Thanks Honor for posting em here. I need to save more of my screw ups for comedic value later, maybe that will make me want to break controlers less while Ive done something dumb!
Could we please get this stickied and keep it stickied?
This is something that Honorbound has been doing for quite awhile now, it's a pretty regular weekly thing and I think a lot of people appreciate it.
It would be nice not to have to try to go hunting for it every time I don't watch it the day it's posted.
- Raider30
I sticky these each week for the weekend and occasionally forget to unsticky them. I do this precisely because of Honorbound's efforts. No permanent sticky intentions though.
Could we please get this stickied and keep it stickied?
This is something that Honorbound has been doing for quite awhile now, it's a pretty regular weekly thing and I think a lot of people appreciate it.
It would be nice not to have to try to go hunting for it every time I don't watch it the day it's posted.
- Raider30
I sticky these each week for the weekend and occasionally forget to unsticky them. I do this precisely because of Honorbound's efforts. No permanent sticky intentions though.
And I appreciate that DEEP stickies it at all. It is nice to know that my efforts to share these videos (also the videos in the HORSE thread) are appreciated. I can also appreciate the desire to have it perma-stickied so as to make finding the thread easier, but because I know that this thread tends to be stickied for a limited time I have it bookmarked so that I to do not have to go hunting for it. I know it isn't your prefered solution Raider but as the "author" of this thread I think it is a fair one. I to would love it if this thread were perma-stickied but I truly am happy, and humbled, that it gets stickied at all.
To Raider 30, thank you brother for making an effort to express your desire to see this thread given perma-stickie status. You humble me.
To everyone who appreciates the minimal effort it takes for me to continue this thread so that we can all enjoy the entertainment of others failures, thank you. You also humble me, and you rock!
To DEEP, thank you my brother for all your efforts to keep this part of our greater community alive and under control, and also for taking the time to stickie any of my threads. Much respect brother.
As I have said before, I will continue to post videos in this thread and in the HORSE thread for as long as I am able or until I am asked to stop by the community. Again, thanks for the appreciation everyone.
probably time to unsticky.
annnndd it's re-stickied. Reach is over! move on. :)
Thanks for these Honor!!!
Yay! H4 at last.
Thanks Honor for posting em here. I need to save more of my screw ups for comedic value later, maybe that will make me want to break controlers less while Ive done something dumb!
Here's what I find works:
Go to
Log in (same information as logging in to
Go to the "Video" category to access the pull down menu
Select submit video (near the bottom of the list)
Pick which series you wish to submit to
Submit the necessary information (XBL GT, video name, brief description) and you should be good to go.
Oh, when you make the clip you intend to submit be sure to add 4 to 5 seconds on to either end of it for editing purposes.
Could we please get this stickied and keep it stickied?
This is something that Honorbound has been doing for quite awhile now, it's a pretty regular weekly thing and I think a lot of people appreciate it.
It would be nice not to have to try to go hunting for it every time I don't watch it the day it's posted.
- Raider30
And I appreciate that DEEP stickies it at all. It is nice to know that my efforts to share these videos (also the videos in the HORSE thread) are appreciated. I can also appreciate the desire to have it perma-stickied so as to make finding the thread easier, but because I know that this thread tends to be stickied for a limited time I have it bookmarked so that I to do not have to go hunting for it. I know it isn't your prefered solution Raider but as the "author" of this thread I think it is a fair one. I to would love it if this thread were perma-stickied but I truly am happy, and humbled, that it gets stickied at all.
To Raider 30, thank you brother for making an effort to express your desire to see this thread given perma-stickie status. You humble me.
To everyone who appreciates the minimal effort it takes for me to continue this thread so that we can all enjoy the entertainment of others failures, thank you. You also humble me, and you rock!
To DEEP, thank you my brother for all your efforts to keep this part of our greater community alive and under control, and also for taking the time to stickie any of my threads. Much respect brother.
As I have said before, I will continue to post videos in this thread and in the HORSE thread for as long as I am able or until I am asked to stop by the community. Again, thanks for the appreciation everyone.
You're welcome Honorbound and thanks for your efforts.