SDCC 343i Developer Panel
Sun, 07/15/2012 - 19:58
SDCC 343i Developer Panel
This is good, I think.
New vids of Flag assassinations for example.
Even if 343i ultimately fails, I believe they will have cared and tried to succeed.
I find Kiki strangely Hot. Don't tell my wife.
It's the Halo talking.
KiKi kinda scares me.
The one thing that I took away from the panel was that after 10 weeks of Spartan Ops missions that mode may run out of steam for Firefight fans. Will they just replay the 50 missions or will they always be avaliable to play when ever you want.
Numerical acceptance for the new mode plus total game sales will be the biggest determining factors governing a second or third season.
Let us not forget Halo 5's development cycle requirements too. So many potential factors there.