, idling.

Just now Waypoint reported 79,915 in Wargames/MM and 10,042 in Spartan Ops. No other data is provided but my simple point is we don't know how popular is the rest of the game is and whether it is bleeding players too. Even though some people don't put much weight on anything but MM numbers the Unique Users/24hrs (UU/24hr) were good numbers to follow if you wanted to evaluate the entire game's performance. Unfortunately 343i isn't publishing that either. :(


The other part to this puzzle lies in the fact that more useful numbers are almost certainly kept and recorded, but not released.  It's another step in that "Aw, come on.  Trust us!" vein that's getting a little grating.  Everyone's a little bit upset with this game, except the folks that will blindly love a Halo game because it says "Halo" on it.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 07:30
DEEP_NNN's picture
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It's the underlined part that's bothering me, at the moment. My evesdropping on Neogaf shows some Community Cartographer (CC) members are miffed that 343i is even considering some of the maps from the early Community Cartographer event. The CC members haven't been included in map vetting as with REACH. Remember the Forge contest Bungie had and the terrible maps that came out of that? Perhaps the CC process should get reinvented for Halo 4 but contacting the old CC members, who put in hundreds of hours checking maps, should at least be allowed the courtesy of some input.

Wed, 12/05/2012 - 15:15
FR_ISH_1371's picture
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I don't think that the response he made was to a game troll.  I know I have seen more vicious post about the game out there but I do agree it will always shine in a negative light to you community when you post the plug in response "We tried and oh well you don't like it".  To be completly fair anytime there is a changing of the gaurd (like bungie to 343) there will always be a crowd who will feel angry where their baby gets messed with even a little.  There is an awesome game underneath everything in Halo 4 i just needs to be dug out and soon.

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