RC Cars
RC Cars
Just curious to see if anyone is into RC cars here.
I have been on and off since I was a teenager and am just getting back into it a little over the past week after digging up some of my old gear and buying a new one.
I have:
Traxxas Jato 3.3 Nitro
HPI RS4 3 SS Nitro
Team Associated RC10 T3
Traxxas Rustler (new)
So, 2 gas, 2 elcetrics and my knowledge is really, really, REALLLLLY outdated plus I forgot pretty much everything. So many new goodies and tech!
The electrics work fine and I have no issues with them, but the two nitros sat idle for 2 years (Jato) and 5++ years (RS4) and I probably am going to need help ressurrecting them. I just got a LiPO battery for the new Rustler and WOW! Lasts longer and seems to go faster! Gonna have to do testing to compare to the NiMH but first impressions lead to me think they are simply far superior.
The Jato has the EZ Start system but the starter was destroyed in a flood so I just put a manual pull start on it and used a standard glow plug igniter but I can't get the engine to turn over. As I pull to start, the thing won't budge an inch. Its like it is ceased up or something.
The RS4 pulls fine and has a new glow plug but it never starts. I am sure it wasn't flooded when I first tried it, but I probably flooded it a tad trying over and over. No clue yet.
Before I start ripping them apart, I will be Googling the hell out of the internet to see if these are known or common-ish issues. But, if anyone here has any experience with RCs and could give me advice, I would love to hear it.
I really want to get the Nitros running. I love the speed and sound of those things! The Jato is more suited for my house really (OK sized yard and a dirt/rocky driveway) but the RS4 is just cool as hell and I live next to a municipal complex so the parking lot is a mere 100 feet from my door.
So... any RC folks around?
RC cars? Oh yes!
I´ve got Kyosho Mini Inferno 4x4 and a original Tamiya Blitzer Beetle from 1993 or was it 1992...Well anyways...Both EP.
My plans with the Beetle was not to tune it with too powerful motor/lipo setup (since it´s all original...), but I couldn´t resist! LOL
So I installed a Castle Creation 5700 combo and a proper lipo battery. It´s pretty fun, but not the easiest one to drive because of the RWD and short wheel base...+ I had some issues with the spur, it kept loosening up all the time. I´ll have to test if Loctite helps!
I have plans for Traxxas Slash project if I can find a cheap one somewhere, I could use it for serious bashing and leave the Beetle for relaxed sunday driving! The Mini Inferno is a bit tricky because it´s 1/16 sized...I prefer 1/10 cars, don´t know what´s the plan with it...I might just restore it.
I've been into RCs since I was like 12. Used to race an RC10 at ROAR type events, then switched to an Ultima. I bought an HPUI RS4 SS Nitro 5 years ago and ran it twice. W/o having others to run it with the fun level is reduced. I recently cleaned it up and started it but never ran it, lol. I thought to sell it since it is nearly new and just sitting there.
I have a couple of electic cars. A JRX2 Pro and the old Tamiya Porshe 959 that is in need of repair.
They are fun and additctive but I think my favorite part of it is building them.
Stadium trucks, gas and boy could it shift 30 mph plus !!! kept chewing up the gears .
Tried electric but a lot less play time .
Got a couple I need to get the dust off of. HPI RS4 (carbon chassis) w/ a Murceilago GTR body & a Tamiya TA04 w/ a Mercedes DTM body. Haven't pulled them out in a while though.
I have them all.... Nearly :D
MY family owns a model car shop :) AMC
Tourni: The shop, is it this one?
It is indeed :)
I have a Slash 2wd ep, Kyosho Ultima sc ep, Evader DT ep, and Axial Honcho crawler ep. Don't do much more then a weekend run anymore as the local Hobby shop and track have been sold to become a eatery. To bad we all don't live a bit closer.lol
I was into it for awhile (4yrs) but have recently gotten out of it, even though I have a NIB Ofna Hyper 10sc with a ballistic 5.5 short course motor and a Castle creations ESC in it sitting in my garage. It even is race tuned and setup for my local track but I have not even run it yet. A shame to have built it up and not run it
. My son and I also had 2 Traxxas Rustler VXL's fully modded and widened, what a blast to drive. And had a couple of Traxxas Slash 4X4 PE's, all have been sold now though.
I raced asphalt 1/10 nitro for 6 or 7 years(.club disbanded) Great father and son sport.My son raced novice electric till he moved up to the nitro . We spent every Sunday together from April thru Sept. racing. I still have the last chassis we raced(Associated NTC3) Now I use them at car shows running 1/8 scale classic mini cooper bodies. I would race again if there were a place nearby to run outdoor asphalt.
Old pic but I still have these bodies(lost the beard tho)
RC Cars?
Yeah, I remember our first Tamiya RC car that our dad bought for us back in the mid 80's. It was the Audi Quatro Rally by Tamiya. My bro and I put it together - we were so proud of ourselves.
A few years later, our dad bought us the Hot Shot 4WD and my bro got the Hornet.
When we came to Canada, I blew my first pay cheque and bought the Technigold motor and bought myself the Kyosho Ultima, then the Lazer ZX. El Kochino and I then got back into the RC hobby and got the Thunder Tiger 1/10 touring cars. We didn't properly store the engines during winter and they corroded and got destroyed.
Back to Tammiya with the TB-02 chassis cars - those were a blast to race in our work place underground parking.
Bought my son the re-release of the midnight pumpkin two years ago as well.
A year or so ago, I had the itch again and bought the 1/8 scale Team Associated SC8e. This was a beast as it used 14.4 v LiPo batteries with the Castle ESC and motor. this one's a blast to drive!
I had a Hornet!
I am getting back into it fairly quickly and already have added two more (6 total now - damn!):
Traxxas T-Maxx 3.3
Team Associated TC4
Once I get them all running as designed, i will start hopping them up a bit.
I have a brushless motor coming (not Castle, just a traxxas vermilion or whatever that is called) which claims that with two 7.2 LiPos in series will hit around 70MPH so that will be fun. I plan on moving it in and out of the TC4 and Rustler depending on what I am driving on. Not sure I will go the dual LiPo route yet, but someday. Single LiPo should get me around 45 I hope.
The T-Maxx I got from my brother was DOA and is slowly coming back to life. The tuning of the Nitro engine is a bit off and I think the clutch is shot as well. It is fun to playing and resurrecting it.
I did get the Jato running but still have an issue with the RS4. The RS4 pull start is horked up so I need a new one or a quick start system to try to turn it over again. I did get it on once, but the stupid pull start just gave out. I can't for the life of me re-wind the recoil spring.
Now to find a construction site or dirt packed area for off roading!
Anyone with a 1/16 Traxxas model?
I have been looking hard at the E-Revo 1/16 after a few sick youtube videos and then my brother picing one up (standing still back and forward flips!!!!!!).
Just curious if anyone has any and if so, what necessary mods aside from batteries.
I picked up more RC stuff again. Total now at 7
Got the 1/16 Revo VXL - its FAST! and wow, it handles awesome and the forward and back blips when running an 11.1 3S LiPO is funny as hell. Downside: 20 minutes of running my rear diff stripped. Same thinng happened to my brother. We both ran (2) 7.2v NiMH packs in series (as supported by traxxas) and both of us got less than 20 minutes of fun before the diff gears went out. Shim mod on the way for the rebuild.
Also got a good deal on a Revo 2.5R roller which I popped my Jato 3.3 engine into. Gonna try to run it but stripped the carburator housing where the high speed needles screws in and waiting on the glue to dry as a temp measure until I get the new carb parts. I don't know if it will work or not since I think I got some glue over the HSN sleeve and if that is the case who knows if glue got anywhere else.
This is getting expensive!
FWIW: right now only the TC4, TMaxx and Rustler (added the VXL motor to it) are running. Everything else needs some part(s) replaced!.. actually the TMaxx needs parts but it still bashes fine.
Are those plastic or steel?? If they are steel then damn...Lots of power...
I did the steel upgrade for my Mini-Inferno few years ago.
LOL - There was no need for the project, but it was fun to disassemble the car and then put it back together again!
How does the 1/16 Traxxas handle on the gravel? Mini Inferno is ok, but certain size rocks get stuck between the wheel and strut bar and blocking the wheel from spinning, 1/10 size wheels would help though...But then it´s more €€€ to spend...
Hehe.. the diff has steel gears and yeah, tons of power and torque. It is so funny to do a flip from standing still! I had a typo and said 'blip' before... FLIPs.. hehe... to funny.
It handles the gravel pretty well. I mainly play around with it dirt and gravel and so far only one rock got stuck up in the wheels. In my Rustler 1/10 I had way too many rocks getting up into the steering servo area that I had to modify the area to enclose it better and that helped a ton. It was shocking how the rocks just seemed to find the servo and kill the steering.
I am still fighting one of my 3.3 nitro engines to get it running well. It is getting annoying as hell. I'm shelving it until I get a new carb and hope to get it tweaked once that is installed.
Running tally of everything.....
Revo 2.5R w/ 3.3 engine
Jato 3.3 (engine in Revo)
T-Maxx 3.3
Rustler VXL brushless installed
1/16 Revo VXL
Team Associated:
Anyway... fun stuff! :)
True, so true!
I still desire Short Course truck for serious bashing, maybe some day...
So far the T-Maxx is OK for bashing, but man, being a monster truck and its high center of gravity causes you to be careful with high speed turns otherwise you're turtle-ing it and doing the RC walk of shame to right it.
THe Revo is my hope for my ultimate basher. My brother has had one for the past few years and time in and time out that thing is fun and stands up to everything. Last week he jumped it about 35 feet DOWN into a the shore of a river filled with massive rocks! It got wet and ran for a few seconds after before stalling when he hiked down to get it but no broken parts, no problems at all. FIred it up and drove it back up. Amazing! My Jato and other buggies always brake something when they go a bashing. 2 bucks here, 10 bucks here, 20 bucks there, lmao....The T-Maxx is as duarbale as the Revo, but the Revo is just simply more fun and controllable at high speeds.
Haven't given thought on the SC trucks but everywhere I read or look up RC stuff, they are always talked about.
What would you go for if you were to pick one up? I noticed you requested a Traxxas logo (I WANT that by the way!!!) so I assume you might have one/some. Would you go with Traxxas for the SC or another brand?
Oh and that Traxxas logo.. .I would love to see the F150 Raptor in FM4 get a T-Maxx or Revo livery! hehe.... I think Proline sells an F-x50 Raptor body for the Maxx and Revo.
Yeah, Traxxas would be my first choice for SC truck! Just because of the "track record" and if you brake it, it won´t be a problem to find spare parts/hop-ups for it.
I´ll just have to keep my eyes open and I might find a used car with low €-tag on it...Oh and the Traxxas logo - MUST HAVE!!!
This looks badass
Thats what i'd pick, just waiting for one to come in that i can play with :D
Darn...That Baja is sweeeeeet!!! A bit pricey for me though...
apparently they are pretty rapid :D
I didnt buy my first RC until 2010 (sadly) but one of those first few purchases was a Traxxas Slash 2wd. It was just the XL5 Mike Jenkins edition with a 2.4Ghz radio but its been a champ! First thing I upgraded was the radio system to a Spektrum DX2S with telemetry capable receiver and servo. After that I bought a set of Proline bowties mounted on split-six rims in Medium M2 compound for better bite at my local rc track. Next upgrade was the Proline Protrac Suspension kit. Definately gave my slash better handling. I opted not to use the included Protrac rims in the kit, because using the stock wheels makes the stance a little wider (not much, but they're no longer covered completely by the fenders). Next set of upgrades was a set of 4 Proline beadlocks, 4 bowties in M3 compound, and the Proline clear Silverado body (still have yet to paint it). I did eventually go brushless but I took the cheaper route and got the Dynamite Fuze 3300kv combo. I never run my RCs in wet conditions anyway so having waterproof components was not necessary. The metal parts on RCs can still rust over time anyway. After all that I built a Blitz ESE with a Castle Mamba Monster Pro ESC, Orion 17.5T sensored brushless motor, Hitec high speed metal gear servo, and got the new Spektrum DX3R Pro radio. I intended to race the Blitz, but so far never have. I do like the Blitz, but that slash is my baby :) Only thing I regret now about the Slash is I should have gone with the 4x4 VXL!
If you plan to bash more than race, go with Traxxas. Most of them are built like tanks.
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/forzaparadoxguy/6932608682/]DSCF0201[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/forzaparadoxguy/]paradoxguy 99[/url], on Flickr
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/forzaparadoxguy/7078687349/]DSCF0203[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/forzaparadoxguy/]paradoxguy 99[/url], on Flickr
Oh you bastard! :)
I´m checking ebay almost everyday and found few nice cars from UK, but any of the sellers won´t ship worldwide...
Found some from US too, but if someone is willing to post the car worldwide, the posting costs are ridiculous!
Ofcourse I could buy new car, but I´m not ready to put so much money on it right now! In Finland the cheapest Slash (2.4GHz) costs 260-300€...
The slash is a very popular vehicle. Once you have one you want to display it proudly.
My pics look like two different trucks dont they? But its one slash, with an extra body and the mounted bowties.