343I made a playlist update, really stinks. Nothing 5v5 or 6v6 as far as slayer goes. Why no squad battle?
I understand their logic in cleaning up the lists, but srsly?
yeah, I'm not liking it. I like the idea of limiting the number of playlists, but to have to jump from 4 v 4 to BTB is a bit much.
I love objective, so that helps. I HATE invasion, so that part sucks.
REACH's finale playlists. bsangel Tweeted there will not be anymore REACH playlist changes for the time being. Add to that, no previous Halo title received a playlist change after the next title was released.
You are looking at the ass end of REACH. May the gods have mercy on her sorely beaten soul.
12 weeks of customs remaining. Pfff on MM. That's not where I get my fun on anyway.
The playlists that are being retired in August’s Matchmaking playlist update are Anniversary BTB, Anniversary FFA, Firefight Doubles, Action Sack, and Squad DLC. We’re also using this opportunity to reorganize the playlists. The new categories will be Standard (i.e. Vanilla), Evolved (i.e. TU), Anniversary, Community, and Cooperative.
At least there is still 5v5 Objective I guess. I do agree that they should just lump Anniversary BTB in with Default BTB as well as the FFA variants. Squad DLC has been suffering for a long time, usually at 400 people or less when I've atttempted to go in there. I don't see the reason for removal of Action Sack though. Oh well, 3 months to tough it out!
I LOVED playing action sack- I just liked the variety a lot- especially when a team of 4 of us weren't feeling particularly "on" that night- I've been playing quite a bit of it when I'm on!!
A lot of the playlist shrinking probably has to do with Playlist population, They are trying to drive more players into the more popular playlists. makes sense but sucks also
TU squad was fun. I just wished it wasn't just slayer. Make a 6v6 squad with slayer and objective gametypes. Plus, it tried to match parties, which all playlists should do. It's irritating having a po8 only to get matched against 8 randies in btb and have them quit out. And that's true for any playlist.
TU squad was fun. I just wished it wasn't just slayer. Make a 6v6 squad with slayer and objective gametypes. Plus, it tried to match parties, which all playlists should do. It's irritating having a po8 only to get matched against 8 randies in btb and have them quit out. And that's true for any playlist.
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
i NEVER vote for spire. i'd rather just shut down the xbox. i can't even imagine what my stats on the damn map.
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
i NEVER vote for spire. i'd rather just shut down the xbox. i can't even imagine what my stats on the damn map.
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
i NEVER vote for spire. i'd rather just shut down the xbox. i can't even imagine what my stats on the damn map.
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
i NEVER vote for spire. i'd rather just shut down the xbox. i can't even imagine what my stats on the damn map.
Also, why is your xbox in the kitchen?
because your wife likes to watch me play
Well, when a gal only gets crushing disappointment over a long time, what's the use in showing her anything different?
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
i NEVER vote for spire. i'd rather just shut down the xbox. i can't even imagine what my stats on the damn map.
Also, why is your xbox in the kitchen?
because your wife likes to watch me play
Well, when a gal only gets crushing disappointment over a long time, what's the use in showing her anything different?
TU squad was fun. I just wished it wasn't just slayer. Make a 6v6 squad with slayer and objective gametypes. Plus, it tried to match parties, which all playlists should do. It's irritating having a po8 only to get matched against 8 randies in btb and have them quit out. And that's true for any playlist.
I personally have always liked Objective gametypes over straight slayer games. I find the team work necessary for Obj much more fun that a slayer gametype
TU squad was fun. I just wished it wasn't just slayer. Make a 6v6 squad with slayer and objective gametypes. Plus, it tried to match parties, which all playlists should do. It's irritating having a po8 only to get matched against 8 randies in btb and have them quit out. And that's true for any playlist.
I personally have always liked Objective gametypes over straight slayer games. I find the team work necessary for Obj much more fun that a slayer gametype
That's why I like to mix slayer and objective gametypes. Keeps everyone a little bit happy.
I bring out the barf bag when Spire shows up. Lots of tweets flying at BSAngel on this one. The only positive I got out of it was that they were rolling the Anniv. maps into the regular playlists.
Interesting conversation. I knew it was dumb to give away your DLC code but people did it anyway and now they are having trouble in the playlists somehow.
Also, you shouldn't imagine anything other than additional REACH playlist consolidation after Halo 4 is out. I also say again, such changes never occurred under Bungie's umbrella. I don't expect anything different from 343i. I'm not saying that to be mean either.
link please?
"That's all she wrote folks".
REACH's finale playlists. bsangel Tweeted there will not be anymore REACH playlist changes for the time being. Add to that, no previous Halo title received a playlist change after the next title was released.
You are looking at the ass end of REACH. May the gods have mercy on her sorely beaten soul.
12 weeks of customs remaining. Pfff on MM. That's not where I get my fun on anyway.
Farewell action sack, anniversary btb, and any TU playlists. You shall be missed..gif)
The playlists that are being retired in August’s Matchmaking playlist update are Anniversary BTB, Anniversary FFA, Firefight Doubles, Action Sack, and Squad DLC. We’re also using this opportunity to reorganize the playlists. The new categories will be Standard (i.e. Vanilla), Evolved (i.e. TU), Anniversary, Community, and Cooperative.
At least there is still 5v5 Objective I guess. I do agree that they should just lump Anniversary BTB in with Default BTB as well as the FFA variants. Squad DLC has been suffering for a long time, usually at 400 people or less when I've atttempted to go in there. I don't see the reason for removal of Action Sack though. Oh well, 3 months to tough it out!
I LOVED playing action sack- I just liked the variety a lot- especially when a team of 4 of us weren't feeling particularly "on" that night- I've been playing quite a bit of it when I'm on!!
A lot of the playlist shrinking probably has to do with Playlist population, They are trying to drive more players into the more popular playlists. makes sense but sucks also
Meh, doesn't matter to me.
I just started Skyrim and that should keep me busy until Halo 4.
I think they would be surprised if they brought back a squad list. 6v6 was always smoother than 8v8. :)
TU squad was fun. I just wished it wasn't just slayer. Make a 6v6 squad with slayer and objective gametypes. Plus, it tried to match parties, which all playlists should do. It's irritating having a po8 only to get matched against 8 randies in btb and have them quit out. And that's true for any playlist.
I agree, also It was nice sometimes to have 5 others on your team and not have to play on one of the Lame BTB maps all of the time. I mean who votes for Spire?
Probably Wam because he's a girl and lacks any logical decision making skills.
i NEVER vote for spire. i'd rather just shut down the xbox. i can't even imagine what my stats on the damn map..gif)
Also, why is your xbox in the kitchen?
because your wife likes to watch me play.gif)
Well, when a gal only gets crushing disappointment over a long time, what's the use in showing her anything different?
I personally have always liked Objective gametypes over straight slayer games. I find the team work necessary for Obj much more fun that a slayer gametype
Spire was fun...during the Beta...
I'm surprised you've actually played that many games on Spire!!
Missing Squad Slayer, still.
After all this Spire talk I checked my own stats. Played a total of 7 games on it.
lucky dog!
3 Games for me.
I bring out the barf bag when Spire shows up. Lots of tweets flying at BSAngel on this one. The only positive I got out of it was that they were rolling the Anniv. maps into the regular playlists.
I wish they had 'em all, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5, 6v6, 7v7 etc. Then I would never have to play with the Timmies!
Interesting conversation. I knew it was dumb to give away your DLC code but people did it anyway and now they are having trouble in the playlists somehow.
Also, you shouldn't imagine anything other than additional REACH playlist consolidation after Halo 4 is out. I also say again, such changes never occurred under Bungie's umbrella. I don't expect anything different from 343i. I'm not saying that to be mean either.