Friday is a bad day/night. I could be on, but maybe not. I have a prior engagement I need to attend but I have no idea how long it will last. It could last 30 minutes and I would be home by 7pm cst, or it could last 3-4 hours and I wouldn't be home until 11pm or later. I would hate to say Friday is fine then either be late or not make it all. However, I will be free on Saturday and Sunday.
Friday is a bad day/night. I could be on, but maybe not. I have a prior engagement I need to attend but I have no idea how long it will last. It could last 30 minutes and I would be home by 7pm cst, or it could last 3-4 hours and I wouldn't be home until 11pm or later. I would hate to say Friday is fine then either be late or not make it all. However, I will be free on Saturday and Sunday.
I'm in the same boat. Friday is out. Just about any other night this week is good.
any other saturday would work for me except for this saturday i have to work. i can usually do any week night after 6 central. on nights my wife works i will have to leave at 10. any weekend time will work for me except for this saturday. i do hope that i would be home no later than 4 central time
Sunday does not work for me. How is Monday night beginning around midnight EST? If you guys have seven together and have an extra that can replace me, I do not mind if you sub me out. I won't be offended. If there are other teams on, maybe you can games in with Teams B or C; I know Team B were planning on playing Sunday night.
Are we talking about Sun 14, today? I'm fairly sure I have to make supper today so I'm a no. I can't make it for Monday night 12 Est Lou. That's my 1:00 am and is too late to start.
probably. :)
friday is good for me!
Friday is a bad day/night. I could be on, but maybe not. I have a prior engagement I need to attend but I have no idea how long it will last. It could last 30 minutes and I would be home by 7pm cst, or it could last 3-4 hours and I wouldn't be home until 11pm or later. I would hate to say Friday is fine then either be late or not make it all. However, I will be free on Saturday and Sunday.
I'm in the same boat. Friday is out. Just about any other night this week is good.
Sunday nights are bad for me as long as Falling Skies is on.
Saturday night??
For me, any night 11 Eastern (my midnight) for an hour or so. Especially on Tues. and Thurs. Earlier on some other nights but it depends.
Okay I shouldn't have said I'm available any time lol
Any night but Sunday, 8-11 eastern. I have to be OFFLINE at the time Deep can get ONLINE. Hmmm...
any night but saturday. i can do saturday morning/afternoon. i have to be done by 6 eastern.
so it's looking like wed. or thur.?
time is anytime after 8 eastern.
Work tonight and tomorrow night. No go.
Saturday afternoon maybe??
Saturday Afternoon? 3:00 PM ish?
Also, we have not heard from Badger.
And Hoplite sucks.
any other saturday would work for me except for this saturday i have to work. i can usually do any week night after 6 central. on nights my wife works i will have to leave at 10. any weekend time will work for me except for this saturday. i do hope that i would be home no later than 4 central time
sunday afternoon? morning?
Sunday morning or afternoon would work for me. Anyone else?
Yup Sunday anytime during the day is good for me!
any time sunday is good
only reliable time for me is evenings.
Shoot for 4 Eastern on Sunday? Split the difference? Maybe Hop gets on?
Works for me!
Sub for me!
that's cool. we just have to make sure we don't get a late start. i have to roll out by 5:15.
Are we talking about Sun 14, today? I'm fairly sure I have to make supper today so I'm a no. I can't make it for Monday night 12 Est Lou. That's my 1:00 am and is too late to start.
I can't play that late, sorry Lou. Hubby gets up for work at 5 am, so whatever night I play I have to be offline by 11 eastern.
Fitting the Kitten' s deadline together with Lou' s generous offer...Monday night? 9:00 eastern?
That time should not be a problem for me.