Rumour - MLG Tour to support only one shooter in 2012/2013

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#1 Thu, 08/23/2012 - 06:17
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Rumour - MLG Tour to support only one shooter in 2012/2013

Reported by CyReN on NeoGAF.

I haven't checked the source but if you want to slueth it, be my guest. You will have to find the LiveOn3 interview. Report back here please, if you do.


Heads up competitive fans, MLG has only 1 spot for a shooter next year from the interview they had on LiveOn3. So basically us against CoD Black Ops 2.
Thu, 08/23/2012 - 08:59
XF1R3X's picture
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Can you link the Thread for this?  I have been listening to the Live on 3 Podcasts and havent heard anything


Thu, 08/23/2012 - 10:20
XF1R3X's picture
Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago
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Around the 46 minute mark the Seniopr VP of MLG says there are a lot of good games coming out and the circuit only has room for one more game.  Meaning Black ops 2, Halo 4 and a couple other games are all being considered for this. 

So,  It is hard to say this,  but if BLOPS2 on LAN works how MLG wants it to I would say it will beat out Halo 4 and other shooters at live events.  Halo 4 would definitely still have an online ladder but BLOPS 2 has a larger community just because it is multi-platform.  Sundance was on Live on 3 in Feb.  and said they wouldn't have games on any longer just to have them.  So basically it is going to come down to the audience that will watch.  The COD community,  specifically the Comp community has grown on all platforms,  while halo has shrunk because it is an Xbox exclusive.  Sad to say buit I think COD beats out Halo and if Halo is a live event title it will be much smaller (scale and prizes) and team sign ups will be capped at 50 - 100 open bracket teams and not the 250 as before. 

As a Halo guy who has gone to events and had an amazing time over the years playing and competeing, I personally hope that this is not the case.  MLG has 8 - 16 teams (64 Players roughly) on a company contract for Halo,  Though I imagine only the top 32 players really have major monetary contracts with them and the bottom 32 are more travel expenses etc.  COD has independent gaming teams out there signed by teams that have their hands in COD, Starcraft and other comp titles that have huge Fan bases.  Halo teams have fans but the COD pros and teams have more fan pull and MLG wants $$$.  

Another factor to consider is MLGs relationship with Sony.  COD could easily be a PS3 title and Halo could be the Xbox title.  That may be a way for MLG to have both games and both consoles on the circuit.  Though 343 and Xbox would have to support the title with MLG to really sustain it because the comp Halo community cannot make the game profiatble for MLG with community alone


 It will be interesting to see how the games and MLG go towards the end of the year but I do not see MLG making any announcements until January 2013.  


Thu, 08/23/2012 - 10:26
DEEP_NNN's picture
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I agree with you Fire. MLG Halo does not look like a mainstream streaming title. Unless 343i has something up its sleeve, COD seems to have the casting edge right now and that is worth a lot of dollars saved right there for MLG as compared to Halo.

Looking to the bright side, maybe the smaller venues for Halo plus whatever MS has planned for competitive players may turn Halo 4 into a competitive giant in ways we never quite imagined.

I.E. Online XBLive events that eventually start paying reasonable dollars to larger numbers of the community.

Thu, 08/23/2012 - 10:27
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Oh! Thanks for sleuthing.smiley

Thu, 08/23/2012 - 15:06
DarthTabasco's picture
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I totally agree with Fire's comments too. I think it would be more of an upset if Halo won out over COD for the MLG circuit.

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