Social Skirmish S02E01 - u4iX Rants (A surprising rant)

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#1 Tue, 10/23/2012 - 22:34
DEEP_NNN's picture
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Social Skirmish S02E01 - u4iX Rants (A surprising rant)

I keep getting surprised by people. Who is going to surprise me next?

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 06:01
DarthTabasco's picture
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"Halo is changing. Deal with it!"


Wed, 10/24/2012 - 08:22
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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So a person who receives money from ad placements while streaming wants a game that caters to casuals so these influx of casuals may watch his stream.  Hmm, that doesn't sound suspicious at all.  156

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 08:42
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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Can I get a quick synopsis of the video?

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 08:50 (Reply to #4)
OMGaLaserPewPew's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

Can I get a quick synopsis of the video?


Hey guys, if the game caters to casuals then more casuals will watch streams of Halo 4 instead of playing the game but they will be able to understand what's going on because apparently it was too difficult in the past Halo titles to realize snipers spawn on the map in the same spot or when the announcer says "flag stolen" the enemy took your flag, that's why we put a big waypoint over your head!  But we're not going to mention that the majority of these casuals will leave Halo 4 a couple weeks after it's launched to go pick up the next COD title.  



Wed, 10/24/2012 - 09:37
Lbsutke's picture
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he was also making the point that if casuals can follow the game more easily, they will be more likely to watch the streams. Creating exceitment for casual players which hopefully would lead them to watch more AND participate more, hopefully transitioning to a more comp style of play as they watch more competition style play.


He was also saying don't shit on the game if it has stuff you do not like to play, because stuff will get worked out (by MLG) and keeping social type play keeps the population up instead of leaving to go to another game. Which means that a  healthy game poppulation is good for all styles of game play.

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 10:13
Ghost92's picture
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My synopsis of what's happened:


MLG to players ->  You guys better get your heads on straight.  We know you hate Reach.  We know that 343 is doing things in H4 that make it "noob friendly".  But here's the thing.  Those noobs pay your bills.  They make your prize pools possible.  Football players, baseball players, and others make money and lots of it because those noobs like to watch and they pay to watch.  Rules in baseball change to generate more runs.  Rules in football change to score more points.  This makes it exciting.  Rules don't change because the pros think it would make the game more competitive. 

So, unless you want the tourney prize to be the leader of the circle jerk, you better start hyping the game and get those other jackasses that are bad-mouthing the game to change their tune.  Otherwise, you might as well start looking for jobs flipping burgers.


In other words, I think a good deal of these pros have been given a business 101 lesson.

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 11:50 (Reply to #7)
DarthTabasco's picture
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Ghost92 wrote:

My synopsis of what's happened:


MLG to players ->  You guys better get your heads on straight.  We know you hate Reach.  We know that 343 is doing things in H4 that make it "noob friendly".  But here's the thing.  Those noobs pay your bills.  They make your prize pools possible.  Football players, baseball players, and others make money and lots of it because those noobs like to watch and they pay to watch.  Rules in baseball change to generate more runs.  Rules in football change to score more points.  This makes it exciting.  Rules don't change because the pros think it would make the game more competitive. 

So, unless you want the tourney prize to be the leader of the circle jerk, you better start hyping the game and get those other jackasses that are bad-mouthing the game to change their tune.  Otherwise, you might as well start looking for jobs flipping burgers.


In other words, I think a good deal of these pros have been given a business 101 lesson.

A lot of truth in the above statement. I think these MLG "pros" learned this the hard way with Reach. 

Reach MLG is such a different experience from vanilla Reach - different settings, gametypes, maps, etc - I guess us "noobs" did not find it intriguing. I will say, however, that MLG, before bloom was removed, was boring and even with no-bloom it's tedious to watch. 

To cater to those of us in the "casual" and "noob" freindly crowd, we need a game close to vanilla H4 and on actual H4 maps and not a bunch of forge remakes. 

I guess we'll know in a few weeks if these MLG types really like H4 or if it's just lip service to gain viewers. 

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 14:11
Autarch's picture
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Man it'd be so cool to be able to get my hands on a game months early and whisper in a devs ear about changes I'd like to see, so I can make more money by being good at a video game.

MLG - well known players that get perks because they're well known

Wed, 10/24/2012 - 20:40
LegendcalledJim's picture
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Halo needs to be reinvented. HaloCE didn't have pro gamers in the beginning, people just played it because it was super fun and it evolved into a competitive game because its was that good and players stuck with it. Halo4 have a chance to do the same thing by bringing in new players or players that left long before Reach and a competitive scene will evolve as long as companies like MLG and Gamebattles don't throw the game back into the darkages of H2. 

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 06:58 (Reply to #10)
DarthTabasco's picture
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LegendcalledJim wrote:

... as long as companies like MLG and Gamebattles don't throw the game back into the darkages of H2. 


People will have to be willing to accept change and do not start immediately start taking stuff out of the game. Let's move beyond the "good ole days" and create some new memories. 

Thu, 10/25/2012 - 16:44 (Reply to #11)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

... as long as companies like MLG and Gamebattles don't throw the game back into the darkages of H2. 


People will have to be willing to accept change and do not start immediately start taking stuff out of the game. Let's move beyond the "good ole days" and create some new memories. 


Although I'm sure that some would love to do that, and I'd certainly like to try it out, just for the hell of it, that's not good, and the majority of the minority knows it, or, at least, that's how I read things.

Tue, 10/30/2012 - 22:42 (Reply to #12)
CannedHeat's picture
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DarthTabasco wrote:

LegendcalledJim wrote:

... as long as companies like MLG and Gamebattles don't throw the game back into the darkages of H2. 


People will have to be willing to accept change and do not start immediately start taking stuff out of the game. Let's move beyond the "good ole days" and create some new memories. 

Both of these. 

Reach has it's issues for sure but the current MLG type is a complete joke and completely unwatchable. I loved MLG in H2, thought it was good in H3 but Reach... it's bad... it's more like a Frankenstein version of H2/3. Keep it very close the the real game and I'll stay interested.

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